It's the biggest outdoor bonanza that Glasgow has seen since The Big Day in 1990. On Sunday 30 May,

ON THE STREETS brings together BBC Music Live and Glasgow 1999 in a riot of music, theatre, art and fashion. The List has all the information on what's on where and when, and points out how to make the best of the action

on offer.

Street smart

All events are free and ‘.‘.'lill IKkGiS are required only ‘.‘.’l‘.(.‘t(? stated. The BBC Home LNG information line (an be (iontatted on 0845 309 9899.

Sauchiehall St Stage 1 (Map 1)

Samba Ya Bamba ill-15pm! Bra/ilian part) in er.

SheBoom i 1.45pmi Percussion collectn e. Inner Sense i2.-15pmi Samha meetx reggae

Gutty Slippers (3.45pmi .\Iadcap ('eltic shenanigans.

Bollywood Brass Band «4.30pm Jan. and Indian \iedding tiltlxie.

Colin Reid Virtuoso acouxtic guitarist with a nice line in aiiecdotex he!“ een the \ong\. Fiona Duncan Trio ()ne ol (ilthg‘tiu \ true ja// \Izll'\.

BBC Radio 2 at Gordon St (Map 5)

Salsa Celtica l lpiiii lt' ilie Scotland \ Bra/ll \Voi'ld ('up poxt-iiiatcli part} has a littl\le£ll \ound. lliix would he it.

Deaf Shepherd (2.3llpiiii Ilot )oung Setillixl] l‘ollx group.

Mr McFall's Chamber l-lpllil

:\lternati\'e classical chitinhei' group.

Sauchiehall Street Stage 2 (Map 2)

City of Glasgow Pipes and Drums

l 13.45pm) 'l'i‘aditional Seotlixli \otintl\ lo \lit‘ the hlood.

Commotion t I..‘~()piiii l’ei'cuxxion group. Bill Wells Octet 12.30pmi Seoitixh ia/x master \\ ho reached L‘l‘t)\\ti\’el‘ audiences \\ hen collahoratiiig \\ ith \'-'l'\\ in. Edinburgh Samba School «3.30pm

Bi'a/iliaii part} l‘e\'ei‘.

BBC Radio 3 at Buchanan St (Map 3) Approx times hemeen 2 5pm.

Clio Gould and Players

The CWS Glasgow Wind Octet RSAXIl) \IlltlL‘IlIS.

The Fife Youth Jazz Orchestra

Buchanan St North Stage (Map 6) Inner Sense i lpmi Samha meets reggae Gutty Slippers ilpmi Madcap (‘eltic shenanigans.

Bollywood Brass Band ifipini .la// and Indian wedding music

Samba Ya Bamba «3.45pm Bra/iliaii part} in er.

SheBoom 14.45pmi l’el‘ellxxltill collectn e.

Buchanan St South Stage (Map 7) Acid Brass 1 lpiiii Braxx hand more like- I} to co\ei' .\ (iu) (‘alled (iei‘ald than go for the collier} \ound.

Edinburgh Samba School (2. l 5pm) Bi‘a/ilian heats l'roni L'ltixel' to home. City of Glasgow Pipes and Drums 13.15pmi 'I’raditional Scottixh \otltltl\ to \lit‘ the hlood.

Commotion i-HSpmi l’el'ell\\itill group.

BBC Radio 4 at Gordon St (Map 4) :\ppi‘o\ times hetueeii 1 5pm.

The Archers The real thing cotiiex to (ilaxgou.

What shores?: Nautilus


St Enoch Stage (Map 8)

Pardesi t lpiiii Indian \ ihex l'rom an authentic Bhangi‘a hand.

The FCISOI'IS12.35pllll0otlntt‘} rock hour the hand uho are hig matex \\ ith 'l'lie .\Ia\ei'ick\.

Breeze i-HlSpiiii Budding (ilaxgim pop-


Fashion Show (Map 10) (killer) ol .\Iodei'n .'\l'l. l<o_\al Ii\eliaiige Square. 'l‘ickelx tor the l'thlllttll It)“ catnalk ILLS/filth li'om HIJI SS" 55] l. Osadia I lpmi .\ li'ee lextnal hair-do lroiii the l’\}eliedelie Snippeix ol Bi'a/il. Fashion 2000 I lllfillpmi Bi‘itain'x higgext outdoor cal“;th coinex to to\\ ii. lealui'ing \pi'iiig colleetioiix lroiii l)l\'.\'\'. \ieole l'arhI. l)ie\el and l)ie\el SI} |e l,ah. ()\\ ell (i;l\lel'. Rohei'l (at) -\\'illiam\. .'\llIUlllo Bei‘ardi. \Iatlheii \\'i||iam\oii and Richard .ltlllle\. \idal Sihxtitili \\ lll he \I} hug the hair and .\I.v\(' pi‘o\idiiig the make—up. I.iiiiited I‘Ulllltl-lltew‘ul“tilix \calx ai'c a\atlahlc, \xith pi'oceedx going to charil}.

Radio 1 at George Square (Map 11) l’i'ee tickets lot the Radio I Roailxliou and HM e I’earee are a\ailahle from “MI 387 500i). BB(' Stage at :\ig_\ le Street and the Ticket (t‘lilt‘c‘.

Dawn Balloon Race l l.45pitil

Radio1 Roadshow 12 -lpitll ()ka) hitlx.

get read} to \ci'eaiii li\ e on air. a\ the rext ol tlie nation li\leli\ in and gets jeal- oux. ()ii the hill this alternoon are: 91 i. \ei‘enadei'x \\ ith llitx including ‘.\lore 'I‘han .-\ \Voman'; Next 0!" Kin; 3l\I (‘eiitur} (iil'l\. the neu welder all-girl hand from e\-Spice (iit'l\ manager Simon liuller and Justin.

Dave Pearce Dance Anthems 17 9pm! Radio l‘x popular dance music Slit)“ lea- tures l’lt;ll\ & Small l\\ ho recentl} chart- ed \\ ith summer anthem "l‘urn :\round' i. trance DJ and producer Paul Van l)} k. \uhliiiie singer Juliet Rohertx. Brandon Block icurrenll} the sweetheart of max- xi\ e cluh (iatecraxhei'i. Duane llai'den (\ocalixt on Armand Van llelden'x smash hit ‘You Don't Knim \Ie‘ l. .\Iii'i'oi'hall. Bi/arre Inc (“hose i'ax e anthem ’I’Ia) ing \Villt Klii\e.\' li;i\ jtixl lieelt l‘e-t‘e‘h‘tnedl. Rull I)ri\er/ and Lucid. 'I‘iclxets t'i‘ee li'om 287 Slim).

Buchanan St Theatre (Map 12) Mischief La Bas ll 5pm) (ilaxgutt \ resident ahxurdixt street theatre compa-

”.\ hresent 'limii Home. a lllll\ie;ll llhlill-

lation leaturiiig l)r SL‘lle-SIHL‘ Il'llllll‘el\ and opera singers. Various ill\ll'tllllellI\ pop otit ol the \\ ilitlt)“ \ or a huilding in Buchanan Street in a manner that \\tillltl make Spike Jones. 'I‘ex .-\\er_\ and ilxxol'letl etlekoo eloektitalxerx proud.

Glassford St Stage (Map 13)

Breeze t l35piiii Pop.

The Nectarine No 9 13.35pm) ()ll-kil- ter. lel't-l’ield pop in a 'l‘ele\ ixioii/(';ipi;iiii Beellieart \‘eill.

Blacka'nised (3.45pm) Iidinhurgli-haxed hip hop collecti\ e.

Deaf Shepherd 14.45pm) llot _\oung Scottixli lolk group.

South Hutcheson St Theatre

(Map 14)

Windows '69 11 5pm) (ia\ iii l.()el\ll;ll'l ci'eatex an iiixtallalion leaturing ,illl't iiil'latzihlc I()\\L‘l' hlockx. “hicli \\ ere de\ ixed while the :tl'li\I \\;I\ \xorking up in the north ol Scotland.

North Hutchesen St Theatre (Map 15) The Spurting Man i {hillan Sire-e lie- atre \peelilli‘h .'\\;lllIl-l)l\[3l£l} perform a litimorotix i lioreographed piece. wt to muxic \xi .1 no dialogue. \xhieh chroni- cles the unequal l‘elttflttlhlllp hetueen "I‘he Spurting \lan‘ and hix doixntrodden assistant

The Greatest Show On Legs ilfinpmi (ii'aiid 'I‘heatre ol lemmingx. one of Britain\ most eHll\l\lellll} limit} and

in\ entix e \treei theatre L‘Ulllptllllc’S. com- hine \hilllS. \ [\lltll theatre and coined} in Iii/1U/‘-’('(l.'(’\].\-/I(Hl ()H /.i';'\.

The Spurting Man 14pm! See aho\e. The Greatest Show On Legs itfiiipim

Sec ahm-

Miller St Theatre (Map 16) The Aquaphon ll Spnii l)r (irahani

'l‘_\deiii.in\ unique \iatei'-di'i\ en lllllxleul IIISII'lllliL i'l “as L‘UltlllilSSIttlletl h} (ilthgtm .\'\':\ tor the ")S Iixpo in l.i\l‘UII \otex are generated h} hlaxtiiig \xaiei .:~.!U\\ large \teel and cla} tll'tllli.t._‘e pipes \\ liich lire a plume ol' \pi'a} iiiio the air. 'l'oda} \ performances include duets \\ ith other illSll‘tlllieltlx. and the puhlic are im ited to ll'_\' their hand at a L‘Ulllpti\illtitl.

National anthems: Dave Pearse