Name: Emma. Occupation: Philosophy student.

What's scarier than the Blair Witch? C hucky.

Name: Steven.

Occupation: I work for the Scottish Claymores.

What's scarier than the Blair Witch? The Exorcist, The Ami'tyvllle Horror . . .

Name: Lola. Occupation: English student.

What's scarier than the Blair Witch? Voodoo and psychopaths.

we saw

Snapshots of city life

Date: Thu 21 Oct Place: The Blair Witch Project preView SCreening, The Cameo, Edinburgh


Name: Graeme.

Occupation: Student.

What’s scarier than the Blair Witch? My Sink. Neil running around Screen 1 naked.

Name: Matt. Occupation: Cinema operative. What's scarier than the Blair Witch?

Name: Anna. Occupation: Student.

What's scarier than the Blair Witch? Havmg a shower when you’re stoned.

Name: Steven. Occupation: Biology and politics student.

What's scarier than the Blair Witch? I’m too stunned to think about it.

Name: Heather Occupation: Film student.

What's scarier than the Blair Witch? I didn’t live that long.

Name: Nadia. Occupation: Politics student.

What’s scarier than the Blair Witch? The Idea behind It.


Publisher Robin Hodge Editor Alan Morrison

EDITORIAL: Assistant Editors SimOne Baird, Brian Donaldson, Miles F elder, Hannah lleGill Research Helen lvlortaghar, Kelly Apter, Abiga. Bremne', Pippa Lousa Pea-'80". SALES AND MARKETING: Sales and Sponsorship Director IVTlF‘O Russo Sales Executives Abigail Burgess. Christopher Phillips Sales and Marketing Executive Amanda Mungal'

Circulation Serge Diwto

ADMINISTRATION: Accounts Manager Georgette RenWick Accounts Assistant Manager Sheila MacLean Accounts Assistant Scott CamobeI‘

Reception Betty Offerman Glasgow Office Jane Hamilton

ART DIRECTOR: Stephen Chester DESIGN: Simon Armin PRODUCTION: Production Manager Simon Armin

Production Assistant Moira McFarlane, Jeanette Lennartsson DTP Nikki Turner Camera Edinburgh Make-up SerVices

Agenda Alan MorriSOn Art Susanna Beaumont Books Brian Donaldson City Life Lowsa Pearson Jane Hamilton Classical Music Carol Main Clubs Simone Bard.

ROry Weller Comedy Steve Cramer Dance Steve Cramer Film Miles Fielder Film Listings Helen MOnaghan Folk N0rmac Chalmers Frontlines Brian Donaldson

Jazz Kenny Mathieson Kids Helen M0naghan Music Hannah McGill Rock Fiona Shepherd. Rodger Evans Scanner Iair‘ DaviOSO" StyleList Simone Ba '0

Television Brian DOnaldSOn Theatre Steve Cramer Travel Simone Baird Videos Brian DOnaldson

©1999 The List Ltd ReproductiOn in whole or in part is forbidden withOut the written permission. of the publishers

The List does not accept respOnsibility fOr unsolicited material Printed by Scottish County Press, Sherwood Industrial Estate, Bonnyr gg, M O‘O’."'8C Tel Ol 31 663 2404

113 THE “ST 4—18 Nov 1999