Toy Story 2

l‘x/lovre rnerchandlslng has a llfe of rts own - jUSI aslrt any parent who scoured the shops for a Buzz nghtyear doll dunng Christmas 1996 Soon they’ll be shelllng out for vldeo games, as Bu/z's

adventures contrnue In Toy Story 2, the computer anlmated movre and the 3D platform adventure. In both cases, Buzz has to gather up hrs playtlme

pals In order to rescue Woody

the cowboy from an obsessive

t0y collector, The toys are back

What you can’t afford to miss in the weeks ahead.

Music: Exterminator How httlng It

In town.

Toy Story 2 goes on general release on Fr/ 7 7 Feb. The vrdeo game ls ava/lab/e for

rs that the frnal album to be released on Alan McGee's CreatIOn label 18 an out-and-Out cracker from Bobby Glllesple and the

PlayStat/on, N64 and Dreamcast on Fr/ 4 Feb.

anal Scream team Taklng garage-punk and dub reggae to thelr loglcal extemes, Extc-Prmrnator Is the SOund of Bntarn crashmg Into a new century See revrew, page 43 Released on Mon 37 Jan Film: One More Kiss A Quartet of Scottish actors Valene Edmond, Gerry Butler, James Cosmo and Valene Gogan v glve world-class performances In lhlS movrng «but not sentlmental) story of a y0ung woman Wrth cancer Shot usrng only avallable light, the film's beautiful landscape photography compliments the Intensrty of the actlng See feature and revrew, pages 12 and 24, Music: Moby Whlle others worklng In the held of electronlca Just can't cut It In the Ilve arena, Moby has always Viewed hrs mUSlC as rock 'n’ roll, as hrs ecstatlc glgs show Rearranged dates have been rearranged once agaln, but he’ll be storming Scotland wrth tracks from Play very soon now See feature, page 10 Ed/nburghj The Ugo/d Room, Thu 3 Feb. Glasgow The Garage, Sat 26 Feb. Books: Mr Phillips Universal cntlcal acclalm rs one thlng, sales are another. Wlth his second novel the story of an ordlnary man havrng an extraordlnary day John Lanchester should see the plaudits l belng Jomed by pennles. See prevrew, page 88 Pub/Ished on Mon 24 Jan. Art: Bruce McLean Never one to adhere to conventions, the Glasgow-born artrst has challenged perceptions of art slnce the 1960s. ThlS show part retrospective, part showcase of new work ranges from publlc prolects to rnk Jet photographlc pnnts. See DFGVIQW, page 68 Ed/nburgh, Talbot che Gallery, Fr/ 27 Jan—Sat 26 Feb, TV: Clocking Off Paul Abbott, the wntlng brains behind Cracker and Touching Evrl, returns Wrth an anthology of stones set In a Manchester IEXIIIQS factory lf you need convrnclng, the Impresswe cast Includes Christopher Eccleston, Sarah Lancashrre, John 8mm and Lesley Sharp. See prevrew, page 93. BBC], starts Sun 23 Jan,