CLUBS listings


Pure Scientist is an award winning D), but he doesn’t play records. Rory Weller asks Pure Science just what’s going on.

Name? Pure SCience. Formerly known as the Scientist aka P'nil aka Phivos Andreas Sebastian.

Occupation? Producer, label boss and DJ (but he doesn't play any records).

Age? 26. Place of birth? Noun London.

What's all this no records DJing about? He plays everytl‘iii’ig live when he’s out in a club, using a keyboard, drum machine and a bag lull of hard disks.

But isn't that just like a PA? 8 Apparently not. He rrizcently was ; awarded the title ’Best New DJ’ at the Muzik award ceremony for his marathon live sessions He plays a seamless mix, creating new music as

he goes along ‘The flow.) is inst as impOrtant as the music itself,' he says.

What kind of style is it? Everything from hard tech-house to groovalicious funk It's all his own cornigiositrons, morphed, filtered and generally monkeyecl about watt: each time he plays. No set is exer the same

Has he been at it for a while? He bought his first keyboard y-y'nen he was ten and was deeply influenced by syntheSiser bands iike Japan, Kraftwerk and Depot he Mode.

What about the clubs? He was a regular participant at the early warehouse parties in London in the early 90s and was given the name ’The Scientist' tor the innovative $0unds he created late night at the Lightening FM Pirate station, locked away with a pot noodle and a sleeping bag.

What records has he done? In his guise as The Scientist {With DJ Hype) he released such hiiqe selling tracks as The ExorCist, The Bee and Champion Sound He's also worked wrth Mica Paris, Malcolm tx/IcLaren and Terry Hall. tit Pure Scienr 0 plays live at Breathe at Yang Wed I7 Mar

68 THE lIST It ‘i’w, .'.-Iai I‘r‘)‘:


I Cheesy Pop at The Quccn Margaret Union. IOpin—Zam. £3 (£2). Students and four guests. lt's cheesy and it's poppy and it'sjust unbridch fun all the way. brought to you by [)J Toast. Rack ‘cm up Toasty boy.

I Cooler at The Cooler. 8pm—midnight. Frcc. DJ Johnny Livcwirc playing deep housc and disco at this new bar just off Sauchichall St. Pro-club.

I Crash at The Shed. Input—3am. £4 (£3). The return of Crash after five ycars with Dave Ross playing an eclectic mix of kitsch classics at this Southsidc club from the team behind the Garage.

I Crucial Vibes at The Bctlsii. ()pm—Zam. £2 (frcc before I lpm) l2 Mar and fortnightly. DJ Gus C} and Miss chctncss playing i‘cyiyal i‘cggac. roots and dub.

I Cul De Sac at (‘til l)c Sac Bar.

9pm midnight. Fi'cc. Anion and Doug with pic-club head plitiiik. (heck out Kcnny l-l playing 5-~7pm for the Happy Hour too.

I Deep Fried at The l3tli Notc Club (both floors). l lpm—3am. £3. The Kung Funk Collective with hip hop. funky breaks and kicking beats over two floors. I Don't Front atle CCA. ‘inn—midnight. Frcc. Hip hop and more from David Sweeney. Pic-club.

I Eighties Nite at The Glasgow School of Art (Vic Bar). Input—321m. 5 Mar ()nly. £4 (£2.50). Fun and frolics on an 8() theme. Price includcs entry to 'l‘urbulcncc too.

I Fellatio at Bar San/a. 8pm—-midnight. i'l'L‘C Deep Philly funk. hottsc‘ and garage. Pic-club.

I Firebird at l‘ll'c‘bll'tl. ()pm—midnight. Pi‘cc. Rory \Vcllci' playing a warm funky sct of soft beats to case you smoothly into the weekend. Pic-club.

I Fourth Dimension at Thc Baby Grand. ()plll-lllltllllglli. l‘i'cc. Andy Young and Datiin play jazz. Brazilian. soul. fusion and ftiiik. Pic-club.

I GB Smirnoff Experience at The Temple. llpm-3am. £6 (£4). New night with Radio Clydc's (icorgc Bowie and 'l‘i'cy'or Reilly playing pumping full-on house.

I Get Smart at Spy Bar. 5—9pm. l‘i'cc. New loungccoi'c melting of phutui'istic music from [M Mingo-go and llusli Puppy. Pic-club.

I Gold 'n' Delicious at .»\i'cliaos. llpm—Ram. £6 (£4). l)a\'id (illlnol'c‘ and Ryan Kci‘r playing qualin housc and gai'agc amid thc spcctaclc of thc l’i'iday night acts. Bungee jumping aci'obats. stilt walkers and a whole hcap of other itiadiicss. Jamic Strung also plays soul and Rth in bar onc. I Havana Barcelona at Bai'cclona. Rpm—midnight. l‘i‘cc. The sound of thc l.atiiio housc underground from DJ Ja/./. Pic-club.

I Katch at The (‘athouse

ll)..‘~()pm 3am. £4 (£3: £l bcfoi'c ll.3()pm). ’l‘hrcc floors of rock. hip hop. ' chemical bcats. grunge and contemporary indic.

I Lime at 'l’hc l.imc. |()..‘\(lpni 3am. £4 (£3). DJ (‘amniy with house. gai‘agc. nu soul and hip hop.

I Love Bug at The Garage.

ll).3(lpm~ 3am. £3 (£4). .'\ll cclcctic mix of good-linic‘ party (lines.

I Ocho at ()cho. 8pm midnight. l'i'cc. Nic Nouycau (Yang) coming in and looking it up at this idiosyncratic wcc bar on Sauchichall St. Pic-club.

I October Cafe at October ('al'c. ()pin-midnight. i‘l’L‘c‘. 'l'hc 'l'unncl's Scott McKay. Stephen and Kcy'in '.\lcl‘arlanc with a funky housc and garage pic-club set.

I Paul Cawley at Air ()i'ganic. (min-midnight. Psy-plii's Paul (‘aw Icy. label boss of l'cnctik Records lici'c cyci'y wcck for hip hop. di'um & bass and break bctas. l’i‘c-club.

I POIO Lounge at 'l‘llc‘ l’olo Lounge. llpnr-3am. £5. 'l'akc thc choice of the Polo l.oungc upstairs. opcn until 3am. downstairs for DJ Michcllc iii main club with Ulls club and indie or down in lhc 'l’i‘ophy Room with Tom for a morc C(lllllllCl’Cltll mify. (jay.

'Erectorfi Baby', 'PelVic Floor Filla', and t'ney’n- thinking of

Jeep Grrlz

Every year Since they formed in '94 The Jeep Grrlz have been touted as the Next Big Thing by various magazines, but for various reasons (being certifiably insane possibly the main one) they haven't gone Daft Punk quite yet. Now though, they've just signed on the dotted line at the bottom of SIX album contract wrth Island records.

’It's larger than large,‘ says Eddie Love Chocolate, one third of the Jeep Grrlz, the deep funky fun, ballistic- bass disco house operatives from south London, The band is named after the Essex (iirls they used to =1 who would turn up to (“til-s l2” fhr- :‘ Jeeps and little white shorts It", an all guy set up \Nllll Eddie, Jake D Stress and singer Jason Wllltll has leal to a certain amount of Japery going on Just check out their discography listing on their own label El Chotolates 'The 'Wonderhra', 'Schwmo

The Sound of Bloke/toss

Jeep Grrlz: largin’ it

leithr‘oming album

rlfazc; their

LikeWise, when they're let out in the clubs, sobriety and modesty go out the V‘JllNiO‘N Last year a H()’_)lllt‘il‘.tly pmnk went \‘Jlt‘dt'j when they 1okmgly said they'd DJ naked. Men of their words :hey drsi'oueo‘ as the bells beckoned, 'It was dongs for the dongs,‘ says Mr Choroiate, before tellinti (is about how they then

tried to DJ With their dirk:

"The DJ alterxz'aids fats i bvt

funny about using the

decks when we finished.’ These days \.‘/lll to far. iRoiy \Vt’j'llt-I' :45? Jeep Grrlz p/ay' live at Tang/Mt, fit 72 Mar

I Planet Peach at Planet l’c‘ac‘h. l().3()pm--3am. £6 (£4). l'i'cc hcfoi'c midnight. Paul N'Jic with llol'sc'. gai‘agc. Rth and soul.

I Rico! at llayana. 3pm -midiiiglit. l'l'c‘c‘. ('lub ('ubana's Duncan ls'anc and Shannon Shicll joincd by l'iai‘ah for a widc i'angc of hi-NRU Latin and tropical floor-shakci's from Icchno-mcrciiguc to thc latcst Latin rap. \ ia smooth salsa and retro Latin gl’ooYc‘s. Pic-club.

I Salsa Sabrosa at ’I‘Iic- I.‘~th Noit- (‘Iiih (basement). 8 midnight. £4 (Lian); £3 lo llpiii. Salsa classes h‘. l5 Input and then it's Irccstylc until midnight. lhp grinders plcasc iiotc tlicy 'yc addcd .iii csti'a hour to the affair. lscginnci's inoic than \Vc‘lc‘olllc‘. l’l'C-c‘ltlb. l‘il'c‘c' llc‘kc'ls

a\ ailablc for thc club that runs aftci'wai'ds.

I Shag at l-‘ui'y .\ltiiry 's. llpm 3. l inn. £5 (£3). The sc\lc‘sl. cllc‘c‘slc‘sl ltllic‘s c‘. t‘I from Mark and .lamcs (i playing to .i good time party crowd in thc guarantcc a winch Fury 's.

I Slam Present at The Arc-lies 10.30pm 3am. £3 (£0). 5 Mar it‘s anothcr big and bccfy l-‘i‘iday night with Justin Robertson in thc front aicli with Laurence Hughes and Adam l‘i'ccland. 'l'lic .lcngahcads and Phar ( hit in thc back arch. Scc llitlist and .-\dain l‘rccland panel. I) .\lar the night ls pai‘cd down to latii'cncc llughcs and Silicone Soul met" two arches for dccp funky housc.

I Sloshed In Space ill (ilasgow school ()f.»\rt (\"ic Bar). ltlpin 3am. £-l i£.‘.5ll) includcs 'l'tii'bulcncc. \onscnsc night from thc .lcwcllci'y dcpai'tincnt fcanii'ing futuristic casy -listcniiig from lll|\ll Puppy. Neil llawdi‘cy and Richard

Hy nitc.

I Soaterama at Nlc't‘ ‘ii Slt‘ill} igioiiiiti floor bar). (\‘pm midnight. lice. lx’cgnlai l‘l'ltlil} cycning do. w itli Ihc l‘t"\l in all sorts of ficlds from .-\mci ic.ii).i punk to dub. drum & bass and men 'l‘hc Smiths I Stoned Love at the noisii,

9pm 2am. £2 (fi'cc bcfoic llpm ) () Mai and fortnightly. Soul. funk and bcals from Brian and .loliii.

I Strathclyde University Student Union 3pm 3am. l-i'cc lsllltlt‘tlls .intl liltll‘ gucsts). ’l'l‘ll- in thc Barony liar i tspin with chcap booze and mad games.

3pm 3am. ’l‘cmptalion kicks off III the

Dark Room with Mark l)cc playing uplifting house and garage

I Tangent at The Sub (‘lub llpiii—-3ai11. £3 (UH. l2 .\lar and fortnightly. .-\-Man and l’aiiic's regular night ofconsistcnt musical c\ccllcncc ini\ing up dccp funky house. heats. bass. melodic techno and good humour. 'l'onight a return \isit from south l.ondon's mighty .lccp ('ii'i'i'lz.

play iiig liyc for your sonic dclcctation in .i bass di iycn. funk liotisc sly lc. Scc pancl .Illtl llllllsl.

I Test .it 'l‘hc Sub ('lub. llpiii 3am. £7 (UN. 5 Mar and monthly. Innovatch and c\pci‘micntal icchno bass night with icsidcnis Shandy. l)a\ c 'l‘arrida and 'l'obias Schmidt playing pi‘ctty iclcntlcssly hard tracks to a loyal fan basc

I Three Room Fusion at Yang.

llpm 1am 'l‘.ll' opcn from ()piii). £5 i fi'cc lx'foic ilpini l’i‘c club llll\ in room onc. llll‘ hop and sciatch inning from icsitlczils llcma and Nice iii room two plus l'i'cak .\lcnoo\t-rs and thc li-Mcn lhcakcis. .ind l’i'isco in room three with l’hat .l\ l’hiink l).ls i‘lay mg tlccp fucllcd liousc .ind Iiltci disco

I Trash .it Irish. lli‘ni him. tr» l £4). Busy. t‘.)s\ going Illt'lll w ill) funky housc in tho i;:.iin room from Sit-y ic Smith and \ll‘c't‘l soul. xv. Ill;' and classic :Iiooxcs lll tltc sccoisl ioom Iron) l).l (ii'aliamc.

I Traxx .it g3. llpiii Kim. £(i (£5). 5 \lai' .lllil monthly. llic 'l‘r.i\\ guys continue this high t}l|.llll_\ deep house and disco night with .i spccial gucst l).l slot from ( ilol‘al (‘i)iniiiunications' loin \litltilc‘ton. ficsh fioni his latcst .lcdi piotcc'. coining out it) thc .\li\ni;ig lll

I Turbulence .ii the (ilasgow school of \it llpiii .“.lllI. £4 (£3.5ll) \cw wcckly night bringing Ihc 'l‘uibult'ncc ci'cw back Iogctlici'. \\ llll tam.) 8w ill. Rob (i. SIM ic .lllyl ls'ciiial playing this future sound of \lllllll and l‘.l\\ lllll‘l'tl‘.c‘(i lighting. sound. t losing unit‘s .intl clicapci bcci'. l2 Mar. sccontl part of thc last \lt‘t'ts \Vcst \ls'lll. (his time w it?) l’tliiil‘ui'gh‘s .\l.inga cicw oI l).l lsitl. (i Mac and .\l(' l'cclman coming o\ c) to ion) llit' l'ni'bulcncc ci'cw I Uptight .it 'l‘lic lictlsit. ‘lpni 3am. £4 (£3). 5 .\l..r .llltl monthly 'l‘hc (ioodfoot inolt ci'lllllltilll:‘ to spc.iiiic.i\l llic \oitlicin soul icy :\;il a: this w cii'd wcc \(‘IItlt‘ ()ll \Vnotllallils ls'tltltl.