SOIJWJTHN 3”, V’x'l’rm‘l’f’/,'<rfr',r rr' ’3 Scorsese", Fundur a' r: “gar/rec: Borne") low arc: Heroes vr‘tc,

syrrrpho.’ res Here Paragor‘ ("srmrble Scotland dedrcate a" ehf re eve" "g to Mrs r‘trrirrrralrst sf; e a'r': pe"or" the UK prernrere of G/a;3.‘.corm

Five lGlasgoz': SLCC, 11/12 lv'rar ‘.'.'.trr brceps th'c‘rer t"=ar‘ e orne‘etfc-s and cheeky sr' es that Lo. (1 ‘r'st prr/e at any bonrwe baby coetest, thrs (llJlTlU‘iOflt‘t‘l‘irt.llV‘)i)"'l(}i510”{)(i'lf- wettrng pop extra/agan/a to the

SFC ( Actually, tr)ey"e the spark est of a pretty soppy t)a"( h o" boy pa"ds, so rt could be worse

Simply Red (ilasgow SECC, 13 Ma" The or-grna: grnger .vhznger pays a JISii north of the border to thrrl; the passes wrth hrs fit me—coloured tresses and coffee table pop rrrasterpreces, this

trrne from hrs "rev. alburrt love/1nd The

Russ/an Wmter

Primal Scream Ldsrtbur'gh Corr). Exchange, 13 Mar The Scream are or: frne and frghtrng form, desprte the troubl > up Creat'on ‘.'.r'ay Nov. expanded to an -mpressrve tee-prece outfrt, Bobby Grllespre and pals are guaranteed to tear the roof off wrth cuts from therr :ncendrary nevv.’ album Exter/nrrrator'

Brand New Heavies 'G.asgo‘.'. Barrc)\.'\.cla')cr, 18 Mar ire—at; c “ranges and a lengthy abse'te fro'“ f'e spot‘rgt”. haven't damper‘ec: t"e st)" ts o‘ these comm tted fur‘x adver‘ta'ers ,' ‘j'te wrg-out at tltzs resc t‘edalec: date

Gary Moore 'Glasgox‘. Barrowland, 23 Mar) There's never a guret nrght at the Barras Revered gurtar-wreldrng rock veteran Moore makes another v:srt to the home of brg rock grgs, wth more blues-rnfluenced frc ks

Sting r’Glasgow SECC, 23 Mar Tantrrc sex, rarn forest-savrng, huge brg grgs he takes rt all rn hrs strrde He may be gettrng on a brt, but he's strll packrng 'em rn, hrs popularrty, personal charrsma and monumental talent undrmrnrshed by years of nasty eres from :mmature Journalrsts

Beck ’Glasgow Clyde Audrtor‘rur't, 25 Mar) After clropprng the most lowdown, drrty, sexy funk srnce George Clrnton r'rnsed out hrs Jockstrap, in the shape of LP /'~/1rc/nrte l/u/tures‘, :ckle Mrster Beck has schedaled to brrng hrs newly burlt caravar) of trouser-splrttrng lust to the sedate surroundrngs of the Arrnadrllo Anyone who has wrtnessed hrs James Brovv'rt-esgue splrts wrll know what to expect

Richard Ashcroft rAlbam release, Aprr The shambolrc cremrse ragarnr of The Verve mrd-99 .sav. one of the UK's great banch go clown =ortg be‘o'e therr potentral had run out The front'nar‘. and arguably the brarns behrnd the band, Ashcroft returns wrth what rs rumoured to be a spectac triar‘ frrst solo LP

Prefab Sprout (Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 3 Apr) Many people could have safely presumed that Paddy McAloon had croaked or, worse strll, dropped musrc rn favou' of farmrrtg or sornethrng srmrlar' Hrs reapparance at the Concert Hali rn Aprl srgnals the return of one of the 80s great undervalued songv.r=ters

Live and direct: (from top) Beck, Death In Vegas, Everything But The Girl, Sting, Bush


Bjorn Again Ed": C 11'“ E-1c"a":;e, 22 AW 1“ s ‘ot were

(2“ c a Copa.“'s fa'.oa"te co.e's bar‘c), to the exte'”. that he cle'riandec: they be out or‘ the 0 il wrth Ninana at React 'tg Fest); a one year St l) the

p ggest ar‘d pest ABBA extra~.agar‘/a ,o. "e kel‘, to "c:

Blues 2000 ‘Ed 'ipurgl) Corr‘

Exc barge, 29 Apr l«.lakrng full crse of Ednbur‘gl‘s 'te\.'.'es’. custorh-burlt rr‘usrc nepue, B/ues 2000 promrses sortie of the US ar‘d Brrtarn's brggest names 1'1 blues r'iusrc over two stages The fest'val also proVIdes a space to Sll()\.'./((38(“ local talent and sample a r'ar‘ge of fare or‘ offer at varrous stalls, r'tcludrng food, crafts and the nevrtab’e CDs Detarls of the frnal br!l wrll be confrrmed soon

Macbeth Glasgov. Theatre Royar, Edrnburgh Festival Theatre, lvlay—Junr 'A world class festrva! produc tror‘ created on rts own doorstep,’ raved The Trrrres when luc Bondy's productron of Verdr's rnasterprec e premrered at the 1999 Edrnburgh Internatronal Festrval chhard Zeller and Kathleen Broderrck return rn the lead roles

Steps (Glasgow SECC, 5/6 May) The band of chorce for the natron's pre- pubescents, Steps' pop power rs unchallenged when rt comes to shrny harr, ear-to-ear srnrles, co-orclrnated dance moves and Bee Gees covers, they rergn supreme

Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra lGlasgow Royal Concert Hall, 18 May) Two class acts for the prrce of one here as the Labegue srsters, Katra and Marrelle, tom the German orchestra for Mende-ssohn's Concerto For Two Pranos Semyon Bychkov also conducts chhard Strauss's tone poem Err) Helderr/ebc-vr rn the last of the GRCH's Internatronal Serres

Shirley Bassey (Glasgow SECC, 21 May) Technrcally, along wrth Tom Jones and Nrcky Wrre, she’s now part of Welsh royalty, and Ms Bassey's exuberant charms strll seem far from drmrnrshrng Here we shOuld have no less than a couple of hours of non-stop c‘las'srcs

Big Big Country (Glasgow varrous venues, 24 May—4 Jun) The Scots have always had a specral affrnrty for Nashvrile’s rhrnestoned export and other world musrc, and thrs festrval wrll welcome names from home and away Last year's brll rncluded Cuba musrcrans Ruben Gonzalez and Ibrahrm Ferrer Detarls to be confrrmed shortly

BBC Music Live (Varr0us venues, 25 -29 May) Now Scotland-wade, the Beeb's musrcal extravaganza covers all genres and age groups Last year Travrs, ldlewrld, Ray Charles and Paul Oakenfold were among the names, so expect a srmrlarly hrgh standard Glasgow International Jazz Festival (Varrous venues, 5—9 Jul) Kenny Garett, one-trme John Coltrane guartet drummer Elvrn Jones and free Jazz orrgrnators the Art Ensemble of Chrcago were among the hrghlrghts at last year’s festrval, and 2000 promrses to be even better

Tina Turner rGlasgow Hampden Stadrum, 7 July) She may be older than


"as "‘e'e ta e".

" ctt‘te." "L}\ taut ' 1'\ 1'

t'ief. “axe a o' i"e'

bodies Fe't‘. \ea's " 1w z‘..s "ess stfl go no stre"c:

T in the Park tzx _. “at. sexe" ‘0' Scot a"::s c: :1':"..

fine ba'k Bttr', t"e " Basement Jaxx ar‘t: s 3: net: Baiado r‘ ‘99, 1r'te-urr ;:eta s f"e 2000 mode we st: smouaecz

'Ytysterv, but you ca" :tei i"e :‘ truest c‘ b'g names \.‘..:I be t'ee Tc, s' Po'taloos

Oasis 'Eclrrtl)t.'ctl e c: Va 2 29 July It's never a dc s 1:" 1' the band are wr’f'r‘c: c)” 1' e " Aft" a before the publc haze (aa . "ea'a :t Good or bad, Stand" c; 1% 7'»; Shou/ders Or‘ Grants ::,.:- it he released on 28 Feb'aa'. 1)).1)’. be somethrng to ta '- tri_1,.'_ f», ‘rnally arred 'rve at fre' " .t' shows rr‘ July

New Order IAlbu'r‘ 'e'-:-ase ' The recent huggrn ar‘c: ss " between Barney Suture“ a' r: not). , at the 0 awards rn [Jecerr‘be' goat) suggest that all rs welr r) t"e llex. Order camp After .'»."‘»at seerr‘s :ke about 80,000 years, l‘afc lwets ' are been burred and sor'ret" r‘g ' f to follow the lrkes of let “rt/due s w "‘e way as we speak l.l('<r" .'.'I re, :3 (- other two have had a ':e.'. tt'e: ll). Ahhh Arn't that rtrce’

Edinburgh International Jazz and Blues Festival rt drr‘ba'g’ , try/ctr; dates tbc' The ever-exr)a')dr"c; ‘(r// and blues fest played host to a Huge .ar ety of performers last year, suc n as Ra.) Coltrane, Brll \r’l/yrr‘rar’s Ryfr "' K egs, Clarre Martin and ta'r, Adre' lrpe". nothrng less than a ste' a! "21/ I)‘ t) r: names and local heroes

Flux (Edrnburgh, Aug dates Tbc l't- 1999 shows at Flux by Orb ta: aec: l: c r Cave numbered amor‘g tr e ‘a.’c;c.' fies rn The Lrst end of year pol. at 'l 1'.

take a mammoth effort to top year's brll But ‘~.'.'e're c r)'~‘~r:-’-' ‘.' e at Flux wrll do the baswes',

Mainline lEdrnbur‘gh, Atrg dates it): Small but perfectly for." en, ?.1a " was Cas Rock’s ar‘.s.'.'e' to a :yassruufa Edrnburgh musrc festuai No do .b‘. we'll see a frne se'c-cf o' o‘ oc a. a'”) overseas talent d'a‘.‘x"g r t'-e c once agarn

Planet Pop (Eclrrwparcy , lug: 'lait", '.:;< Another lrttle fest t"a'. s ags 'oaf ' August wrth the bg boys 5) (r' Cohen, Blacka'nr/ed a' c: Bros. Paf'o‘ were all present and .e'y cc)"ect

1999, and brgger and better tr r! gs are promrsed for thrs yea'

Big Big World r’Glasgo'.'. .ar pas venues, 11' 28 Oct: Hos: the p-ggest world musrc festrvar rr: “ate country, Bg Brg World draws art sis "a" oxe' the globe Last year, Glasgow welcomed a lrne-up rar geg ‘ro" Yothu andr to chrarc: 1" ps'J'

Tom Jones ’Glasgo.'. SECC, 17 Flow Hello, ladreee/ The lJ’JcJ'ry-‘(flCTL glrstenrng lOunge Ward struts ’: s though hc w he w ‘1 do ,ast ce to 'rs recent album of coxers oat l: 3 ranks of estrmable m-sfa's a r s to be seen

7—2; 2L3; THELISTB?