‘llay'ing .lay and Silent Bob in the ttioyic throws a monkey wrench into the works from time to time. They represent the liyeryperson‘s \'lL‘\\' of religion. the people who get up. eat. think about fucking and then go back to sleep. They don't go to church and they don’t really think about religion. The idea was that they would be the pin that got stuck into the balloon it it got too inllated. letting some of the

onservative film.’ Kevin Smith

hot air ottt ol‘ the metaphysical debate and lightening things up a little.‘

liarlier this year Smith married .lennil‘er Schyyalbach. a former writer for ('5 7i)(/(l_\‘. and they now have a six-month-old baby daughter. Harley Quinn. The main changes in Smith‘s lil'e haye been getting Very little sleep and hayng to abandon his old lifestyle ol‘ sleeping. eating and going out whenever he felt like it. In terms of the work. though. he claims it hasn't been affected yet.

‘ll' I wind up like John Hughes [T/lt‘ Break/its! (Yul). Home .-\/on('. Baby‘s Day Out]. making movies about children and babies. just because [We had one of my own. put a bullet in my head. quick.‘

Dogma opens on Boxing Day. See review, page 30.

Tearaways to heaven: (clockwise from top left) Matt Damon and Ben

Affleck; Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith; Matt Damon and Ben Affleck; and Linda Fiorentino

The Seven

Celluloid Sins

The Gospel According To St Matthew (1964)

Sale, Or The 120 Days Of Sodom (1975)

I" lie ,, We "‘s 0‘ C.‘:t“0':(- Liarx st ""“(wer P er Pao'o Peso " .'.e"e o‘te" named at t"e "s stence 0‘ fire C"..rc" St ".fiartr'iesx "te'n'eteo’ t'ie

Hess as a no for eader,

e t"e t: recto's "a ‘i oe‘o'e "e as "uroereo, Ire "otcr o..s 5a 0, "a: tater: we Cunt" " ts 'exo t gram c 88M 0'9; 8((“08

Monty Python’s Life Of Brian (1979)

G 95903- C 3/ COWC e“ectrye?‘;.'

Dames t"e "‘ Dy “ems "g It

50%" .."Ge’ 5. 15

ce". ‘cate, e Eczz'parg, c "eras .'.e*e :3 meter: Donur‘ e He sto", Comm ,5: oca

c "e'ra a co"‘.ertec

Synagogue, 3"“..5 enoug" 'e‘..sec to o a; t"e a“, necesse tco"ta "ea 'too much grout "9' So do“ outrage ‘0" a " a“ Fat sat * ses 'e goes

at: taces 'at'e' 'e 9'0." tse

The Last Temptation Of Christ

Horse Thief (1986)

T anZl‘tiaitgx"..a"1;s"o.'.stne reat T!l)@°. t“"0t:t;“ tire story of' a Budd" St W“ 1, d" '.(—‘-" nto a non‘atic festy"e ‘.‘."0" fine husbands c" 'res cause the“ to be 0a" S'W‘tl n". the " troe The beauty 0‘ the nature and religion .5 cai_>t.i"eu Cr‘ (elkroti an, at {'10 "siste"(e of morks, the sequentes 0‘ Hi“ den ('1 pg; 861000 "e1 om (Wt-"7‘07 es ne'e- "(‘-.'“().'("C} ‘or We g" new: "9

The Last Temptation Of Christ (1988)

Mart-o Scorsese ‘5: tt“.. Iv adapted N:kcs Ka/artzak s's boo< and caused a" .ieroar v Amert‘d and aroma We 0rd for is oort'aya 0‘ C” St as a. figure torn netx'teer‘ d . "e dest and dose The faln‘, ends t“ a ’e"qt"j.' dream. sead wee (Tr Jesas escapes t*‘e truss to

a Sarter and sexda Marv Magde are

Visions Of Ecstacy (1989) N‘ge \‘. "genes S"O"'., " C" deolcts S: Veresa (one. at "3 t" Jes..s O" t"e C’OSS, 5 Te

0" ° .0 0e 3e" :15.

Religious outrage at the movies isn’t restricted to present-day Hollywood. .'..;~;s, Miles Fielder

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B asn'en . -c:..

Bombay (1995

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a A "(1.. am: (a i.7...s :a..sec: ' ots C" '."£: st'eets 3" "Ida: .433" Is 'eease (a: /, Emma/s message 3

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Taste Of Cherry (1997)

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