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we saw you at The List Festival Party
The fest/'va/ got underway in sty/e at The List’s annua/ bash, he/d on Thursday 5 August at Teviot Row, home of the /nternat/'ona/ Club Fest/val Thanks to the performers and everyone e/se who made it such a special nigh t.
Name: Name: 23a. :1 Occupation: Mame: no "hanger ‘0' 8c- "axe" Who would you put on the cover of The List?
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Who would you put on the cover of The List? Who would you put on the cover of The List? latte Lac. A "‘()"'.(‘:Clt‘ o‘ tut", fest .ta‘ posit” :91:
Name: SIM'XZ "(>S’."(‘:((: Occupation: Pe'fozwe' Who would you put on the cover of The List? 7'»:-
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Name: Jew;
Occupation: M) 2410". manager ‘0' a not) :Sl‘t” Who would you put on the cover of The List? Xeoa Lia" o' Princess
Name: Bet“ Occupation: Bass game's: :" MCXO’ Ht" Co Who would you put on the cover of The List?
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Name: Vix; Name: 8 "wow Occupation: Sta'
Who would you put on the cover of The List? You Roxy to over 50 years serx. (e to ( soiano
Name: Yogi Occupation: I); Who would you put on the cover of The List?
Occupation: .v moo, Who would you put on the cover of The List?
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Publisher Roz) " Image Editor A a" l.I(>"A,o"
EDITORIAL: Assistant Editors S"‘(I"t‘t‘i<i'(iy 91.!" i)<:"a(:s<:"_ ‘.1 vs; v :nr', Naomi" .‘.'; (; Research I‘(' e" . ' -’ r: .. ', . ,: SALES AND MARKETING: Director 8a . so" Sales Executives At: gm Barth's», C snow“ 3’" us Sales and Marketing Executive r:' a: Circulation ' ADMINISTRATION: Accounts Manager (:vo'twtto (« Accounts Assistant We a l.1a< Iva“- Reception Buffy. ()“t-mmr Glasgow Office ,w i»
ART DIRECTOR: SHOW“ t "mu" PRODUCTION: Production Manager Swoww ( watt“ Deputy Production Manager 8 -- o" .‘w-
Production Assistants Mo '(i Mth d"(‘, I.1(':"<:.' [)<>"().dr‘ DTP N w; l:."‘(" Camera It: "{):.'()" Maw-at) Se". (in
FESTIVAL SECTION EDITORS: 93m-1pm/1pm-3pm (moo Siesta". 3-6pm 5 "one 8am 6pm-8pm Stem ( 8pm-10pm Maw. R<;:;t"',‘,o' 10pm-Late Ex 4' 2w ' - ' Agenda A a" Mo" so" Art Susanna Bean'Vo'”. Books 8' a" Ilo'v: (130" City Life Br Dom LN)", Jan- Mar:- to" Classical Music < m, Hm Clubs 8 '- rx v 5-1,: "1 ‘ ‘.'.'v w Comedy Stew ('ra'vzw Dance $10314 'a'wv Film M es? (' ow Film Listings iie e" I.I()"(:(;"d" Folk Humid“ < "(‘1 ~ w. Frontlines 8' m (my, ::,,«,‘ Jazz v ' , Main mo" Kids He 0" i‘.It)l‘(i(ll1(I" Music iia'v‘a" I.I< (r Rock I ()“a S"t‘":)"t"'(), Room" I .d'w Scanner M " 0a. mo" StyleList 8 " 11' v Eit: 't: Television 8' <:' I: ':, ,' Theatre Stem C 'd"‘(” Videos 8' a" Do'taioso"
M1999 T"(>l s'. lit: Reo'ottat to" ' .. T'v I 8'. (tom "of (mm): '(>s:)()"s 0-: 1y ‘0' :."so < 1m: "nit" a .3” "Tot: I). Stot'. s" ( ()L."'..' P't‘S"), S"<-'.'.<>o<: i"<::.»'.' z: isftx'wfiBL"".'T:’2,'.:(1f;f"«:' it- 3'" ,’ rug-g . -2C-2
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18 THE lIST 12 l9Aug 1999