Rob Student

Louise and Dorothy

Soles assswrr! at £43090 0rd asslsfam' manaqw a! manner Exmango

Good, Out there's "ct er‘o-ugr‘. roorr‘

:0 dance The snow was exC(>01:0na', We venue was ternb'e

Ian Studenl

Fraser and Vic Inter/or designer and IT (oust/Iran!

Name Occupation 'I! was exce :(W, |' .e new new "x;

I: was exceilertt apart frOm the ‘0".761'0 to I ‘0.’ ages

venue "

Farrow He s a great ca'mer and a" estiem we ;)0rf0rr"er '7'

What did you think?

Matt Gan/us

Michael Book seller

Ben Actor

Ian C memo prolectm/mt

Name Occupation

"t "-< ;t iT()()3y—T\."f,/: (:(‘SO'VOS t0 d?"/!" "g e'se won (: no (>"‘:)a"as.v‘q At'x.‘"‘:;.'~"018".sv

I"Y‘ a", "d:)l)‘/<10<)u°.<i.' L" 3 Hi 1w Not so ma, "0'. so mo, "0'. so mm

)a .‘.‘()"(:v"fl.. i '<; '."a"-< "‘y g'd'Kldf), Buster


What did you think of the was": show so far? T" s Cm:

0 mxd'

Centrai’ and Southern Scotland, the puppeteer....

t e cartoon

A5 the month (orig Puppet Animation Festival opens qcroys we bring you an exa’w‘z're inside (ook at the wonderful Id}: of

In performance , dhe deem-"q spiritual

Pow-mews {rest thcirrnppecs At a fes'u'ud like fins, and to snare filleir

with reverence , ref/Jewry the andé’nt {radr'u'ons

of [afloat - Hid/([179.

___. ivy“

Tin; Moody thSQ ,

puppet. em from all over are UK. Conger together (0 share 0’16?!" magical eXPer'iences of bringing

' 3‘),

.‘vmr “(1-25. 8 ~10.

tL'/.I(V].f‘\“ L's" q~%a.7! .

Right,’ Gm? t‘. 1 ‘3 here“ .'. I’m .1qu it Cut all (t5

SUMQS OH AUG; siwkya rod up lts ai’w "mead?

theatre to a young audirnre.

I am never doing a 3110*; at f>oledf<m1 cesare (ewe

again .’ a .. A058 ku‘xb LI"~'>L“.O be in J bofjtaH

I“: '5‘ \. '3.)

A" (“3“ k. JB'V)‘


-"rG'V . / 7‘ » (5 -, ‘L."V""- b flit/a0 C :)€- .Cf (41‘s., . " . 4" / I tgd JAC‘Q; Whisk,“ efle

11.30.61 \Kivj

.A z- I" w”. W: Ht CU I“ 11.3 A {C "L “J

into {1,th chainchwh

:md punch one [rule I

enthusiasm for their chosen frvaSJ’wH.

There's Ac: rapect for pupaetm m {nis gown-t4. Rea; {hum it?) JVSC ' (is, doI/ywagfilmg for h

(1696?, due“? Lyiklapcm 00‘ (mayo Europe)

soe'o' be treated

120 THE “31' $0 Mar 713 Apr 2000

as gurus.

art" of breaching life 5W0 One—"WW mgr/(res a mcdrtatr've focosofcncr y and an «mom

of calm (mantra r

b; n l‘ ‘. ' .irl’J.;V 1: .9. VF


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