Sun 25 Jul. .-\n e\hrhrtron comparing par'liatnentar} I‘lllItIlll:l\ lll tlrlt‘erent countries lr'oru \Vextnnnster to I.t1t!l\ Khan‘s parliament lll Bangladesh. Sn Nornran I'oster'x remodelling ol‘ the Retehstag lor the hen (ierrrran par'lranreut in Berhn and ()sear .\errne_\er '\ axxetrrI‘I} III III-RISIIIII. [HI/7 r'l (Tilt/\L'I’H /‘/(/(/ MITCHELL LIBRARY
.lanres .\lorr Hall. North Street. it!" 3%“) Mon 'lhu ‘)artt- (Spur; l‘rr Sat ‘t’attr 5pm Cardonald College Graphics In .1 Sun 37 Jun. Recent \\orI. trout this team IINI) arrtl .-\tl\ .ureetI lhplonra students, PENTAGON CENTRE
36 Washington Street. III I l 1.1 Mon -I“rr Illanr —opnr
lndian Spring l‘utrl l~rr 3x \t.u \t‘\\ work h_\ Iileeua Mantle
Centre Iiorl1e\elopnrent.rl Mrs. M :\|hron Street. 55: ESE: \lon I'!!‘.l 5pm Designed To Wear I‘utrl In .1 Jun Textilex It} _\oung people aged heltteea 3~~ Io. created tlururg .r (ilthgou schools sehenre run h} l’roreer \hrlrt}.
I IS Douglas Street. SIS o ‘~.\o. \lon I'r'r 10.30am 5pm; Sat III..‘\ll.tttr lpnr.
Terry Barron Kirkwoodt nttl Sat 4 .Iurr. ()tlx. \xaletc‘olourx .utrl rtn\.xl media works.
SCOTTISH MASK 8r PUPPET CENTRE S-lll Iialear'rex .-\\ enzre. Rein :attale. “8‘ NSF. .\lon \\etl Illarrr <g‘!ti. Sat ! Sl‘rn Thu N In In apporntrnent
Design And Scenography In Mask And Puppet Theatre I nttl It: 1! l)ee
(‘r'al't arrtl tlexz-Jr: iron: '73; gurprmt Ilre...r rneluthng \et tI\‘\lf.'l‘.\. tirofleN .rut (Il'il\\l|l:_'\ to xxorltrrrf; Ii}"!le'\ anti IIl.l\I\\ l’rll'l it! (Ir/(Hewitt /‘/‘/‘/
Iitnnreston (Qua). IS" “A” I'r-z
rnlorruatrou call lx’l \S on Hi i! 3.?" 7 From The City To The Spoon 'l‘hu 27--Sal 3‘) .\la_\ The Architecture and Design eonlererrce looks at tlexrgn to all ll\ lornrx .\l\ Illlt'CIx tlexrgners. Iantlseaperx and other protexxronah antl IItlll-[TI'UIL‘SSHtlltlI\ trout the luoatl range ol'thserplrnm \xrll he talorry part (inext speakers inelutle lx’on '\I§ltI. Ktlxl} \Vat‘k. (‘harlex (‘orrea. \ltrrra}. (irrgor'. I’aul Snntlr. lirrrrc .\lrr.rl|e\. _Ia\ ret Martseal. |<rehartl Rodger arul I)a\ ItI I’age.
Showcase For The Millennium 't‘Im 2'7 Sat 3" \I;r\ -\\ part ol the .-\tehtteettue antl I)\‘\lt.'tt corrlerenee. a major trade exhrlutron \lro\‘.e.r\rng \xork h} arehrteetx, tt|l1\l\. tlexrrners and IlllItISL'Hlk' .nehrteetx
.»\eeonrpant rug the ruarn tratle \lro\~.. Is the .-\rehrteeture .rntl l)e\r;_'n ltool. larr. The \ttleo \\;rll. Seottrxh I>e\r;'u :\\\artl\ antl e\hr|\rtrorr\
3o Krng Street. “I :3". If; \_:3
Want S Itlpr'.
Death's Dance Floor ' :n:. x..: .jtr l..r. .»\ \errex o! 2mm, :. of x In \llll\l lat: Hiya} 1:2' tltlelt‘tetx 'Ir.’ .fliqx‘wtzcu. o! I I;.' Dance-MIL.-ll'..t.: I..' '1: .l.:\\o‘. IIlt‘c'\IllI‘lIlttEi .Il‘ I..f. .lIItIII"\I\IItII gut-c. ' L lll‘r;tf_’t‘\ o! site'ieiar 2.1: . .‘:\ m :IL..:r:;._‘ ".o
\3trrc'-prrl\etl rrrnxn “vote-so! l-Zorr
(It't‘\tll. St"; It'\ rev.
:5 Krng Street. {*3 i-Sl; l;:.- \t'. llarn Spur
Sound Of Grass t r::;'. \9 Jr \t..;. II.1}IL'§.:zttiSrr.- lo::.;"r.;r.\ \ " \ttrtI. lot the $9.33th :1: 'I.‘:\ 11.91; coll.rl\or;rtt‘.c ; we; Dead Flat Vertical t 32!“. S..t \t..\ (II.t\:_'t\‘.‘. IXAL'. .:?". T \.3'.. I'L.‘_~.‘ '\ \lfirzit"
rtev. \urrl. to: tit." “.;\ctrr.'..‘
TRAVELLING-GALLERY I‘ot .:.fe‘..:r1.‘ §().\_‘, Kt) :o
it!:;:. :.;:'
Threshold tjnril Wed 21 Jul. 'l‘he 'l'rmellrng (IilIIL‘l'} 's new \Iltlw features \tork h} Kate Belton. Nathan Cole). loll] Hunter. Stephen Cooper. Gar} Perkins and Zoe Walker who explore the home as a tItllllL‘SIlL‘ em n'onrnent. a \xork ol' architecture and a plaee ot' \anetuar}. The galler} \till he stopping ol'l at .\lrlton (‘onrnrunrt_\ ('entre (Thu 2,” May 1. Mar} hill llousrng ()t‘l‘tee (Sat 1‘) .‘»la_\ 1. (‘artlonaltl librar} (Wed 3 .ltrrrl: Scotland Street School \lttseunt (Thu 3 Jun) atttl Hurrell (Tolleetron (Hi .1 Jun).
TRON THEATRE ()3 'I‘rongale. 55: 43(17
Theatre Designs ITntil Wetl 3n .lun. An Insight rrrto the backstage \\t)l'ItI ot' theatre tlesrgn t'eaturrng tIl'ilWlllgS. sketches and art \tork front the nrrllennral _\outh th'artra S/reer/ /\’Hll.
TRONGATE STUDIOS GALLERY IS Alluon Street. 553 2832. Mon I-rr lllanrr-Spnr.
Craig Henderson t‘nul Ht 4 Jun. Reeent parnttngs.
This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other museums, see Glasgow Life, page 78.
:\rg'\le Street. Kelxrugrm e. 35“ INN. _\lon Sat Illarrr Spur; Sun llarrr Spur. (XII-C. I'l't‘c‘.
Food: Design 8: Culture I'ntrl Sun 23 .-\u;:_. The preparation ot IINNI eorrrhurex metal ritual. aesthetics. technology and :anetrorrahr}. lhrx mhrhrtror; e\anrrne\ izou tlexrgn elleets our attrtudes to tootl .:\ \\ ell as protrthng .ur lll\l}_‘Ill tttlo the cultural Ilt\lttl'_\ ol'(ireat British euNtte. l’o’l‘.’ (’l (r.’(r'\;'rr'.r' /‘/‘/‘/.
Architectural Miscellany l'ntrl l~rr ll .lun. \\atereolour\. than rugs and prints hour the galler} \ c‘tlIIL'L‘llttllx. l'eaturrng than rugs h} (ila\go\\ arehtteetx such as .I.t|ilL‘.\ Black I-uhon and John Keppre arrtl \\tl!I\ I\_\ Sir \lturheatl Hone.
Going Out In Style to :5 Mn} Sun 33 \ttg I~ree. (‘reatetl at I’aa .loe'x \\Ul'I\'\IlUP rn Accra. :\trrea. these unique eoll'urs ean he inatle-to-nrea\trre tn the tornr ot' t'\t‘t}tlrrrr;.! hour a hoat or hon to an onion or \It‘t't't‘tltN.
The I‘m“. Ix'nknrtrlloeh. VS lllJ-I. lue Sat Ettanr lprntkl 5pm I‘t'ee Truly Scrumptious I'rrtrl Sat 1: Inn .\ ceIeI‘ratron ot' \ICIICIUII\ cakes as part ol
National Museums \Veek,
:ooo I’ollokshaus Road. oAI‘I EIS I.
\lon Sat lllarrr Spur. Sun llanr 5pm. I'IL‘C.
Mies Van Der Rohe l'ntrl Sun 2‘) .v\ug I‘htx e\hrhrtron Iotth at (hie; ot Van Der liohek most \rgnrtreant protects the Zurrous Barcelona I’.r\ thou ol E‘II‘I. the \\e:\\e!:I.ot hurlthng 1:: Stuttgart ot I‘L‘o at!!! the Villa 'l‘ug'etrtlhat in Brno.
I‘CS ill .:rr\l eonqtarex tlrenr to It|\ :r.vnlet:.r\tre lurnttaue atexrgrrs /’rr,; wt (Hing/v. [‘Nt/ \H ,r in .. HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER l’rellahouxtoz; I’arh Ill l)t:ri;hreeI\ Roatl. {*1 I"; L“ 5H LIN)» (Irle
Lay Ngo Koay t‘nnt Sal in Int} Recent l‘.tlllllll‘.'\.
Toys For Hands l'trtrl \Vetl :Vlurr t'onternporar} texxeller} t‘axetl on the
Throne of the rare
l nr\er\rt\ \\enue. I‘ll lljl. .\lou Sat ‘y’ “Lain Spur I‘tee.
The Animal Construction Company I rrtrl I‘M IN -\ug .«\n e\ploratron ol the annual IJIIL'LIUIII‘\ hurltlrng .tI‘lIllIt‘\. Irorrr \tea\er I‘Il'tI\ to let rnrte rrrountls. Ix tlrete .rtt\lhtltj._' hunranx \(lII learn Iltllll IIIK'\L' lllc'lt‘tIlI‘It‘ Ic'.tl\ ' l’rill I"
(that \ yin. /‘/‘/‘/
listings ART
. n V a organisation
/—\ disturbing installation - a malign force in the heart of the City
'2? E U c: E CD
Friday 28 May
- Sunday 6 June The Central Hotel, Gordon Street
Half hourly bétween 1 1pm and 2.30am,
Tickets: 0141 287 5511
eric @hamilton 1,7;-
.'; m, tt,‘ Jun 1999 THEUST‘IS