
Forest gumption: Jungle Brothers play 92, Glasgow, Mon 31 May; The Venue,

I Raggle Taggle Gypsies Krlkenny‘s‘. John Street. 553 35115911111. l-ree..-\1ni\ or ('eltre s1} les.

I The Sound \\';1\_\ "s. (Inrdleriggs‘. 553 SD!“ ‘l.,“‘.lprrr. tree

I Remedy The “hot. Yolcer l'er'r} Rottd. 1150211111 ‘lprn tree

I The Believers S.:rnuel l)o\\'s..\'11lrsd;1le Road. 4:? lllll" 531111111 l'ree.


I Reuben Wilson lire Heat. (‘.11'c(;1~111'1'111. \lzrrrstreld l’l;1ce(‘hurch. liroughton Street. 557 811113. 031111111 2.1111. {11/25. legendary l’S soul 1.1//or1§.'rrr.11or.

I Yo Yo Kilili, Hemlock, Cruyff, The Thanes .11111 Interplay the .\le;1do\\ .\ l‘es‘tix;1l.3,-l5 (\prn. l-ree (‘onrrnurrrts t'es11\.1l 1111‘.‘. 1111b251h}e;1r .-\s \\ell ;1s‘ h\e rnusrc look «rut tor .111.1l.1nce. st;1lls.;1l'un i;11:.cl11l1l1e11\e‘.e111s.1111l s11-111. l'rnrrl trrrre slots 1.1he cerrlrrrnetl Yo Yo Krlrlr pln} corrterrrpordr) dance .1rr1l 1.1// \\11lr .111 l2.1ste1nSled11.1111111.llernlockdrerrruclr rockm; ‘111-'1‘11.111.-\ pi.1_\ (11's garage; lnterpld} .11e.11.1// 1l1111nt\ lxrssxlup hop ere-1.1.1 111121 .11.‘ punk rock. pure .1rrtl simple

I The Dagmars \\ hrstle lirnkres. \rddr} S1reet.55"5l|4 llpm.l‘1ee

I Beach Boys Disco s1 node's (Venue. 111 ()rxs ell Terrace. 5411 14115.

“.Fllprrr rnrdrrreht L5 l’.111ot .1Be.1ch Boy \\ eekerrd 21. 11h in e pertorrnunces prorrrrsetl h} Douglas l S1e\\;1!'t ol the li.\l\ Bandits. l);1\ 1e Scott or the l)'c'.ll'll1\llc‘!\ .1rr.l Ihe l..1rrtl}s. l’hone tor 1nor'e.le1.1rls

I Rarefaction.l.1//1.11111.s Morrison Street. 221 IISS lltprrr 1:1111. L5 1L41. l.r\ e drum 1\ l‘.l\\.



I Neil Sedaka 1 11.11.111‘o11ee11 ll;1li. S.111chrelr.1ll Street. :5" 55ll

" Ilrpttr S()l.l) ()l l St't‘ \.1l ‘-

I Heather Myles .1:111 Radio sweethearts litel'e121.('l11lel’l.1ce.lS" 55 El \prrr LS 51111115111 (firirlor‘rrrntt

in 1.1x} tens gu'rtczr‘ner supported h} local courrtr} 1.111.» trorrr the (i1.1rn Parsons schm-l 11: serr;_'x1.rrt::1§: l’.1111*lli1:_'li1:_' (5:11:11; I The Llama Farmers g3. s‘.111e111.-11.111 Street. :51 1211 "pm L51‘lushookrng

tee \\*.rf_‘1'res1'.:c11.111 leerrdge terrors 'lilre l.l.1nr.1 l'.rii‘.1t'l\.12c‘{‘1‘1Sc‘1llt‘lt'lt‘JSL'lllL‘ll' .lehzr'..;ih1111;/111..:/1"1. (“town

I Fungus, River .111.1 Seraphin K1113; 1111‘s \\.1lr\\.1lrll11! S:\1!1cc1!'. S!1.'.‘1.::l 53—“) .\ il'g‘irr :_ 1 5" girs 2‘. ~1.‘.;:-.' 1.; \1111l1'c ptzsri. pep trortr l-trngus

I US Bombs .11.} Newtown Grunts \rce '11. Sie.1/_\. S.1ucir:eir.1li Street. I‘1‘)(15‘ ‘lptr: l’1111i.rules1111'.‘.1rs1.111s‘.‘.lrrleupstnrr's rt'clztr.‘ .11. 1111l1c11e\\

I’m. curt-1:1 .1lh12211 ..'. '.:1rs pi.1\h.rci. 111‘1‘1':1111111j.

I Kenny Process Team .11111 Cylinder 'l'he l51h.‘\\11e('.11.-.lsrrreStreet.55l H158

Spin. :5 I Wild Horses (ir.1111l ()le ()pr't. l’;11sle_\ Ro.1d'l}1ll.4:‘1 519(1 " 51111111 8.51) 11; l .51) rrrernher‘sr

I Drew Robinson '1'11.- \\ 11.111. \‘okt-r

l‘ertr. l{1‘.11l. ‘15‘1 3‘11“ 1 1111111. l'ree

Edinburgh, Wed 9 Jun

I Live Music The Chill Zone. Kilkerrrr} "s. John Street. 552 3505011111. l-ree.


I Jeff, Greathead Briggs, Solar Invasion, Slyfu 11nd Pigpen The Meadows l‘estirzrl. 2.45 (1pm. l'r‘ee. See S111 5..lelil'21re rock;(ire;11lre;11l Brrggs MC 11 three-piece ptm er garage hand; Solar ltr\‘;1s‘iotr is;1(‘;1n;1dr;1ndrurnck h;1ss l).l: Pigpen are power poppers srgned 1o lltllliilll Condition; Sl} 111 rue tunk/hrp hop. Individual stage tunes to he continued.

I Bloco Vomit, The Method 111111 Stiff Kittens Wilkie House. 33.: (on gate. lidinhtrrgh.235 558501111. L5

I Pollen and Honeys ide '1‘111- Bongo Club. 14 New Street. 558 "(111.1. Spur—211111. 1.5/1.4 .-\11 e1 enrrrg or psychedelic moods.

I Brian Kellock Trio .11111 Diskografaz 1:11.! .lorrrt. S Morrrson Street. :21 IISS‘ .Sprn-—.‘\;11n.£5.('orrternpornr} 1.1/l


I John Herald, The Radio Sweethearts .11111 John Hinshelwood The l3th.\'oteC’;11e. King Street. 555 11138. 8.30pm. £4.

I Northern Tonic .11111 Calamari (111 111-11 B;11'.Str'zrthcl}'de l.'rri\e1's11_\ l'rnon. John Street. 5(17 51123911111. l-ree. Students ;1nd guests.

I Acoustic Jam .\'1ce '11‘811-1/1. Suuchieharll Street. .133 011.?" uprn. l‘r'ee heer tor performers.

I Live Music Str';1\\her'r'_\ l'relds. ()s\\.1ld Street. 331 7871011111. £5..-\11e\e11111:_'ol h\ e rrrus‘rc organised h_\ .\'or‘th(il;1sgoxx ('ollege.

Edinburgh I Altered Beats 99 .L1// 1.11111. .\

Morrison Street. 321 USS ltiprn 1.1111. :5. See .\lon 5|.

I Shiver \errstle lirrtkres. \1dtl1_\ Street. 5.57 5l 14. l lpnr l-ree

I Jonathan Kemp (511111111141 (irourrtls. _‘ 5 North Bank Street. 3311 14111. l11pm lirec. See \lotr 5|



I Glasgow Songwriters 111.1c1111.11\. Bell Street. 553 .5934 ‘1 l5prn l-ree l’ltrs open 1111c guest spot

I Live MUSlC 'lillL. l.5lli \itlc' (‘31:. K1111; Street. 555 1(1.‘\.S..Spnr L3

I Live Musict‘merrr11111.s11.1111e1111.~ l‘nrx'ersn} l'rnon..lolrrrStreet.51951135 ‘Jpnr. l'ree. Students .1111! guests

I Live Music The (Nor) l5o\.('urle1s. li}1c'sl{11;1tl. 558(15ll .Sprn l'ree.


I The Dynamic Duo Show .l.1// 1.11111. S .\lorr1son Street. 331 1288. lllprrr K1111. t5. See 'l‘tlc‘ l.

I Marco Swaysey Quartet \\'111\11.- lirnltres. Nrddr) Street. 55. 5114 llprn. tree.

I Colin Campbell (‘ornrnon (ir'ourrtls. 21’.i North Bank Street. 3211 14111. " illprrr l~ree. See Tue 1



I Hamish Stuart Krng Tut's Walt Walt l’llll.Sl\'111CClll Street. 331 5377‘). 8.30pm. 1.7 plus hooking tee. The .-\\ ernge White Band l'rontrnarn \\ 11h :1 \oice 11s seer as S1}- Stone strikes otrt on llts‘ on n 1111' .1 while.

I Mainline Nice 'n' Sled/y. Silllc‘l‘llc‘lltlll Street. . 33 91137. 9pm.

I No.9 zrnd Nicotine Junkies ('rrxern Bur. Str'ntlrchde L'nrxers’rt} l 1111111. John Street. 5(17 5035. 9pm. lice. Students and guests. I The Bogus Callers, Blind River, Glostar 11nd Lifeform 281 S1111“ herr} l-relds. ()s‘\\;1ltl Street. 331 7871911111. I Soul Providers l‘lzu'es‘. 11.1111 Street. . 31 5101). 9.30pm. Free. Sounds ot' the 70s.

I Jonny Logue Brel. Ashton 1.;1ne. 3-12 4%(1. Spin. liree. .-\cous11c set.


I Jungle Brothers, Ugly Duckling 111111 Freddy Fresh The Venue. (Hilton Road. 557 311735111111. illitplushooltrng leer 1n rrtlxrrnce i'rorn Rrpprng. \'rrgrn or l'ntlerground Solution. The Jungle Brothers 1n;1_\ he legendrrr} old slcool lrrp hoppers. hut there \1;1s nothing s1;rleornos1;rlg1c .1hout therr hr'rllrrrnt recent show 111 support or the lieustre l311}s‘111(il.1s:_'11\\ Recent Wall ()1 Sound srgnrngs l'gl) Duckling ttl't‘ l..'\'s newest trip krds on the hloclt lhg he;1t supremo l'retld_\ l'ir'esh. \\l111se;1lhtrrrr /'/11' /.11'\1' Irv/1' l’tI/IIIH ,lltrrr 1s \\e'1l \\111'll1;1l1\lc‘11. rnrrrrs‘ the \lc‘c'l\\ to corrrplete the lrrre tip.

I Reluctant Buffalo \‘11111e House. 233 (’ougzrte. lidrrrhurgh. 235 5553 9pm. L" I Ditch \Vhrstle lirnkres. \nldr} Street. 55“ 5| l4 llpnr tree.

I The Music Club :5: (Xurorr's (11111. (Irrrorrgnte. 55(144.\‘l ‘lpnr l'ree See \Ved: I Jacquie Hanham (‘orrrrnon (irounds. 3'5 \ortlr linnk Street. 3211 14111 5' itlprn. l'l't'e. See \Yc'tl :

I Cathie Rae’s Jazz Singers' Night .l.1// .lorrrt. S \lor'rrson Street. Ill IISS

ltlpzrr K1111 L4 H31 See “e113



I PaulYoungt‘ortrer11111.111'1:11111111111111 Street. 55— FShS Spur. 21‘511.’1‘11.11\1>.1111 Young the srrrger. not l’;1ul Youngv the .1rrglrng errtlrusrnst. lrr hrs trrrre 11he slrck .Stls'1 Young \\ 11s regarded .1s Inn in; nu eurursrte soul \orce. ll11\\ e1 er. trrrre lrrrs not heetr loud to the 1n;11err;1l he e\erc1sed hrs tonsrls' on.

I Whistler, laskaris .11111 Suckle The 13111 .\'ote('.11e.l\'1n:_' Street. 555 11138. Spur. £5. \\'l11s1ler.1re.111.11'clrhunclron \Vrrrpr Records who 1e.1111re tornrer lz.\ll- 111.111 lrrn l)enclr .lorn; something corrrpleteh drlterent \Vhrstler songs rrrrght sound gentle hut the} p;1ck.1c.111strc prrrrclr

I Unwound the 13111 \ort- (11111. t‘lttie Street. 34“ 21" .Spnr L5

I Deep Nine \rce 'rr' Sle.1/_\. S.111chreh.1|l Street. 55.1 W1." ‘Iprn

I Nemesis, Fenster, Crescendo, Silver Stones .1111l B.Loud Str.1\\l‘ert} l'reltls. ()s\\.1ltlStree1. :31 TS". I Transaudio .11111 Monoday (111.111 11.11. S11.11hclyiel rrr\1'!s11\ l‘nrorr. John Street. 50" 5113‘ “pm l'ree Students .1ntl guestx

I Steve Fraser R111.1-11111x..1111111 Street.

I Jam Session S.111111el l)o'u.‘s..\'11hs1l.1le l<o.11l.4:‘lllll" \ “Jpn: tree

I Live Music K1111; 'l‘uts \\.111\\.1lr ll111.S1 \'rncs.-ntStree1. 2:1 52“) .\ itiprn l’hone xerrtre tor tlet.11is

I Live Music'1'11.~1‘.1111o11\t-. l rrrorr Street. 34511111111 .Spnr L1 l rrsrurreti h.1n1l

sin-11 c.1se 11 11h hue-11p to he corrtrrnretl


I Travis 'l'lre l.l\|lll'.l R1 .1111. "c \1c1orr.1 Street. 325 25114 "p111 LS 511 (‘o\ er s1.rrs ot l.1s1 1\\11t"\ 1.11.1. lr.1\1s lr.1\e 111st rele11se1itlre11 second l.l"lrrt .lltrlr ll'r'rw l:\pec1 l<.11holre.11l 11.1 the .\l.1rrrc\ 11111111 \kee hit or ([11 21111 '1 (in/ tlnoun 111 tor L'llt‘t'ls} t‘llt'c‘l.

I The Drifters Playhouse. l.\ .‘2 (il't'c‘lhltlt‘ l’lttc‘t‘. 35‘)“. _ .5ll1‘lli. 14.1.5” plus L151.| l1.1111lltltg charge \1111;1§_‘t‘1l1111 111111 .1111! RSH 1111111 the hgrntl \xlro 13.11 e us I 'nder ’l‘he lio.11'1l\\.1ll{ .1nd '.-\1'lilre(‘luh‘.

13111111111191? over pout?

rock 81 pop MUSIC




Bar Java

Bar Sirius

Cameo Bar Carrier’s Quarters Kavio’s Restaurante Khublai Khan Leith Oyster Bar Nobles Bar

Ship on the Shore The Waterfront Wine Bar

Fisher’s Bistro Malt 81 Hops

10.30am-5.30pm Sat 81 Sun

Sponsored by 925’

$P0~soaeo or me casmmon BEFRS or “(77-5) scotcmo

BANDS APPEARING Ahoolies, Baby lsasc. Blue Hyenas, Charlie McNair Jazz Band, Chili Dogs. Dr Chicago. Dave Keir Jazztet, Diminished Fifth. Diplomats of Jazz, Dougie Campbell Trio, Duck Fat Jazz Band. Freddie King Quintet. Gus Ferguson Fast 5. The Jazz Incident. Jimmy Gilmouns Jazz Cabaret. Jimiammers, Le Weux Carre Jazzmen, Mud In Your Ear, Paristalsis Brothers, Quintet East, Ronnie Rootsie. Rootsie Tootsie Blues Band. Roy Percy ‘ri'io. Spirits of Rhythm. St Stephen’s Street Stampers. Sugar House. Swing Bridge. Wendy Weatherby. West End Jazz Band

‘rw THE LIST 47