Gibson. (iregg Henry. Deborah Kara L‘nger. lll) mins. An entertaitiingly et‘t‘alie rehain ot' I‘ltfl'y Point Blank. I’uy/nnl inids (irhson good. it" unlikely. Ill the Lee Mary rn tough guy role. Hegeland's impressixe drreetorral debut. \\ lnle perhaps eyen more eynreal than the earlier llllll. turns much more to comedy and “mks partly as a send-up and partly as an homage to John lloorman‘s original. See I’c'\'lc'\\' (ieneral release.
Peidita Durango i la) tart-t rte la lglesra. US/Spain. i998) Rosie l’erez . .l.t\lc‘t' llardem. l3: rnins. \Vhen (iit't'ord's eharaeters 'lr'oni Wilt/st! Henri) tall tirto the hands ot Spain's de la lglesrgz. they 're badly \L‘I’H'tl by a trlmmaker \yhose blatant misogyny and incompetent handling ot' narratiye momentum is ere e\ rdeat in slt ( run .l/llfttllft' and “at ()f The Butt). (ilasgon: (iliil‘. lidmlturgh: liilmhottsc.
Pl (1:) t l5) ll)arr'en Aronotsky. l'S. I‘M") Sean Gtrllette. Mark Margolis. llen Shenkrnan SJ. mms. The serenee t‘ietion oi [’1 is more Stephen Hawking than Slur 'li'el. ()bseSsed u tth disemet'mg numerical patterns lll lite and nature. mathematical genius .\la\ comes across a Zlb digit sequence that precedes a stock market crash and l'L‘\c‘.ll\ the hidden name ot (iod. (ilasgoyy: (it'os\etiot'.
Pippi longstocking it." r it‘hie Smith. SwedenKierniatry/Canada. l‘NT- Sl) ruins. .'\llllll;llc‘\l adyentures teatur'mg the helm ed Suedrsh elnld- heroine originated in the books ot <\st:rd landgien. (ilasgou: (itllllt‘t'c‘l all
Pleasantvillerllr t(i.ny Ross. l’S. i‘J‘JSI'lobey Maguir'e. Reese \\ rtherspoon. \Vrlltani H. Macy. lI-l ntins. .lil‘rllllld to a dodgy plot to N. ‘llls kids l).r\ id and Jennifer are zapped into ’.’t’tr’\tlllll‘I//t‘. an [1.1111 1th \'-style Flls sitcom. a monochrome \yor'ld it here se\. art arid passion are ttnknoii n. It llllS \\.r\ “Hi a gimmick lllmlc‘. it \tould be a brilliant one. but P/t'uutntt'r/lt tsalsoa relentlessly m\enti\eeoniedy. (ieneral release.
The Prince Of Egypt I l’ t t llr'enda Chapman. Ste\e Hickner. Simon \Vells. lfS. lWSr \oxees ot \'al Kilmer. Ralph l-‘rennes. Sandra lltrlloek. \lrehelle l’l'eil‘l'et'. 9‘) turns. The li\otlus story. .rnzmated lot the big Screen. With some :tt'lhllc‘ lieenee. ll tolloti y Moses limit his tlrsemety as .: hairy by l’lt.ttaoi:\ \yil‘e. through his torrnatri e yeah as a Royal l’rrnce to his tall trom grace when he discot eis his true Hebr'eu background lldrnburgir. llrtmton llteatte
(ilasgoni L'Cl Clydel‘arik. liast Killir'tde l (l
9355, 1w};
Stirling: MacRobert.
Psycho l IS) t(ius Van Sant. l'S. NUS: Vince Vaughn. Anne lleeiie. Julianne Home. I ll) tillIIS Van Sant remakes one or the best-knoyyn trlms ot all time. line lot line. shot tor shot It nothing clan this proyes rust hoiy good /)\\t 1w “A. lite story \llll grips and the e\eellent llc“.\ east gt\e real ji‘et'tor'manees rather lll;ll‘. :nipet'sonatrozts rt :Eze or rentals, lidrnhurgh. Cameo.
Rebecca it’ll; I.-\lltetl tlizszttoehl S. Mo. lattt'ettee llliyier'. Joan lKintarne. .lutlrtlr Anderson. l.‘~ll mins. \Vorttlei‘tuiiy atmospheric: ‘llllilly‘C. made uheri lliteh \\;l\ at l!l\ height l'lte young bride ot r'ieii \yrdoiyet' .\la\rm de \thier lt'illS him at lll\ grand ttiansiori. but e\et'y\i hete she turns. there are memories ot' hrs ttrst it. rte. \\ hose death as surrounded by mystery. ladznl‘tzigh Lumiere
The River l lb) t'l'sat \ling-lrang. laryian. lWTi Karig-sheng. .\lrao lien. in llsrao-img. l l5 llElllS [his long and steadily paced trim sees .; laiper taintly rent asunder by their total inability to communicate. .-\t no trnie l\ ll'a lt’rttt a particularly eonitot'tal‘le e\t\'r:enee. l‘tll :1 I\ one u hreh more than \yarrants pattenee and pe:~e\et’a tee yr. tth llS lush ernetiiatogt'aphy and hea\y sense et'dtead. lidinbtn'gh: Lumiere.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show lxr tilt)! Sharman. l'K. ill".< 'lznzl trzty Susan Sarandon. llarty llostiirek. .\le..: lea: lttl) units In: enlt llltl‘. to end .ill others. tltrs rock art on Aid honor
moy res ll.i\ ereated a breed a: Rocky Horde-r era/res. and packs them in at late shoe. s eter'y'a Eiere. (ilasgoyy Caledonzan l rn\e:'~rty: Students' l'nzorr. The Rugrats Movie ' l ' I :_\ort.‘tr \trgrezi. Igor Koialyoy. l S. l‘Nbi \oteex ot l‘..(i. Daily. Christine Caianatrgh. Kath Sorzeze. .\ll mitts l'lte \yeekly animated ad\en'.::te\ rt the tat-eutesy. rt't‘ttattngly \oteed l’tekles tgzztiriy l\ l‘2g .trtzertg kiddies and adults tn the States. btt'. flze ll‘..‘\lL‘ rs detutttely more o! .t turner e::te::.;:rtrt e227. li‘.e lililio message rs yyell intentrerted. and :: :tirgltt keep the
llillc‘ ones dine: let .r \thI: re‘. IL‘.‘. (ienetal
I'c‘lc‘ilSc‘. RUSh Hourel'li. t lltet'. l\’.:'.r.e:. l \. i‘l‘lS- laekte (‘harrCltrrsl'treke: ‘V l“ s ll .tg.‘ Kort:
eop sent to \:t‘.ei;..:'. il‘. ...:e L..:; krdnappe l daughter or in friend. zit; Chinese consul. rs parted \\llll :tt.:\e::ek l4\ eog‘ ltteke: l'.\
rtessl\ thine. aeta :1-p... rte-a
the kind o! min.
romp that \ot: :tagh: unzsii 1::e /.( t ll. .sfrv'r tr'nis
still it ere. Kirkealdy: Adam Smith.
Saving Private Ryan l l5) tStei-en Spielberg. US. 19%) Tom Hanks. 'l‘om Si/etnore. Matt Damon. l7ll tlitllS. Stir/n: l’rirtm Ryan li‘c‘tlSc‘S its attention squarely on the brutalittes endured by .-\merrean soldiers tn \Vorld \\'ar' ll. Central to this rrnpaet is the already legendary openrrrg halt hour. detailing v. tth remorseless brilliance the carnage ot the I)- May landings: 'l'lte actual meat ol the story concerns llanks‘s unit's attempts to locate the eponyrtious l\’).‘.ll. Sc‘lc'c'l'e'tl release.
A Self-Made Hero r lFiIlaetttres .'\lltl|;tl'tl. l'l‘dllc‘c‘. i‘l‘llu \lgrttltietr Kassoi ill. :\nouk (irrnberg. Sandrrne Ktlverlam. ill? nuns. :\ rare blend ot truolrt} and \L‘l'ltlthll‘c'“. :\trdrat'd\ second teattir'e probes the legacy ol l-ranee's Vichy period through the lite ot a perpetual daydreamer tilio gets a taste tor trl‘hrng and becomes a fraudulent hero ot the \\.llllllic‘ resistance lidrttbut'gh: l’tlttil‘rouse ll'lllll (iutldr.
Seul Contre Tous lSr.m./.tt’mit t is) r(iaspar Noe. liranee. EWM 03 :ttrns
llardeore petaettatrye ~e\ arid a nattseattr‘g scene lll hzeit .1 pregnant uoniari XS repeatedly punched in :11: stnznaeii l)!Slllll‘lll:_‘ and graphic" ies. (it..l‘.lll\‘ll\ she-ck tacites‘ \o: only material ot \llc‘ll tlfie‘ltillt‘H‘lfltsttig brutality can bring the \tc‘\\c‘l
. the utter tl.‘\t‘l;tl!tll‘r tel: by the .nam ei‘...:.:ete:. at: tinerztployed Fll-yeat-oid l‘vtrteltet who has been ~L.::ti:‘.ied rate a dead-end ;'\l\l'.‘llc‘;'. See :etzexi lidzrzbutgit‘ (Itziteo. Shakespeare In Love t IF. '.lol‘.tt \ladden. t'k’. NUS Joseph lienries. (iyyyrieth l’;t!tr'oo., lx’tzpert l'.\ete'. i.‘.ll trtzns litetittes. .1 part' or br‘eeehes and a text titetxly \et'ses and a league or \iomen \\ Ill lea\ e the e‘lll‘e‘flld wonder mg xi lry they llc'\ er trgured rt otrt at School Sir.:ke~;\'at‘e is ~e\ on legs. 'lorn Stu-ppatdK sezrpt is e\trl\e:'aritly corittdent. irre\er‘etit ..::d it my. (ieztet'al :elease. Sleeper IS- "north .-\lten.t S. if}. \Voody '\lie:r. l)ra:‘.e Its-eaten. John [leek SS llilllS. lltie ol \\.=ody\ eatiy ‘ftrzrtry :rlnn'. arguably lll\ llllllil.‘\l. lienK (iIe‘;‘l‘:‘.'. reh \rllage i.t// ll‘rllSic'‘dllll
7. oil t:e..k :\ aeczdezrtaliy cryogeuteally tro/en and :E:.:'.‘. -;t: H: :11: j.e.:t flu. where health 1\ ettuatetl :tit .ie..-.d::‘;‘etst I‘..ii ;‘.e..~:i:: Supported by t I‘it 'r'l"’t I. .l ( ll.l\:.'\l\\ -i‘.l\L'ti lhi‘lCCl \l‘llil}\i‘.t‘1illll‘.i (i'EaSg'c-o (il"l
Small Soldiers vl’ti lee llattie. t S. l).::‘.~t_ l \ftl'lli. l).'ll1\ leazy Ill rttttts.
l‘l‘lb' Kristen
MARCH 1 9 E0 (f l .\' i; \I A ("312284141
index FILM
Dante plunders his anarchic live action cartoon tale. (ire/rilina. substituting toys for little devils and adding state-ot-tlie-an computerised effects. Sanitised. blartd and banal. lidinbtrrgh: ()deon. Ayr: ()deon. Kilmarnock: ()deon.
Sons Of The Desert tL‘i tWillian A Seiier. US. l‘l‘x‘si Stan Laurel. ()liy er Hardy. Charley Chase. 69 ntins. llenpeeked husbands Stan and Ollie attend a traternal eonyention behind their wives' backs. Nothing goes to plan ot'eottt‘se. not least because Stanley is bound to t‘ottl up his triend's best laid plans. 'l'he title of this tilm “as adopted by the boys‘ rnterrratronal tan club — tor those who need to know. Supported by the [hill short. Ht’l/HHUR’X. Falkirk: l-'l'll.
Star Trek: Insurrection ll’(il (Jonathan l-‘rakes. LTS. NUS) Patrick Stewart. Jonathan l3rakes. Brent Spinner. llll ltiltt\. 'l‘he .\'eir Generation crew's second outrrrg tmds Captain l’icard defying orders \\ lfc’ll he is sent to attack an alien race on a remote planet in lltl\ allegorreal story destroy a race in the narue or progress, lidinburgh: Cameo. Brunton llteatt'e.
Swimming With Sharks l l5) t(ieorge Huang. CS. IWFr Key in Spacey. Frank \Vlialey. Michelle l‘otbes, "5 turns. Spacey dominates altairs as a rttottstr‘oas llollyuood studio executive it ho bullies new boy \Vlraley .\loy res abotrt movies are nothing :ten. but like the bed . llllS one gets beyond the glamour to say meaningful things about the [llltll‘lllc's oi Milk and nightmarish master-and- Seryaitt relationships. lidmburgh: Cameo.
They Live By Night tl’(ii tNieholas Ray. CS. 1948) l-ar'ley (ii'ariger‘. Cathy ()"Dontiell. Howard Da Sriya. 95 nuns. Ray 's assured debut. adapted from l'alnard Anderson's noyel lalso llltllc‘d as Thieves lilr ('t by Robert Altman). is a tale ol‘dootned innocence tolloyy mg the trail ol' tyyo escaped
eony rets. lidrnbttrgh: l‘ilmhouse tliilttt (itrildl.
The Thin Red Liner l5i t'ler'rence Malick. CS. l‘lllhu Niek .\'olte. l:lias Koteas. Seati l’enn. l7l) rnms. 'l lll\ l\ very much a director's l'iltti. \yith the rnythte and reyet'ed \lalrek as the Star. .\lo\'ie :k-list ty pes make cameo appearances. while the bqu ol‘ the aettot‘. centres on the onyx t'rom Company C. the iarekless -.‘l:'.li'. charged it uh taking a \ital hilltop Slzvttgltfltl ttl life l‘altle tor (inadaleanal. (ieneral
Continued over page
-« Liar -l am 1999 THE LIST29