rock & pop
Gigs are listed by date, then by cit . Performances Will be listed, provi ed that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Rodger Evans (Edinburgh).
Ticket information
Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:
Virgin, Argyle Street. 204 5151 Tower Records Argyle Street. 204 2500.
Credit card bookings from: Ticket Link: 287 551 l.
Virgin Princes Street. 220 3234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.
Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 4349
I Property Of Sound and My Legendary Girlfriend King This Walt Walt Htit. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30mi. £3.50 tatlyance). £4 idoori.
I Ninth Circle, One Root and Confusion Corporation Nice ‘n' Sleazy. Satichiehall Street. 333 0637. 0pm. Rock from the heayy. tlooniy. industrial end ol‘ the spectrulii.
I Shock Exchange and Apeman The I311) Note (Kile. King Sll'c‘c‘l. 5.53 1638. 8pm. £3. Shock liscliange are a London trio t‘eattiring iiiiproy percussionist ('harles Hayward. w ho has played with Roxy Music and (long iii his time.
I Diesel Bone and Drift (‘ayerii ('lub. Strathclytle L'niyei'sity l'nion. John Street. 567 5023. ‘)pm. Free. Students and guests.
I Highlife Kilkeiinys. John Street. 552 3505. 9pm Free.
I N17 duo Molly Malone's. llope Street. 332 2757. ‘)pm. Free. Saw Doctors tribute in strippetl-dow ii l‘oi‘iiial. I Independence Samuel 1)ow 's. Nithstlale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free. Jttlli Session.
I The Al Pacinos Bar ( )ne. Brandon Street. Motlierwell. 01608 251 304. 0pm. £1.
I Andy Neate (‘oiiimoii (irounds. 2/.3 North Bank Street. 226 1416. 7.30pm. Free.
I Grits 'n' Gravy Trio .la// .Ioiiit. s Morrison Street. 221 1288.
l0pm—3aiii. £4 t£3i. |.atin. ltmk. iii/l. aiitl breakbeat. l‘eattiriiig Scottish Young Mitsiciau ol- the Year Patil Harrison on keys.
I The LA Doors and Heat the Venue. Caltoti Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £7. Now the Australian l)t)t)1'.\.11't‘110111011‘. their I.().\ Aligt‘lt‘alt I‘I'L‘IIII'L‘II Ititik‘ \Cl 10 Clean tip. Iixpect a lull house lot" this theatrical trip down Moonlight I)1'l\t‘..'\11'Il)lllt‘lti the biggest cult band iii the world . l-LVl-ZRY
I Snow Patrol and Salako I’otlel'l'ow. Bristo Square. 650 ‘)l‘)5. 8pm. £5/£4. Student or e\-stutleiit 11) required or sign in as a student guest. (iiasgow -basetl labelmates oi the Brit stealing Belle .-\iitl Sebastian who sound like the Stooges languishing stoned III a yat or glue. Apparently.
I Rodeohead whistle ninkies. \itltlry Street. 557 5114. 1 1pm, Free.
I Olympia, Little Green Apples and The Room The Martell. Btti‘iibank Road. ()I 342 ()2 I 764. Split. £3
I Ultrasound King Tut's Wah Wah Hill. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £6 plus booking lee. Wildly ambitious oddbods who are here to give prog rock a good name. Their debut album clocks in at ‘)0 minutes and it better be worth every second. Things to watch otit for include singer Tiny's girth and things to listen out for include bass player Vanessa's operatic backing yocals.
I The Screaming Mad and The Thanes The 13th Note Cafe. King Street. 553 1638. 8pm. An eyening of psychedelia aiitl garage courtesy of Edinburgh's Thanes and Middlesborough headliners who take their inspiration from the likes of The lylistindei'stood and Soil Machine. I The Amphetameanies Nice ‘n' Sleazy. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. Launch party for the skamongers new single 'Tliat Niglit'.
v I Lorna Brooks The Tap. Sauchiehall
Street. ‘).30pm.' Free. Local sitiger/songwriter making a return to li\e work.
I Bubblecraft and The Twisted Melons Asylum. C‘aledonian University Union. Cowcaddens. 332 0681. ‘)piii. Free. Students and guests.
I Diobane and The Hemispheres ("ayern Club. Slrathclytle IFniyersity Union. John Street. 567 5023. ‘)piii. Free. Students and guests.
I Ramblin' Fever (irand ()le ()pry. Paisley Road Toll. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £2.50 (£1.50 nieiiibei‘si. (‘ountry hoedown.
I Abba Disco Party Bourbon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 0141. 7pm. £5 (£14.50 with dinner). Weekly ol'l‘ice party shindig with an Abba tribute band.
I Broken, Free For All arid Freefall Fury Murrys. Maxwell Street. 221 6511. ‘)pm. £3.50 tadyaiicei. £4 idooi'l. including entry to post-gig club.
I The Dagmars McC‘huill’s. High Street. 552 2135. 10pm. Free. Rock 'n‘ t'oll.
I Solution McCliuill's Way Out West. Kelyiiihatigh Street. 221 556‘). ‘).30pin. Free.
I N17 Molly Malone's. Hope Street. 332 2757. ‘)pm. Free. Saw Doctors tribute.
I Bronx Samuel Dow's. Nithsdale Road.
' 4230107. 8.30pm. Free.
I Groove Diggas Ja/l John. is Morrison Street. 221 1288. 10pm 3am. £5 (£4). IIt‘iiyit‘sl soul l‘tltlk’ ()tlllill tliis sith oi. the border.
I Holly Thomas Common Grounds. 2/3 North Batik Street. 226 1416. 7.30pm.
I‘I'L'c‘. i I Battle Of The Bands Semi-Final Tap
()'I.auristoii. 8()1.auriston Place. 22‘) 4041. 10pm. Free. Bands to be
‘ conl‘iriiied. ‘ I Poptarts Nli's Bar. Baltiioral Ilotel.
Princes Street. 556 2414. ‘).30piii. Free. I The Gents, Green and Orange and Trans Audio Attic. Dyers Close. Cowgate. 225 8382. 7.30pm. £3.
I Al’s All Night Joke Shop The Bongo (’ltib. 14 New Street. 558 7604.
10pm 3am. £8/£6. l.iye perl'oriiialices
I and yitleo and Internet link-tip. Featured
artists include Swelling Meg. the legendary Radge Against The Machine and Drew Fairley.
I Nik Kershaw The (iarage. Saucliiehall Street. 332 1120. 7pm. £10 pltis booking lee. No age restriction. Retiieiiiber little .\"ik l'rom the 80s'.’ Puryeyor ol' snoods and
sy ntlipop tunes like ‘The Ritltlle' aiid ‘I Won't Let The Stiii (_io Down On Me' and not to be conltisetl with Stephen ‘Tin Tin' Dull-y. founder member at" Duran Duran. I Campag Velocet Kitig 't‘iit‘s Walt Wall lltit. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.3ilplli. L5 pills booking l-L‘L‘. See preyiew.
I Texas Express (hand (He ()pry.
Paisley Roatl Toll. 42‘) 53‘)6. 7.30pm. £2.50 (£1.50 iiieiiibersi. ('otintry.
I 4 Past Midnight Nice ‘n' Sleazy. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. ‘)pm.
I Zebedee Numbchunk The 13111 Note Cale. King Street. 553 1638. 8pm. £2.
I Monofreak and Lugan Cavern Club. Strathclyde University Union. John Street. 567 5023. ‘)pm. Free. Students and guests.
I Dominic Waxing Lyrical McC‘htiills Way Out West. Kelvinhaugh Street. 221 556‘). ‘).30ptii. Free.
I The Beatles Beat Bourbon Street. George Street. 552 0141. 7pm. £5 (£10.50 with dinner). Tribute to the Fab Four.
I Open Stage The Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 564 1527. 4—8pni. Free. .laiii session for local musicians.
I Starsail The Halt Bar. \V’oodlands Road. 564 1527. ‘).30pm. Free.
I The Vagabonds Waxys. C‘andleriggs. 552 8717. ‘)pm. Free. Popular covers.
I The Originals Kilkennys. John Street. 552 3505. ‘)piii. Free.
I Touch And Go The Wharf. Yoker Ferry Road. ‘)5‘) 2016. 9pm. Free.
I GFD Samuel Dow's. Nitlisdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free.
I Yumbambe Jazz. Joint. 8 Morrison Street. 221 1288. l0piii--3aiii. £5 (£4). Latin jazz oyerload.
I The Screaming Mad and Underground Apes Tap ()‘l.atirision. 8t) l.aui‘iston Place. 22‘) 4041. 10pm. Free. Psychedelic sounds.
I Honky NB's Bar. Balmoral llotel. Princes Street. 5562414. ‘).30pni. Free. I Boothe’s Acre, The Shore and Groovy Puddings Attic. Dyers Close. (‘ow-gate. 225 8382. 7.30pm. £3. Kick botty rock ‘n' roll troiii l.eilh‘s yery own The Shore.
I The Dagmars Whistle Binkies. Nitldry Street. 557 5114. 1 1pm. Free.
I Orbital and Plaid Barrowlantl. (iallowgate. 552 4601. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()lfT. Their new album T/It’ Middle ()1 .\'mi-/ii'rt' is one of the big dance releases ol the year. in a year lull of big dance releases. Slightly more cerebral in approach than contemporaries like L'ntlenyorltl and l.el‘ttieltl. the brothers llai'tiioll neyeitheless know how to rock the
joint when they play liye.
I Bis, Velocette aiitl Brassy King Tut's Walt Walt lltit. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £6 plus booking lee. Bis celebrate the release ol' their second album Stir/til Hairline. aii album which they led matches tip to their energetic pei'l'orniances. Support from the tll\ ine popster Velocette Saint lilienne. watch your back. Mark and Lard Iiaye been giying new single ‘Bitterscene a good deal of desert ed patronage on Radio 1. Brassy complete the \Viiiia triple bill.
I Universal Pansies The 13th Note (‘Itih (‘lytle Street. 243 2177. 8pm.
I Dreamtime, Lifeform No. 281 and Liberatus The l3th Note ('al‘e. King $0111.55.“ 1038. Split. £3.
I Hernandez and Aerogramme Nice 'n‘ Slea/y. Saticliiehall Street. 333 0637. ‘)pm.
rock & pop MUSIG
This issue’s best gigs
Bis, Velocette and Brassy Those who enjoy indie like mother used to make, should head along to Tut’s for this Wiiija Records package lOUr. Bis will be plugging their exuberant new album Social Dancing, while the excellent Velocette offer more elegant pop thrills. Glasgow: King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, Sun 2.7 Mar
Blacka'nized Bizarre use of the apostropht.‘ isn't the only extraordinary thing about llllS Edinburgh crew. Their debut album YUS/l Presents Blacka’nized IS a funky, (satire-Splicing thing of beauty. Edinburgh: Cafe Graffiti, Sat 27 Mar
GP Hall The extraordinary guitarist, GP Hall, has spent three decades mining hiS 11111(1'.1{"‘.’t?11‘. of unmiegorrsable experimental lil‘tlSlC, spanning deft pop melodies through to a riotous onslaught or eltxtioni: noise, sometimes in the same piece. Expect the unexpected. Gi’('is'g()=.v ('04, Fri 79 Mar.
(io along to this and give Hernandez all your money. They recently had their gear nicked and are playing this gig to raise l'untls to replace it. Which begs the question What are they going to be playing with tonight'.’ I Insight, Blind River, Velvet Skies and Donut Straw betry Fields. ()swald Street. 221 7871. ‘lpin. £3. I Trampas Grand Ole ()pry. Paisley Road '1'oll.42‘) 5,106. ".30pin. £2.50 (£1.50 metnbersi. (‘otintry I Live Music Kilkennys. John Street. 552 3505. ‘)pm. Free.
I Tasty and Brian Kellock Trio Jazz Joint. 8 Morrison Street. 221 1288. Spin—3am. £3. l‘rban tau and soul sounds.
Continued over page
MCP, in association with The Agency, Fir-sums
annie christian
Tickets: £12.50 B/O Tel: 01224 641122 Also from 1 Up Records (subject to booking fee).
Tickets; £12.50 Credit Cards Tel: 0141 3239 B383 (24 hrs) Also from Ticket Centre Glasgow and Tickets Scotland at Virgin .Mei astores in Edinburgh and Glasgow (Subject to booking ee)
181.1.i: l/\1)1 100‘.) THE lIST45