SAC Funding
SAC invites applications for the following funds
Awards for Individual Development .'\.\\l.\tallt‘t' In Dial-(ch In (lt‘Vt‘ltll) tlit‘ll' artistic. tt't‘li- lllt‘al antl litisllit'“ skilh alltl tn ntltt‘rs \\'lin prcst'nl t‘ralts tn (lk‘\\‘l1)l) lllt‘li' knnult‘tlgc t)lit‘t)lllt‘lll,)()l'.ll‘}' t l‘.lll\
Closing dates: 1 June 1999
\\\l\l.llltt‘ tn nnln'nw llik‘ (itialiti' antl quantity nl
t raltx t'\llll)lll()ll\ \hnun. nntiatul antl t‘irt‘tilatt'tl in N‘ntlantl antl tn t‘lltllllt' thcin tn lic \linu‘n innrc t'llt‘t'lnt'l}.
Closing date: 1 September 1999
Special Projects
\tlmiul'l lnl' lil‘njt't'ls \\lllt‘li \ll't‘llglllt‘ll lllt‘ lit'l\\t)l‘l§ nl organisations ill .\tntlantl uhit‘h prnnintc aml Im‘wnt \ raltx ainl lirnatlt-n tlu- i'angc niattitliclit'cx
antl liartn llMllHll in traits.
Closing date: 1 September 1999
Start-up Grants
.\\~l\l.lllt t' ll) llt‘\\ t l'.lll\|)t‘nl)lt‘ \\li() t‘\llll)ll .l lllgll lt-wl nl t rt-ati\it_\ and skill and \\ll() haw a \‘ialilc llt‘\k‘l()l)lllt'lll plan. In t‘\ltll)ll\ll ilit'lil\t‘l\t‘\ as niakcrx
lll \t'ntlantl
Closing date: 1 June 1999
Indigenous Crafts Development Fund \tililinrt to t rth groups antl organisations \\lilt'll lirt'wnt t ralts lHl' lii'nju ts \\ll|\'ll Iii'tlllitllt‘ a\\al't'llt'\\ antl lllltlt'l‘\l.lli(lllil\' nl tht' intligt-nnux traits nl' \tnllalltl
Closing dates: 1 June and 1 September 1999
Writers' Bursaries l'llll'\«ll'lt'\ tn t-nalilt- lil'ltlt'\\lltllill nutcrx. lllt lutlin: \\llll‘l'\ In! t lllllll't‘ll, antl translators tn (lt'\lllt' lillll't'
[Init- [u “Milli:
Closing date: 23 July and 17 December 1999
Literature for Children and
Young People
\lllllllil'l int a unlr iangt‘ nl In‘njt-t ls antl \‘\('lll\ \\lnt|i \ulilini'l antl (l\'\t’lll[) llll’ Hitting. publishing
ainl trailing nl \ lilltli't'n's linan Ill \uill.ilitl
Closing date: 13 August 1999
Dan cc
Choreographic Development Award In allnu «lain t'l'\. \ htii'vngi'alilit‘rs .lllll tnnilianit-s an uplini‘linnti tn (l\'\\‘llll) llt'\\ uni‘L unlinul Illk' Imw-
\lllt‘ nl llllllllt lit‘t‘lni'nianu-
Closing dates: 7 June and 30 August 1999
Dance Bursaries
In .l\\l\l .ll‘ll\l\ lll\l)l\t'll lll (lantt- ni (lanu' li'.llllllif\' lll \tntlantl \\llll t n~t\ nl \lllli'l-lt’l'lll nl‘ liai't—tniit' training ni’ it'st'ai't li
Closing date: Last working day of each month
Scottish Traditions of Dance
Support lor l'k‘\l(lk'll(’lt‘.\ t‘()lldl)()r.ltl\'t‘ initialivcs lX‘UVt‘L‘Il (ll'llVIN‘ antl ntlicr prnjct‘ts «lllllt'tl at pro- moting aml passing on .\l\'lll\ nithin traditional
Closing date: 31 May 1999
Projects by Scottish Theatre Companies
In support \t’llllhli tlrania tnnipanit-s lll pi'cwntlng tht-ir \xnrk Ill a rangt- nl \liMll and int-thuni-st‘alt'
\k'lillk" throughout St'ntlaiitl.
Closing date: 23 August 1999*
Scotland Onstage
'ln lllt rvaxt‘ tht' nninlit-r .llHl t‘Xlt‘lHl tlic lllk‘ nl Inn- (lllt‘lllill\. iinnli'ing \aluc lnr ninnt'y In cnaliling nini'c ')t'()|)l(‘ tn \t‘t‘ tht- \xnrk and to llllllrlnt‘ (lualiti through, lni' k‘\illli|)lt'. lit‘\\’ .ll'lhtlt' liai'tnci‘sliilis antl
t‘xlt‘ntlt'tl i't‘llt‘dl'Mll licrintls.
Closing date: 6 September 1999*
Training and Travel Bursaries
l'illl'\.ll'lt‘\ In t‘' tlit‘all't' Pl'at'tlllnlit'r\ tn i‘xlt‘litl lllt‘ll' t'.\|)t‘i'll\t‘ through attcntlant‘c at \lilll’l-lk'l'lll nr part-tum: t‘nurxt‘x. or In untlt'rtaking a 'M‘l'llltl nl \lnth ni' a \IH't'lcll 'll'tllt‘t ll
Closing date: Last working day of each month
‘3‘ lnr l’rnlt-t t\ H) linam ial war I‘ll“) “1
Music Performing Material Subsidy
.\\\l\l¢\lll\' tn U)Ililll)\t‘l'\ \\ith thc \()\l\ nl inatt-t'ialx llt‘t t‘\\.ll"\ lnl' llit‘ lit'l'ltil‘liiallt't‘ nl tllt'll' \\nrl\‘. \ut'll as Part «opting. rt'lil'ntltlt'tlnll .llltl \llltllll ll)\l\ Closing date: Last working day of each month
Music Commission Subsidy \lllllmrl l1) :l'lllllh (il' llltll\l(lll.ll\ lul' ll‘lt‘ ttixl til ((llllllll\\|llll lt‘t‘\ lHl' Hl'IQllml ttilllanlllth
Closing date: 12 July 1999
Visual Arts
Amsterdam Studio Residency \n .l\\.ll'll tn rnalilt' an .ll'll\l tn (lt‘\\'l(ll) lllt‘ll' \ rc- atnm ulnlst hung aml uni'king lll .\ni\tt~rtlain lot
I) lllillllll\ using .\.'\("\ \llllllH lllk‘l't‘
Closing date: 28 May 1999
British School at Rome SAC Scholarship
In t'lltllllk‘ an .ll'lhl tn (l\'\k'll)l) thcn' t'l't‘.lll\ll\ \\lnl\l
ll\lll:\' aml nothing Ill lllt‘ lil'llhll \t'hnnl at Rlllllt‘ lnr
lllllt' ninnllh
Closing date: 30 April 1999
Australia Residency
l\\n .t\\.ll'll\ in t‘iialilt‘ l\\n til'll\l\ ln t't‘wal‘t li itlt‘a\ \\llllt‘ lulu; antl uaning Ill .\u\ti'alla lni' llil't'k' nr \l\ illnllllh
Closing date: 7 May 1999
Visual Artists’ Awards .'\\\ar<l.\ which i'ct‘nqnisc an artists‘ misting l)()(l\‘ nl nod»; and hcll) tn (lcvclol) luttirc work.
Closing date: 3 September 1999
Public Art Initiatives
(irants Hill!) to Ll,()()(l to assist artists n‘ltli tlit' cost of rcscart'hing antl prcscnting innnvatiw antl chal- lcnging |)l‘()l)()\«il.\ lnr art in puhlit' plan's.
Closing dates: 6 August and 5 November 1999
Assistance Grants to Individual Artists
(irants nl til) tn L730 tn «l\\l\l .ll’lh’lx mth thc innnuliatc t-nxts lll\‘()l\'t‘(l lli t'l'k‘dlll‘lg antl pit-writing tht'ii' mirk.
Closing dates: 6 August and 5 November 1999
Fellowships ~\uplinrt tn .ix\l\l a raich nl organisations Ill Scotland with tht' t't).\I\ nl hosting a \l\ll.ll arl lt‘ll()\\'-
Closing date: 1 September 1999
Exhibitions and Projects
(il‘.lllt\ tn cnt'nuragt' tht- initiation and production nl ninmatiu' c\lnlntinn.\ antl ()tllt‘l' tciiilini‘.ir"\' \l\ll.ll lirnjt-t‘tx ulnt‘h itlcntili' a lit‘\\ tnlm- nr gm' a nt-u lit'l'\l)k'k'il\t'. llit'llltlillg pulilit‘attnnx or critical \w'it— Ill:
Closing date: 1 August 1999
Central Funds
Training in Arts Management
(irantx tn llitll\l(lll.ll\ \\l)l'l{lll‘*\' in tlic arts l'nr \llHl'l tHlll'\k‘\ in arts inanagcnit-nt .llltl tn organisatinns lni' iii-linth training lll t‘(|ll.ll (i|)|)t)l‘llllllllt‘\. luntl—i'ais- ing and t‘nxtnnit'i' t'art-
Applications considered throughout the year
l‘ni' furl/it'r tidal/s, llfllt' tn tht' \I(I(Irt'\\ l‘t'lnn or :t'/t';‘/'ll’/l(' (ht- .\.l( [Iv/[t INN/c an (’1 3/ 3-10 3-1-1} 3444 iwtnccn It’tiin- [Jr/ii tint! Jpn-Jpn). “(Hit/(ll to I'i'it/tn .ln uni/inc of ill]! flint/x tint] xt/n'nivx Lurrt'nt/i' tlitII/tilt/t' from .\.l( l\ iixltxl in our [1:1in [iii/i/it‘tllinn, n/ittuntili/t' from :hi' Hull,” [)t'\;\' Net/w nott' (ht/I (hc HUI/i l)t'\l«' Hill by Jinn/fur
liiixtt'i‘ on _’ and 3 .lpri/
The Scottish Arts Council
l2 Manor Place Edinburgh
[El-{3 7DD
llclmic [til]? min \tit nit/1.1:
The Scottish Arts COLIIiC/l is creating a dynamic arts environment which enhances the quality of life for the people of Scotland.
1;! (unit IQQQ THF I IST 99