Name Bahr Karim Name Mark Name Doug/Kirsty

Occupation Art Student Occupation Barman Occupation Students

Who would you most like to see Who would you most like to see Who would you most like to see

breakdance? Sam breakdance? The promoter of Wiggle breakdance? Bernard Manning/ Waggle Vanessa Feltz

Name Gena Date Sat Jan Name Jennie/Konlca Occupation Keeping options open Place The breakdance competition Occupation None given Who would you most like to see at Tribal Funktion,s eighth birthday, Who would you most like to see

breakdance? K€lih Fond/Q-Tlp

. breakdan e71 K /Mk T The Venue, Edinburgh C ay ay '9 yson

Name K9090”)ef T009 Name Paul/Mark Name Morbid

Occupation BreakdanCerS Occupation Doctor/Model Occupation Mechanics engineer and Who would you most like to see Who would you most like to see breakdancer

breakdance? My mother/Big Daddy breakdance? Dale Winton/Tony Benn Who would you most like to see

breakdance? Crazy Legs


Publisher Roo n Hodge Editor Alan Morrison

iDlTOR'AI Deputy Editor: Brta't DonaldsOn Assistant Editors Simone Baird, Miles Fielder, Mark RobertsOn Contributing Editor Hannah McCain, Research Heen Monaghan, Kelly Apter, ADlgali Bremner, P.ppa wngm LOU.” pearson

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ART DlREC TOR Stephen Chester PRODuc Hort Prwlufllon Manager Simon Armin Production Assistant MOIFB McFarlane DTP Nikki Turner Camera EClJ‘Du'gT‘. Make-up Serwces

Agenda Aian hlowson Art Susanna BeaumOr ' Books '- DonaldsOn City Life Louisa Pearson, Jane HamiltOn Classical Music Car0l Main Clubs S=mone Baird, Jack Mottram Comedy Steve Cramer Dance Steve Cramer Film ' l- -:« ' Film Listings Helen Monaghan Folk NOrman Chalmers Food Mona Jeffrey Frontllnes Brian DOnaldson

Jazz Kenny Matmeson Kids Helen Monagha Mum '- ‘4 nertsOn Rock Listings Mark Robertson Fl0na Shepherd Scanner lain DawdsOn StyleList Simone Baird Television Brian Donaldson Theatre Steve Virlnos z" in Donaldson

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The L51 COGS "016G003 'esponslblllty for ' a ‘-:nted by Scottish C0unty Press, Sherwood Industrial Estate, Bonnyngg, Midlothnan Tel 0131 663 2404

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