the new album compact disc, cassette and heavyweight vinyl
released 22nd march 1999 features 'eurodisco' 8 ’action and drama'
Are you 18 and voting for the first time on 5th May 1999?
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Please supply your name, address and phone number so we can get in touch.
Send these details to: Tramway, FREEPUST,
229 George Street, Glasgow, [31 18R
(llSilvDUI‘Jii 0‘, Mai
What does it mean to you to he one of the first young citizens of the new Scotland?
Making the Nation - 19X is your chance to join ’with video-makers, performers, musicians and artists to make a creative statement on our changing times. -
If you live in Glasgow, let us know which of the following days suit you to find out more:
Sunday 18 April 1999 E 2pm ) Sunday 18 April 1999 E! 7pm J Tuesday 20 April 1999 E 7pm J Name:
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