ART listings



5 IStit'tlturtiberland Street Lane. 557 5454. Mon—Sat lIaiti-J.3()prit.

Walking Through The Valley I-‘ri 3t) Apr—Fri 3I May. Paintings by Andrew Smith arid new sculpture by liogltan Bridge.


4‘) Bernard Street. l.eit|i. 4m 7393. Tue »-I"ri llatti -(ipm: Sat (y Sttn

llattt -3.3()pirt.

Mixed Exhibition l‘ntil Mort 3I May. Mixed eyltibition ol'contemporary art. LEITH GALLERY

()5 The Sltore. 553 5355. Tue l‘i'i lIartt—Spiit; Sat liattr -lpttt.

New Glasgow Girls t‘nnt Sat l5 May. New work by (ilasgow School ol‘ .-\rt graduates lili/abeth (Htrtter'ort. (‘lterylerte Dyer. Micltelle Scragg. l.isa Sittrtlt arid Georgie Young.


4 Duitdas Street. SSS 9544/5. Mort I-‘ri ltlarii-opm; Sat Illam lprit.

A Scottish Grand Tour I'nttl Sat I May. Topograpltical eyltibitton or tarttotrs Scottish lartdtttarks.

MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY lirtiy ersity oI Iidrttbttrglt. 3t) ('Itaiitbei's Street. (fit) 3343. Mon l'll Illam Spur: Sat & Sun |().3()aitt 3.3llpm.

Jonathan Hill - The Illegal Architect Wed 5- Hi 38 May. Two protects by the London-based autltor .Iottatltari Hill. orte etttitled llryriltili' ()l Ulcer/[Iii /ll.'(’( Iy arid .-I/r Uriel/ml (’u/tr which looks at the history ol' the Barcelona I’ay iliort.


7| lnyerlettli Row. 55o Woo. Tue Stttt

I lam-5pm. . Contemporary Chinese Paintings Ifrttil Wed 3() Jun. (‘ontempor'ary' ('Itiitese paintings botlt trained arid on scrolls. plus unframed origirtal paintings on Chinese paper.

NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bell'or‘d Road. 634 (i3tltt (recorded inl’ortttatrott 333 33(tot. Mort Sat lt)aitt—-5prtt: Stru 3 5pm. (‘ate

Henri Cartier-Bresson Portraits: Tete- A-Tete Iltitil Suit ‘) .\Iay. L3 ' LINN includes erttry to .-\\ rgdor .-\rrklta. The first e\ er retrospectiye ot' Henri ('artier- Bresson‘s portraits l'eatttrtng oy er l3() photographs Iroitt a career spanning (ill years. Famous laces include Matisse. Jean Paul Sartre. Marin rt Monroe. Francis Bacon. Truman Capote. Martin Luther Krrtg and l.uctatt I‘r'eud.

Avigdor Arikha t‘nnl Sun 9 May. £3 (USO) includes entry to lleitri ('artter- Bressott. The ortly show mg outside Israel ol a retrospectne eylirbitiou deyoted to tlte work the Israeli artist. The show brings together his childhood draw ings oI scenes iii the concentration camps at Molltiley. l't'kraiite. abstract work hour the “fills and l‘lttlls. studies l'rom lil'e


1 MAY 5 JUNE TUES - SAT 10 - 5

Recent Paintings by RICHARD WALKER

and a Round Room installation by MARTIN BOYCE

74 THE lIST 29am 1?, ;‘.la',' 1999

and nature artd paintings ol‘ public figures includirtg I.ord Hortte arid the Queen


NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND Tlte Mound. 63-1 (3300 (recorded tnl'ormation 333 3360). Mott-Sat llIam—(tpm: Siiit 3-~()PIII. The Draughtsman's Art l’rttil Sun I?» Inn. This exhibition brirtgs together l'iye centuries ol' drawings from British. Dutch. l‘lc-ittislt. I-‘r'ench. ltaliart arid (ierntan artists. display irtg oyer' St) master drawings. witlt eyatnples trout Leonardo da \'inci. Raphael. Rubens. Houclter. Blake. Seur'at aitd Wilkie.


Queen Street. (L34 0300 ti'ecttt’clc‘tl inl'ortttatton 333 33(tot. Mott-Sat

Illaitr 5pm: Sun 3 5pm. ('al‘e.

Kenny Hunter l'ntil Sun 3t) May. ()utsi/ed sculptures by Kenny Hunter. influenced by cartoons arid his oyy it collection of plastic tigures. Personalities irttmor'talised in plastic include Bill (‘Iirttorr Boris Yeltsin aitd Monica Lewinsky.

Curve: Mark Johnston l'tttrl Sun .‘stt May. Mark .Iolinston's pltotorttontage pictures otl‘ering a whole new perspectty'e on seeing. The aerial. 360 degree itttages t'eature landscape and architectural t‘orm l'ront Scotland and Sloy akia artd explore a connection between our understanding ol‘ the uniyerse arid the way we see.

0 Caledonia! Sir Walter Scott And The Creation Of Scotland I‘ri 7 May--Sun I7 Oct. This eylttbition looks at the liIe ol‘ one ol‘ Scotland's greatest attd best-known historical I‘igures. through paintings. drawings. sculptures and tttanuscripts.

OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 ~79 (‘umberland Street. 55/ |()3(). Mon-I‘ri I()aitt---(tprtr; Sat “lath-~4an Deborah Edwards that Tim o May. (‘orttemporary ceramics.

David Hemingsley L'ntrl Thu o May. (‘er'aittic hand-built \essels.

Barry McGIashan l'tttil Thu (t May. I"igtit';itiye works on paper.

Rock And Rollers l'iitrl Thu (3 May. Large seascapes by l‘raitces MacDonald. Geoffrey Roper Sat x The 27 May. .-\titiosplteric paintings t'eatur'iiig cat‘e interiors artd dock scenes by (ieol't'r'ey Roper.

Baby face: Billy McCall's Rose on show at Locale at the City Art Centre

Anna Noel Sat S~T|tu 37 May. Horses aitd riders ceramics iii clay.

Daisy Richardson Sat N-‘l‘tiu 27 May. \"ibrant. abstract paintings by this recent (ilasgow School ol':\rt graduate. Lesley Strickland Sat S May —Tlttt t7 .Itiit. Resin and silyer contemporary

jewellery based on animal t'orms.


3| St Leonard's Lane. ()0: |(>l3. Mon-«Sat lllaitt-Spm; Suit noon~~lpm New Threads: An Old Tradition l'ntil Sun ‘) May. An exhibition of conieittporary carpets aitd rugs Irortt lttdia. Pakistan. Iran. .-\tgltantstan attd Turkey.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (\VASPS‘i Pati'iotltall Studios. olil' 4S Hamilton Place. 335 I3.\"). Daily

I l;tttt--5pttt.

Royale Thu I3»Tlttt 37 May. I‘tona .‘ylacPItersoit. arts lacrlrtatoi' at (ir'iudlay ('our't (‘entt'e has co-ordritated this protect which e\t‘Ioi'es the iconic status ol the mouai'cy. Artists w rtIt learning disabilities .-\nite Robb aitd Dorotlty .\Ic'.eod worked with protessronal artist .lultana (’apes to produce a selection ot' paintings


Clerk Street. (3(37 7776. Mott Sat Illant<5.3()pm.

Sheena Russell t'nirt Sat 2‘) May. Paintings. mainly in oils by (ilasgow School ol' .-\rt graduate Slteerta Russell. influenced by the \ rsual language ot cinema. coittrc books arid ady ertistng.

THE REYNOLDS GALLERY ()3 Dublin Street. 557 tt-ISO. Tue ‘l-rr mam—5pm: Sat lltam -(»pm. Alexandra Knubley t‘nnl Tue is May. \"ibrant. textural paintings depicttttg the light. landscape and arcltitecture oI Southern Iiurope arid the Ilon I.aitd. RIAS GALLERY

I5 Rutlattd Square. 33‘) "5-15. \lttll‘l'tl 9am—5pm.

10:95 Until I‘ii 3U .-\pr. Daytd Kinney ’s super-w tde architectural panoramic photographs.


Irtyerleith House. lnyerleith Row. 553 7|? I. Wed-Sun I Iarit 5pm.

Graham Fagen At The Botanics l'ntrl Sat

I May. tlityer'leitlt Houset. Large-scale glossy colour photographs oI closely trained plants by Graham l-‘agen. The images. presented aloitgside narratiye texts. pt'oyide art ironic commentary on public stereotypes arid our ansreties.

Scotland's Gardens Scheme Summer Exhibition Sat S--Sirn 30 May. tlnyerleitlt House. open daily loam-Spin). An exhibition or met" Sl) paintings by' 30 artists who were united to pairtt itt gardens across Scotland iii aid ot' Scotland's (‘iardetts Scheme. lnGENEious Until Mon 3 May. tlishibition Hall). .»\n ittteractiye exhibition illustrating the science beltind recent deyeloprtteitts tit genetic rttodtl'icatton.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE landings Gallery. Itlt) Princes Street. 335 lfitll. Daily ltlartt-opm.

Todd Narbey l.'ittil lir'r 3I May. Recent pairtttitgs.


Tlte Mound. 335 (to? |. Mon- Sat lt)aitt--5pttt: Suit 3 5pm.

The 173rd Annual Exhibition t'nui Sun ll .lul. £3 (LI t. The annual eyltibitton ot~ parrttrttg. sculpture arid architecture l‘eaturiitg work by .-\cadettty merttbers arid selected itoit-nieritber‘s as well as work by three .'\C;ltlc‘llll;llts who died last .‘ear; .-\lltet'to Morrocco. Day id .\Ic('litre arid .lames McIntosh Patrick.


Io Duitdas Street. 555 IIIIU. Mon -I-rr Illatti--opiit; Sat lttam 4pm

Denise Findlay L'nnt \y'etl 5 May. I-igur'atne paintings by Denise I-rndlay. Kathie Murphy t'niit Wed 5 May. (’onterttporary jewellery.

Automata t‘nnl \\'ed 5 May. .-\ group show ot‘automaia.

Archie Forrest Mon to May Wed 2 Jun. .\'e\\ paintings.

Sutton Taylor Mon to May Wed 2 Jun. ('eraittics.

The New Stone Age Mott to May-\Ved 3 Jun. (‘ottteritpor‘ary teyyellery.

STILLS 33 (’ockburtt Street. 033 (t3tttl Tue Sat lll;ittt~(iptti.

Neville Blaszk, Shauna McMullan and Alexander Hamilton t'nnl .s‘ai Ii) .tun. HIas/k‘ \yorks \y itIi photo etttitlsioit