Buchanan Galleries
Glasgow’s first John Lewis.
Buchanan Street. (Peter Ross)
Those shops in full:
Accessorize FTSK
Angelic Candles Gap
Ann Harvey Gadget Shop Austin Reed Goldsmiths Baby Gap Gymboree Bay Trading Habitat
Bella Ricco H8iM Birthdays Hoi Polloi Blazer Jacques Vert Boots Jane Norman
John Lewis Jeffrey Rogers
Carphone Warehouse Ciro Citterio
Clinton Cards Knickerbox Claires Accessories La Senza Comet Lakeland Costa Coffee Leslie Davis Dynasty The Link
East Lunn Poly Eisenegger Mango
Envy Millies Cookies Electronics Boutique Miss Selfridge The Food Gallery Natural World Free Spirit Next
8 THE LIST l8 ‘flar—i Aor I999
\\\\ n
“H-535 ’,’,’,',”"".J;
Glasgow’s reputation as a shopper’s paradise is set to soar With the long-awaited opening of Buchanan Galleries. The £200 million retail proiect, which has been under construction since February 1996, finally opens its doors on Wed 31 Mar.
5 The vast scale and uininspiring appearance of the shopping complex has come under fire, particularly as it opens in Glasgow’s year as City of Architecture and DeSign. However, even the most aesthetically-senSitive shoppers are likely to be won over by the presence of the biggest Habitat in Europe, a Sainsbury’s in the City centre and
Buchanan Galleries is located bes:de the Royal Concert Hall at the north end of
Original Levi Store Ortak
Perfume Shop Photo-Optix
Robert Jenkins Sainsbury's Central Salisburys
Sock Shop
Stencil Store
The Suit Company Sunglass Hut Thorntons
Tie Rack
Tog 24
Vision Express Viyella
Whisky Shop
AWARDS CEREMONIES - LOVE 'EM 0* "ate ’me — t'“ey"e not gong to go away st "1am no st.- oossesses the mod se to raise ts s< rt ove' ts ‘ace and snow o‘t’ ts c'eat ve oants '<e a sma g r. A 26"‘5'. ye y, t"e r“ore Cy" ca éy no need 0" us cos c argue that they' renca " with us as org as '"alor ntematona cong orrerates neec: a year y o'o‘ : ooost — out wne'e's toe romance n t"at?
At a so": ‘ r“ ‘est va recentiy, I began to see a oattem emerge. In the cut and oaste o‘ ‘e, these org es 0" aggrar‘o serpent cot. o stand a ongs oe gveoo'ngs
polishes her acceptance speech.
on my seat and found I had been reoiaceo by the low budget yes on o‘ tne Oscar aberbonoe — a sweatrg soar< w tn gaf‘er tape bangles and a pouch on "is bet for every occas-on,
Watching actors win awards to performances stz‘fer than the cardboard Cut-outs used to downy the": .n rehearsal, the "nooo o‘ the crowd was getting ugry. What we needed was a renegaoe we: I .-<e a 'na"gy 009 to oat n OJD ic and K c< at "once, trese are prov-ded <e comp «rentary nuts ‘0' gr peace-g iosers to foods the.r magriar‘rnous oearr goon. Dazzeo and bemused, toe victorious rna'es a'e tren 'et ‘oose or the night with a fan 0‘ am nates and are induced to get hammered i" order to aopear on tre ‘rOnt page w t" sagg "g rrascara ano r"‘eunty eyes t"e ‘or owing oay. At'ter an
The games commenced with a tawdry show imparting all the glamour of a drunken karaoke night in Bellshill
and "o oay rornances as a
.iersa ‘om‘at mo'e ' g o " ts structs'e (“an the McDona os
" era'c"y,
As I or ‘teo "to unconsc Ousness opr cg another "term “‘50 e voca oac<s ao, I traceo t"e cot/5e 0" events thus ‘ar, T" s be “9 Manchester, so r tua r‘ o‘ G asgow, the standard red carpet a'r va was reo aceo 2" some rather ‘etcn “g no circa '72, oesoe'ate y t'y "g to conta " the tea \.'.a'xe o‘ “no tcat threatened to engu ‘ the o'oceeo “93. Around me, capo oates strugg ed man‘s y to dect some 0 zzazz "to the occas o" by 00"“T‘g R ve' is ano's soangies ano aooot r‘g a naughty demeanour.
Once a part es were seateo a" ‘ the ' oro‘ess ona stand r‘g assesseo accordeg to the r seat "9 oos t on, t"e games CO”'*‘€"C€O t" a tangy snow mpart "g a the g amour o‘ a own<en <a'ao-<e n g": l"
BeI s" i. The“, t" a ‘an‘a'e more ss'teo to v st “‘9 t'ore g" o g” ta' es t" ‘ ve ves, the 'oe'sona ty' lvlC oowoeo onto the stage t'" the energy 0" a mate-crazed w 'oeoeest. As r‘e reverseo "is art cuiated outs "to the t g”: oar< ng soaces o‘ t"e auo ence's sense 0‘ "detox, re: red to the oar Severa' Babycrams later, I canoneo com!“ the as e trying to ‘octis
O’gy 0" set “est, they a'e turned out to gaze the ‘ e cs 0" anony'n ty on: oeat'“ or an 80$ '6‘/ ya oec<ons creve' co'res ou c<e'i.
As the soeecces o'eoictao y ‘JEG'EC ‘rom c oy r‘g se ‘- e“ace~ent to rap 0 egot sm, 0‘ Naoo eon c o'oport oos, wondered ‘.'v""y I st ‘ocino myse " o'aw" <e a crazed boot" to the . g": 0‘ these nights. And the", by o‘ by the MC Sfu'T‘bleO and, ‘o' a g or ou's r*“orner‘t, we watched as toe oauo e teetered dangerous y o" the eoge of the 000 we. That 5 ng e moment r“ad o'ovioeo rno'e ecte'ta omen: than a the weoo “93 o‘ Dal/as out together.
That's when I knew the secret. We or “g a car crash TV mental ty to these co co oos coa'aces. Like cac< cg f'“ags we org to see our 0015 t'a ' "o" grace and craw‘ on a tours through tne "we 0‘ the O'O "a'y. Add teat S why t". S yea“, come Oscar ".gbt, I’l' be sat, o'y eyeo, n ‘ront ot' the screen. n the sea hours, play “9 goes who’s on norse tranou ‘sers and o acng bets OP \.‘.IL"O w i‘ w " the career resurrection awa'o. See you there.
Gill Mills is on Radio Scotland, Suns 7-8pm and co-hosts The Loafers on BBC Choice, hie-Fri, 10pm.