The Basement
Broughton Street.
557 0097.
Restaurant guality food at pub-grub prices, served 'til 10pm in lively, colourful surroundings.
Cuba Norte 0 192 Morrison Street. Ad “b 221 1430
Benvenidos! Welcome to the authentic premier palador. Dance,
111 Hope Street.
Back soon, Ad Lib gourmet burgers, classic cocktails. Live music & DJs.
Wine and dine in Cuba Norte sunshine. Anhouse HOte' _ _- 129 Bath St Dvagon Way 221 6789 74-78 South Clerk Street. A fusion of contemporary 658 1328 A cuisine and the best local produce. Cantonese, Peking and Szechuen Two restaurants & Japanese cuisine. Crispy duck, lemon chicken teppanyaki grin and seafood. A unique experience in an authentic Chinese setting. Brel bar: restaurant v—-~ —v~-—-- -—--—--—~——-~-— 39 Ashton Lane. m “‘59 342 4966. 83 Lothian Road. fir . A 229 5932‘ FILMHOUSE Unpretentious relaxed continental bar Re‘axedl atmospheric . restaurant offering Belgian cursme cafe bar, servrng great value snacks, + VaSt selea'on Of Belg'an beers' salads, specrals and brilliant cappuccinos draught 8‘ b0ttled~ 7105101 1'“ late. _ _ . ___._.--,...______ Pancho Villas Lianachan 26 Bell Street, Merchant City. 15 Blackfriars St. 552 7737 556 6922 , Mexican born owner of Pancho Villas A relaxed O|d Town coffee Mayra Nunez hopes to bring some of 5709 59”an ll9ht meals With Organic the real Mexico to Scotland. hot drinks and jurces. Buen provecho,
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