Amnesty Auction

Notions of freedom hate plagued thtnKers throughout trme E‘.€H George Mchael penned a tune m an attempt to clanfy the matter In Aprll, Amnesty International Int'lted a batch of Influentral Scots to put therr own musmgs onto paper, leadrng to the Representat/cms Or" Freedom exhibrtlon and auctron Among those berng put under the hammer are the prctured cartoon by Martin Rowson, accompanied by the words of Gordon Brown, ANNIE Lennox's drawing of the Dalar Lama and COHITIbUIJOflS from the lll<€S of Garl Porter, Tommy Shendan, Shirley Manson and James Mactyhllan.

The Amnesty /nternat/ona/ auctron takes place at Traverse Theatre Bar; Ed/nburgh on Thu 25 Nov, 7pm,

The World Is Not Enough

" ' » V James Bond has been accused of not moymg mm {no pmeg as {at as female for Mb 15 an EVUIIHa' 0 t0 LN dtk l1 tcc‘t: -_ _ equalny lg (omcernedg The appedrmme Of NMUWOHO Yeoh m TOINOHOV/ Never 0’95 h'med “1 a” “CONN”? <33 OJJJJOSGU to merely bedmate role but It r 1‘ t . t; h: H I I I but EN. so many other; f 8L “0 l Q d mdl U l looks Jrke Bond rs back to hrs hoary old ways again. The Vt/or/d /5 Not is Why E51 ‘1 INTEKKA I it; ,\' -\L Enough has the outlandisth named Elektra King (Sophie Marceau) and ' - - ‘lear screntrst Dr Chnstmas Jones lDCHISG Richards) commute the |Ong hnp W auvcs such an mt ‘utfivl . _ nuc v y \ ma 5 so much dad l Of leaGmg ladies whose role Is to be shaken and stirred 60(dOfl Bron wt. The Wor/d /s Not Enough rs released on FM 26 Nov 599 [pt/levy, pdgp 28V


It always happens, doesn’t It? You're a common or garden astronaut on a straightforward test mISSIOH and you get spun SOOO lrght years Into the future Bugger. Thrs us the lot of John Crichton (Ben Browden who ends up on a spaceship full of trouble rn new scr-h senes, Farscape er Henson’s puppeteers are In action to create some very OUIlaHdISh dllC‘nS whrch combrne wrth the lrve action to give the BBC another surefire futuristlc hit.

Farscape starts on BBCZ. Mon 29 Nov, 6.45pm