bulletins AGENDA

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\1°r 4 In" ,/ 4‘ a / ‘“ - <9 ~ V V I o Uptown top Rankin: Rebus star John Hannah D I R E c T D I R I B U T I O N ' exciting city on earth? Then _ B u Capability Scotland want you to Arts, Entertalnlnenl, Tourism and leisure Publicity Nationwide

News and views in bite-sized form Part 0* their team at this

pieces, . year's New York Marathon. If you £23592:pi:22::3oi;;::e:‘:;t ;

FICTIONAL detective, Inspector hunk 3f Spgnsorshi moneg whue i Rebus, will join the Morses, Frosts, p p y

Dalziels and Pascoes of this world you re at 't' Coma“ Ryan MaCk'e 0” when John Hannah brings Ian 0131 337 9876. Travel and expenses

. , . are taken care of, and all you have Rankin 5 creation to small screen

life. The Scottish Television series to do '5 run 1”“ over 26 m'IeS- will consist of two-hour films rather ; GLASGOW BAND THE DELGADOS

than episodicauy structured are the latest addition to the bill at adventures, the first of which 3 this year’s T in the Park, which takes begins shooting in autumn, to get Place 0” the weekend 0t 10 and 11 that grey, raih-soeked atmosphere July at Balado, near Kinross. Fans

which characterises Rankin's novels. Wi” "0 dOUbt be drawn by the

Whether the usually extremely possibility of hearing the Chemikal . . . . presentable Hannah will fit into , Uneerground baa? henchos Bagels! Nutritious, Wlnnel‘ Of “Best Gale Rebus's unkempt and dishevelled ' Per 0”“ meterla' rem their new 5 u o r o r a ' . 99 wad,on ,emains to be seen, but album, due for an autumn release, I hllmg, non-fattening, in [gdmbur gh Scottish are hepihg to repeetfhe 1998's Pe/oton may prove a hard act inexpensive and success of thelr preVIous crlmlnal ; to fellow: bUt the rumours 0f Sl'de , , ' . collaboration, the forensic thriller 1 9U't3f and ham make beth record Utterly delwl()us° ThC L181. 1 McCalIum. No word yet as to ' and I've appearance 'ntr'gumg whether or not the films will be P'OSPeCtS- made in the same order in which BRITAIN'S BIGGEST PERFORMING the novels were written. One thing , arts festival for young people kicks t is guaranteed: a shot In the arm for off in Edinburgh on 18 May, but e Rankln's already considerably 1 tickets are already available. The e e a n t healthy b0°k sales- 1 Scottish International Children’s 8 l ' SCOTLAND'S pOETS WILL feature on ; Festival will feature more than 200 S S a new compact disc, to be r events, spread across seven venues. distributed free to every secondary | VlSitan companies from as far school in the nation. The project is atie'd 35 canade and Nigeria Wi” be funded by a Scottish Arts Council ; inVO'Vedr together With big names Millennium Festival award to the T from the SCOttiSh artiStiC ; ' . r. . . - tune of £27,000, and will feature at ; communitlfl DaVid G'eigr treSh from Ldlnbu’gh ‘8 fl, St The go", "let tea and least twenty poets, including i :is sucttetss wgth Suggtzct call/t;er authentic bagel coffee house In the representatives of the Gaelic I 35 W" e" anny 3" e . . r ' creative community. Most of the - eVe’) for the Traverse: a Show to be (and sandWICh) Shop hea’t of the Old Town 7 poetry will be specially recorded for . direCted by Perfect Days helmet L inclusion on the disc which is 10"” TitteW- t ' ° , . . . o e j x / )’

entitled Thelma/Box, butamhive i KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR . . . property 37 Marshall Street 21 (r€()l.§.,L \ 1 Bl ldge rsnaterrial :y 'the late lain Crichton i prices to go through the roof (Nicolson Square) Edinburgh

mlt wi a so be included. Wherever King Sean of Scotland 7 " " ' LOOKING FOR A chance to stay fit, eStabliSheS a (time Share Style) a l l 3] 3333 help others and visit the most 'etum to his '00“-

l -l‘) Alli WW THE LIST 21