Date: \Ieo 10 NO\ Place: Em nem gig, Barrovfland, Gfasgou

we saw

Snapshots of city life

Name: Alex. Name: Anwar Name: Anya

Occupation: Pizza chet’. Occupation: Student. Occupation: i\.ieC|C8i student

If you were a rapper, what would you be If you were a rapper, what would you If you were a rapper, what would you be called? MC Tiger. be called? MC Spiderhead called? MC Rizza

Name: Scott. Name: Angela and Joanne. Name; Demne

Occupation: Student. Occupation: Both still at school Occupation; 60mg 10 work m Malawr

If you were a rapper, what would you If you were a rapper, what would you be If you were a rapper, what wou|d you be be called? MC Kl” All Bams. called? All 6 and MC Ange! Dust. called? MC Ziggy

Name: William. Name: Stuart. Name: ROSIE.

Occupation: Unemployed. Occupation: Student. Occupation: Entertainer

If you were a rapper, what would you If you were a rapper, what would you If you were a rapper, what would you be called? Big Will. be called? MC Slinky. be called? MC Gypsy.


Publisher Rot) " Hodge Editor A a" -'.‘.o" so" EDITORIAL: Deputy Editor: 3' 5:" Dow. use" Assistant Editors S mow Ba '1: a" 3::“5: ::s::", es F e :2e', "owns" 33:”- Research He 0" T.’o"ag"ar‘, Ke Aste'. At: ga

B'e""‘e', P one gt‘t. Lou so Peta'so"

SALES AND MARKETING: Sales and Sponsorship Director .'.' "r: Russo Sales Executives A1335: assess C“ st::::"e' 3" as Sales and Marketing Executive A'v‘a'wza Circulation Se'ge D . to

ADMINISTRATION: Accounts Manager Ge<r<;e::e Rew. Accounts Assistant Manager Sm (a Ma: Accounts Assistant Stott Canine

Reception Betty O‘f’em‘a" Glasgow Office J<‘:"(‘ Ha”:- 20"

ART DIRECTOR: Steo'e‘ C"es:e' PRODUCTION: Production Manager 510:)“0” Cf"es:<>' Deputy Production Manager S '

Production Assistant Mowa Mcde are DTP in KN Tt."‘.e' Camera Ez: "0.19:" Mate-Mo Se'. (es

Agenda Auto. Mor'tso" Art Susam‘a Beaumont Books 8! (1." Dow: (:so" City Life to. so Sé'ta'szr‘, Jaw Ha" to" Classical Music Co'o Ma " Clubs S "fooe 86: '6,

Ron; Weke' Comedy 810.9 C'a'V‘e' Dance S:e.e C'eime' Film LI es F- e (:e' Film Listings do 0" I.'.o"a<;'*a:" Folk Nome't Cw: "‘e's Frontlines 8' a" Doe-a cso"

Jazz Ker‘ny i.«Ia:".:eso". Kids He 0" fonmagt‘a" Music Hant‘ar‘ McG Rock F on; S"e:)’*e’<:, Rood-3' Ears Scanner Ia " Do. use" StyleList S "‘ose 86: to

Television Boat: Do"aidso't Theatre Steve C'a'ner Travel S "‘o'te 80. '0 Videos 8' (2" Done <1s<)"

©1999 The List Lto Reprodch ov‘ ". who e or " oa't s ‘o'o ode" unat'ou: t'te ‘.'.'.'.Iet‘ new“ ss 0“ o" {"0 out) s'e's

T"e L st does not acceot 'esoor‘s o ’.y to :."so .c ted mate: a P' "tea {3; Scott s" County P'ess, Shem-.001: I"<:..s'.' (‘2 Estate, oo, .'.'..o ot" a" Te 0131 663 240-4

I8 Nov—2 Dec 1999 THE llST135