At last it's getting warmer. Spring and summer are everywhere on the TV, in the magazines, sometimes in the weather. But just in case Mother Nature fails us (again) this season, here are some ways to bring a touch of sunshine into your life and into your home.

Words: Simone Baird


The new Jigsaw sprung/summer range as frltenng rnto therr shops \mth an emphasis on adding light, easy-to—wear Items to yOur wardrooe The contrasting combrnatrons see crumpled, Creased and crushed ‘ahrrts matched wrth raw edges and

unfinished hems.

67 Buchanan Street, Glasgow and 49 George Street, Edinburgh

104 THE lIST 15—29 A;:' ';


Thrnk of a \.‘.'allpapered room 'oad pnnts and faded pastels SDHng to mrnd, nght7 Not exactly the herght of rntenor fashron Take a moment, then, and check Out these papers from John Lewrs. An easy \.'-.ay to brighten up any room, we thrnk you'il agree Rolls start at f 72 from John Leta/rs, Buchanan Gal/erres, Glasgow and St James Centre, Ed/nburgh.

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Cane and Bamboo Add a toatn of the reiaxed t"():)r(s to you" He cane and hamooo are xe'satfle, durahfe and SIN? pretty exott

f/lus’hroom (ha/r, [765, l_r.'rngston<= (ha/r, [749 from

Hab/tat, Buchanan Gal’erres, Glasgo'.'/ and Shanda/(K Place, Ed/nburgh Bamboo .rase an; "ox [ ’9 95 1); SM and Par/arre at Glasgow Decorurn, 335 Sauc'mehall Street, 332 8800, L/no'a Re/d, 788 Fenv/rck Road, 620 299, "Edet/l'Q/ll Studio One, 70 Stafford Street, 226 58.72, lemme/is, Prmt‘es‘ Street, 225 2442