Date: Sat 4 Sep

we saw

Snapshots of city We

Place: Homelands Scotland, lnglrston.


Name: Andrew. Name: Chrrs. Name: Ba/al

Occupation: Student. Occupation: One thrrd of Hybrrd. Occupation: I’m an MC, darlrnq

Anthem of the year? Perfect Phase: Anthem of the year? Ramcrew. ’Trllogy' Anthem of the year? Bob Marley "I he Sun 'Horny Horns'. ls Shrnrng'

Name: Bev. Name: Baron Buggy D’lack. Name: Middle

Occupation: ' teach I do Youth Occupation: Dnver for Haggrs tours. Occupation: Joy promoter and DJ development work Wh'Ch do YOU want? Anthem of the year? Leftfreld: ’Phat Anthem of the year? Olrver Lrhe ’Super Anthem of the year? Delerrum: ’Srlence’. planet" Strmulatron'

Name: Hannah. Name; paut Name: Melrssa

Occupation: Student. Occupation: DJ, producer and A&R. occupation: PA '” LOHdOH C'IY Anthem of the year? Chemrcal Anthem of the year? ’Pullrng Wrth A Anthem 0‘ the Year? BHW'Y FHW'Y Brothers: ’Hey Boy Hey Grrl'. Gun' (Planet Perfecto), '19997


Publisher Robrn Hodge Editor Alan MorrrsOn

EDITORIAL: Assistant Editors Simone Barrd, Bfldll Donaldson, Mules F.e'de', Harman MC)» 6 Research He en I.'rr;"(rrtmav\, he ,‘tzrter, ftnroae Ei'e'W-en P my: {z' ' SALES AND MARKETING: Sales Executives Ahrqarl Baroess, Christov'te' Pow-aps Sales and Marketing Executive fume oa I.'r;.'t<:ai Circulation Se'ne I? t. '. J ADMINISTRATION: Accounts Manager Georgette R("l\'».l( '-\ Accounts Assistant Shem Mat Lean Reception Betty. Otte'wav Glasgow Office Jaw Ha" 1:2" ART DIRECTOR: Stephen Chester Cover design Srn‘tm Atrtzvn PRODUCTION: Production Manager Stepee" Chester Deputy Production Manager S r: m ' Production Assistant MOIrd McFarlane DTP Nikki Turner Camera Edrn'tnnqh Make-up Seru'tes

Agenda Alan Morrrson Art Susanna Beaumont Books Bean Donaldson City Life Brrar‘. Donaldson, Jane Ham tine. Classical Music C a'o' Mae Clubs S Wow 8.: 'r1. RWY Weller Comedy Steve Cramer Dance Steve Cramer Film Mrles Frelder Film Listings Helen Inlmufllhan Folk Nowar c m! nrevs Frontlines 8r a" Davao ,0" Jazz Kenny MathresOn Kids Helen Monaqhan Music Hannah I\I( Orll Rock Frona Shepherd, Rodoer Evam Scanner law: [)a‘. (130," StyleList S "‘()"t‘ Ba '0

Television 8rran DOnaldson Theatre Steve Cramer Videos Brran [)onaldson

©1999 The List Ltd Reproduction rn whole or to part rs IOrhrdden wthou! the tarrtten permrssror‘. of the pooirsl‘ers

The Lrst does not accept responSIbrlrty for unsolruted maternal P'mted by Srottrsh County Press, Sherwood l't(I;J\fIm‘ Estate, Bo't'tw no, 3.14103" at: Te 0‘ ti W33 Mil-1

9—23 Sen 1999 THE llST103