FILM listings

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34 THE LIST I ‘l'n'XIII 108‘“)


5 cameo: mmaunou

.38 Home Street. 0| 3| 338 4|4l. CC booking: 0|3l 338 4 l4l.B;n‘. 34 Hour Information l.ine: 01%| 338 3800. |D|. Screen l: aI'Iernonns £4.50 I. £3.50); early exening £4.50 I £3): main e\ening £5.30. Screen 3 IV 5: aI'Iei'noons £4 I£3); earl) exening £4 I£3.50): main exening £4.75. .\lon: Screen 1: allet‘noolls £3.50: L‘\L‘IIIII‘__'\ £3. Screen 3 IV .3: .II'Iernoons £3; ewmngs £3.50. \VeIl: £l concs for lost shnu in each screen. late night slums: late night main £4 (£3.50): nuIlmght moue £5.50I£3.50). Double bills ISnn matinee/late night): £4.50 I£5.5I)cot1cs).

THURSDAY I Shakespeare In Love I I5) 2.-

855. |l.35.


The Thin Red LineII5) 2.50. 7.15.

Central StationII5) 4.0). 8.40. Seul Contre Tous I 18) 2.05. 0.35. Swimmin With SharksI !5) IiiiIIIiigIII. Saving Private Ryan I t5) I I.nn.

:R {my 2 THURSIEA‘I’

Plunkett & Macleane I I5)

Dail}: 3.05. 4.30. 0.55. 8.50,

i'l'l. Sat A; ‘l‘lIu late: ll.00. Shakespeare In Love I I5)

l);tll_\ Ie\ccpt Sun): 3.45. 5.30.

San: 0.00.

i’l'l. Sat N 'l‘hu late: ll.30.

The Thin Red Line I I5)

l)ail_\ Ie\cept Sun): 800.

Sun: ".00.

Central Station I I5i

|)ail_\; 0.30.

|)ail_\ I'e\cept Sun): |.35. 5.55. 9.10. Very Bad Things I 18)

III late: nnIlnighI.

There’s Something About Mary I I5) Sat late: nuIlnIghI.

Hu Tu Tu II’(iI

Son that: I50.

Scottish Short Film Day

Son that: 1.50

My Name Is Joe I I5~

Sun InaI: 3.45.

Pink Flamingos I I8:

'l‘hu late: IniIlnIglit.


Frankenstein I I2)

In late: midnight.

The Creature From The Black Lagoon II’(;I

Sat late: nnIlnIght.


Sun Inat: I30.

Welcome To The Dollhouse I I5)

Sun that: 3.05. Hu Tu Tu Sun Inat: l .50.

The Island Of Dr. Moreau I I2)

'l‘lui late: nnIlniglit.

l’IogianinIe ilkt‘i} to be similar to the l‘lc‘\ lUll\ \\ eek. i’lIIIIIL‘ (l l 5] :33 4 l-H lAOI' Iletails and times. .-\lternatnel}. call the 34 hour hotline on 0| H 338 3800 or pick up .I \Ieekl} timetable Iront the cinema. Ne“ Iilin Ilue In open on l’l'l ‘) Apr: Bedrooms And Hallways I I5I

l8 \enbattle ’l'cI'Iace. 0l5l 447 477 l. Into: II|5I 447 3000 and 447' 8450. (‘(‘ booking: Ill3~| 44" 477]. Restaurant. Bar. (DI. LI 7t) Ictneina l I\' 3). Superior lounge seats Ictnenta l I £5.30; l’ullnian seats £5."0 Superior lounge seals £5.30 Icineina 3). £5.30 Icmema 5 N 4). Slto\\s starting beiore 0pm: £5.50 Icinenias I. 3. M\ 4). ('lnlIl/StuIlent/l'lI40/( ).-\l’ .\lon last \ilU“ onl} £5.50.

Shakespeare In Love I I5) 2.00. 5.00. 8 it).

The RugratsII'I III)

Waking NedII’UI 3,30. 5 5n. 8.30 Arlington Road I I5I 2. on. 5.00. 8.00. Mighty Joe YoungII’IiI 230. 5.30.

.8 Kl)


Plunkett & Macleane I 15) Daily: 2.00. 5.00. 8.00. A Bug's Life (U)

' Daily mat (except Sun): I030. ; Waking Ned IPG)

i Daily: 340. 5.30. 840.

The Rugrats Movie III)

Daily: 1.00. .340.

: Daily mat (except Sun): I050. ' Tea With Mussolini (PG)

Daily: 5.50. 8.30. Mighty Joe Young (PG)

. Daily: 3.l0. 5.I0. 840.


3 Programme likely to be similar In the

i preyiotts week. Phone (HR! 447 3600 for details and times.


at The l‘ilmliouse. 88 Lothian Road. ()l3l

' 338 3088. Full season membership £35. £4 for single screenings for guests.


Dr Strangelove (PU) 4.00.

Two-Lane Blacktop I I8) 4.00.

SUNDAY ll APR Nil By Mouth I I8) 3.30. . Kings Of The Road I I5) 4.00.


88 l.othian Road. 013l 338 3088. Bar.

Restaurant. Iii]. [D]. Matinees £3.90 (Fri: £ | .30) Iconcs £I.0() Sun—Thu only) 1 shows commencing DClIII‘C 7pm £3.90 Iconcs £3.00 Sun—Thu only); shows commencing alter 7pm. £4.90. bookable in advance Iconcs £3.00 Sun—Thu only).


1. American HistoryX I I8) 3.00. 5.45. 8.l5.

2. FestenII5) I30. 8.45.

The TravellerIt’Ci) 3.45. 0.I5.

3. Apriletl’Cil :15. «its.

Life Is Beautiful IPU) 4.I5. 0.45.


1. Gods And MonsterSII5) 2.00. 4.I5. 0.30. 8.45.

2. American Historyx I I8) 3.00. 5.45. 8.15.

3. The Invisible Man + The Bride Of

Frankenstein IPG) 2.30. Festen I I5) 0.00.

Life Is Beautiful IPGI 8.30.


1. ShowboatII’Ci) I30.

Gods And Monsters I I5) 4. I 5. 0.30. 8.45.

2. American Historyx I I8) 3.00. 5.45. 8. I5.

3. The Invisible Man + The Bride Of Frankenstein (PG) 2.30.

FestenII5) 0.00.

Life Is Beautiful (PG) 8.30.


1. Gods And MonsterSII5) I30. ().3(). 8.45.

2. American History X I I8) 3.00. A Winter's Tale II’UI 5.45.

3. Taxi DriverI I8) 3.30.

Festen I 15) 0.00.


Life Is BeautifuIII’G) 8.30.


1. La Haine I I5) 2.00. Gods And Monsters I I5) 4.I5. 0.30. 8.45.

2. American History X I I8) 3.00. 8. I5. FestenII5) 5.45. 3. Life Is BeautrfuIII’tii 3.30. 8.30.

Taxi Driver I I8) 0.00.


1. Gods And Monsters I I5) 2.00.

4. I5. 8.45.

La Haine I I5) 0.30.

2. American History X I I8) 3.00. 5.45. 815.

3. Animation: How Do They Do That? :30.

Festen I I5) 0.00.

Life Is BeautifulII’Ut 8.30.