120 THE LIST ‘6—33 ‘.

We saw you

Name Occupation

What did you think?

Name Occupation

What did you think?


The most farmus mos/0am me WHO/8 world

"fire" C c Siva". B'a tone to 1;" to ’.'. cnae St 097'

Jenny B C/nema x/orker

Ext'e'w , amasng;

John Peel 0; am raconteor

1"" "o'. 5'” "9 but He “ad a


Paul Dale Bomb

"‘o 1;“. '. some: (rt: .03

Sylvia Student


Ca fe proprieter

'! came to see Ares St'ac arc t~.fcgr.a acc “$5 a Dee" 9000 ‘x Jom‘ Fee '3 a 9000 comoe'e

l'. .‘.dS 1"? s ggest oac c‘ S",'.€- ":e c a cog '. "‘e a": s 90'.

Steven Bum

,YOv ("OUJ "

you $29" to scogs am :"e’; 9 we you Merges? We" 1"oag"’.o’a caooage oacge' "er

ste"ec to A'ao St'ao'

Nicola Osborne Eng/neenng student

1"'O..g" as '“VC” 0' 18.5 {Cu C



l’. "60 a "830/ 08!? a" €"C "g .'." C"


The controversial fi

1m re~release that everyone’s talking about...


be aliowed!...


assault on on our

Weilges i suppose < it is a Prettv :dtsturbing Hm. ' FIVMRNO, i mean _ this pojtcr. At. that WM 705 airbfushmg. >- ...And (AS {of the lemony--

C:--~:~-——x~«—'-J Cm? I’M appalled! . Outraged! ,v First 0183 fe~releosc The .t , Texas Chainsaw Massaae a and now (5.... f Hundreds of poundszped L oh’ the value of mg rare pirate video coliection.‘

This shOuid nem-

It’s a disgusting

«5 a n lvaiues! f ' .undmeta j


sum “4' ‘3 \ 4 v‘

"H I” 'v'.

i do wow 3' aboutihe eat < . 0 this film might 4 a have on the * J 00/) » 7 . .‘ g A stylistically intloenuai " > ' piezeJceanlg, but. 1‘ J _‘ arguably, lacking the ‘"‘"""‘ '“93'9‘?! ' subtlety of Burgess‘s \ :1 “93"” “OM” Oneiinds Kubrick‘s ' ~ 3:: L 7_ '3' suck portromisof , M 9M V--. , fie; - .m- A oVCfvglamorIZ?dg "7 I—- often misogymstic » ~ "- " '7 w’otence uklmawg , a. -' - 3 momma”... j" r' ' L‘: v' i, /“ "J‘\;"F _’,/ r ' fxg-gfa" "_,/' k “'77' ‘9-

Marv: .ngard r13 atom


la Livonq Qr'tf‘t'af’c li/asst‘cat (pong;

How loveng We'll go to t we (am‘ig ,monée at The Dommw'lughall we?

’1 310mg mav‘. ci€'£‘~0'r"§'19


A mmd/eis

men in blatk bowler nae?




W5 recrelease is Symbofin o‘ the New Scotland... The reinstatement of oat democratic right tae

“3099 maturelg with Kubrick’s exploration 0’ ditFicult soa‘olo {cal issues...


see loads 0‘ r w‘o/emean'that. “.3 . V 7. it


Oh wow.’.. It's what, I’ve been waiting for Fof 733’ lknovu...Th€ finy public

screen M9 for three decades!

Not that/~-

I’M talking

about this new pie outlet moored M W food section -