Beat 106 Summer and Autumn
Beat 106 — Scotland’s newest radio station — has poached its new Head of Music from Radio 1. 25-year-old Richard A @ B d
Wilkinson earned his stripes at Glasgow University’s highly u acclaimed student station, SubCity, before becoming one of
Radio is top producers. Wilkinson will spearhead the music Just SONIC) authars we ’1] be bringing v0“ agenda for Beat 106, c .,
which wt“ broadcast “9W over the Summer and Autumn months.
dance and rock to Central Scotland 24 hours a day.
The station is to be
launched by a group MeIVyn Bragg
including The List and \iVIH Friday 2()th August at lpm
have StUd'OS m bOth Mainstay of the South Bank Show will he instore to readjrom
Glasgow and Edinburgh. 'I’m delighted to be part of this project,’ Wilkinson
and discuss his new novel The Soldier’s Return
says. 'Beat 106 Will Sir Alex Ferguson
prowde an eXCiting ‘ x ‘ v '
alternawe for the youth Monday ()th Scptcmbci at 5pm
of Central Scotland. lt's Sir Alex Will he instore to sign copies ot'his auto/)iograp/1y 90mg ‘0 be a 'T‘US'C Managing My Life.
station With attitude — ’
something that is missing
north of the border.’ Roddy Doyle at the gft
89‘" 705 5””? Friday l()th September at 6.30pm
broadcasting in the , _ . , _ o . autumn, l/ie bestselling and Booker Prize ii‘inmng author H'Ill be
discussing and reading/rot)! his new II()\'(’l A Star Called Henry.
'I’ickets available from Borders
Michael Crawford
Thursday 16th September at 7pm
A unique opportunin to meet one of Britain 's best l()\'(’(l stars coinciding with the publication o/‘his autohiograp/1y Parcel Arrived Safely.
Brian Keenan and John McCarthy Friday |7th September at 7.00pm Between Extremes brings the two men together in print. travelling to the places they dreamed about during their captivity. Don 't miss this opportunin to hear them discuss their (ali‘entures in freedom.
Tickets available at Borders
Chris Dolan
Thursday 3()th September (‘ome along and celebrate the publication o/(‘hris l)olan 's first II()\‘(’l Ascension Day.
Colin Dexter Wednesday 6th October
To coincide with the publication of the last el‘er Morse II()\‘(’l. The Remorseful Day. (‘olin Dexter will he instore signing copies ((f/IlS eagerl_\‘ awaited hook.
98 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW Gl 3BA 0141 222 7700 I
19—26 Aug i999 THE usr 124