Name: Fay. Name: John Name: NlCOl.

Occupation: Economics student. Occupation: Corporate restructurer Occupation; Student

Where else in Edinburgh would make a Where else in Edinburgh would make a Where e|se in Edinburgh wou|d make a great new music venue? A nice, small great new music venue? The top of great new music venue? Somewhere “k9 envrronment,’ a real dive. Calton HI” the Potterronrl but blgger

Name: Nrcola. Date: Tue 7 Dec Name: Rachel

Occupation: Fllm festival programmer . . . Occupation: Sales assistant rn Mrss

Where else in Edinburgh would make a Place' Blur’ flrSt 9'9. at SGIfF'dgeS

great new music venue? Dynamrc Earth Corn Exchange, Edinburgh Where else in Edinburgh would make a great new music venue? A brg sports hall,

lrke Meadowbank

Name: Helen, Name: Thom. Name: VIC.

Occupation: ngh school student. Occupation: JOurnallst. Occupation: Radro 1 DJ.

Where else in Edinburgh would make Where else in Edinburgh would make a Where else in Edinburgh WOUId make a great new music venue? Our great new music venue? The tunnel a great new music venue? Cafe Graffltl Cloakrooms. between Waverley and Scotland Street don’t let them close It down.


Publisher Ron 9 Hooge Editor A a" filo" so"

EDITORIAL Deputy Editor: Brza". Dona oso" Assistant Editors S "‘:)"(" Ba '::, es F e ::e', r*(‘:""<i" .‘.';C: ~'.'d'-: Rose'fsc" Research Helen. lilouao'a", Keg. Ante'l A1: oa B'e't‘w', 9cm o": _::t. sa Reta'so"

SALES AND MARKETING: Sales and Sponsorship Director M "O Russo Sales Executives At) ca Bugess, s'.oo"<w P'~ as Sales and Marketing Executive Amav‘oa Llanga Circulation Se'<;e D -. ’.<)

ADMINISTRATION Accounts Manager Georgette Re’w‘. u Accounts Assistant Manager She a;Lea" Accounts Assistant Szot'. Ca"‘:)t)e Reception 8021‘, Ot‘e'r‘ar‘ Glasgow Office Ja"e Ha"‘ .20“ ART DIRECTOR Stewer‘ Cl‘este' PRODUCTION Production Manager 5 A ~~~ " Production Assistant Mo 'a altar are DTP H ',."‘e'

Camera Ed more" Mace-an Ser‘. (es

Agenda A a" Mo" son Art Susa'v‘a Bea::v*vo"t Books 8' a" 30%; ::s<:" City Life _:::: sa Dea'sc", Jame Flam 10" Classical Music Ca'o Ma " Clubs 8 "one 8;: 'C Jan. Llott'an‘ Comedy Steve Cra'ner Dance Steve Gamer Film l.l es F e (:e' Film Listings He e" ’.'.o"a<;"ar‘ Folk N<>'"‘a“ C'a Me's Food Mo 'a Je“'e,' Frontlines 8' a" Doea (:so"

Jazz Ken"; ixiail‘PSO" Kids He e" Monao'a" Music Hawk)" l.': C: Han: Rome'so" Rock F (Va S'*e:>"e'<:, Roooe' E.a"s Scanner la " Da. oso“ StyleList S-"o'e Ba '0 Television 8' a" Doea‘o'sov‘ Theatre S:e.e C'a"‘e' Travel 5 "‘<:"e Ba «2 Videos 8' a" Dona oso"

©1999 T"e L st LtC ROD'OOuC: O" " \.‘."o e 0' " 0a". s‘0'1)::<:e“ 1'12”: t"e fife" :)e"" ss 1)“ o‘ t"e 1;».1) s'\e's

The L s: does not acceo'. 'esoonso' '1, ‘o' wso C :ec "‘ate' a 9' "rec: :1. Srott s" Can‘t. D'essl S"O’.’.CC)CI Weds? a Estate, Bow; or), Ll c: of" a" Te 0131 663 2404

120 THE lIST l6 Dec l999~6 Jan 2000