From left: Brad Pitt, Gail Porter and Marilyn Monroe

Best Book of 1999

1. Christopher Brookmyre: Not The End Of The World

2 Ian Rankrn: Dead Souls

3. Roddy Doyle: A Star Called Henry 4 J K, Rowlrng: Harry Potter And The Pnsoner Of Azkaban

S. Thomas Harrrs: Hannrbal

Wild cards Star Wars: The Actron Frgure Archrve, a drctlonary

Best Book Ever

1. Joseph Heller: Catch 22

2. Jack Kerouac On The Road

3. JR R. Tolkern' Lord Of The Rings

4. Charles Dickens. Great Expectations 5. Gabrrel Garcra Marquez One Hundred Years Of Solrtude

Wild cards Nrccolo Macchravelr: The Prrnce, Alex Garland: The Beach

Best Author of 1999

1. Ian Rankin

2. ChnstOpher Brookmyre 3. Alan Warner

4, E. Annie Proulx

S. Roddy Doyle

Wild cards Kenneth Starr, the scnptwnter of Walkrng Wrth Drnosaurs

Best Author Ever 1. Charles Dickens

2. John Sternbeck

3. Iain Banks

4. Ernest Hemingway

5. George Orwell

Wild cards Enrd Blyton, Dean Koontz, Alan Warner

Best Scottish

Restaurant GLASGOW

1. Air Organic

2. UbiQUIIOUS Chrp 3. Nalrn's EDINBURGH

1. Howies

2 The Wrtchery

3. The Tapas Tree

Wild cards Ashvale (Aberdeen), Jute (Dundee), Port & HarbOur (Greenock)

Best Scottish Bar GLASGOW

1. Brel

2. Stravargan

3. The Polo L0unge EDINBURGH

1. Cuba Norte

2. Black 80’s

3 Favorrt

Wild cards Cerlrdh House (Ullapooll, Mush leh (Tobermory), Speedwell (Dundee)

Most Desirable Celeb of1999


1. Brad Pitt

2. Robert Carlyle 3. Jude Law

Wild cards Stanley Kubrrck, Jeremy Paxman, Henrrck Larsson


1. Gail Porter

2. Daisy Donovan 3. Chrrstrna chcr

Wild cards Lulu, Natalre Portman, ’Bernlce rn Emmerdale'

From left: Not The End Of The World. Catch 22, Ian Rankin. Charles Dickens, Sean Connery, Jeffrey Archer and Scottish First Minister Donald Dewer

Most Desirable Celeb



1. Sean Connery

2. Robert Carlyle

3. James Dean

Wild cards eres Crane, Abraham Lrncoln, Bruce Sprrngsteen FEMALE

1. Marilyn Monroe

2. Lauren Bacall

3. Madonna

Wild cards Pnncess Drana, Came Frsher In her Return Of The Jedr outflt, Dorothy Parker ('for the banter'l

Idiot of the Year

1. Jeffrey Archer

2. Tony Blarr

3. Prince Phllllp

4. Donald Frnlay

5. Wllllam Hague

Wild card Australrans who voted for the Queen

Most Significant Event of the Year

1. Scottish elections and opening of Scottish Parliament

2. Convenrng of Northern Ireland Assembly

3. Scotland beating England at Wembley

4. The eclrpse

S. The new Star Wars frlm

Wild cards Breakthrough In deopherrng DNA codes of human chromosomes, Posh & Becks’s wedding, Armageddon

Competition winner

Congratulations to Laura Fargher

from Edinburgh who wins three

bottles from the Glenmorangle t;;.wr~1urwzll Wood FlnlSh range