in Search Of Angels

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

2nd & 3rd April

.0“ to. Search of Angel


ABERDEEN MUSIC HALL .~ Tuesday 6th April 01224 642 122

ROYAL GLASGOW CONCERT HALL ' ;Wednesday 7th April 0141 287 5511

EDINBURGH QUEEN'S HALL Friday 9th April 9131 668 2019

All tickets valid

10 THELIST -:-; .:

within a dram or two ol’ drinking their hotel tll’y.

"l‘he guy from the record company had said that we wouldn‘t he ahle to heat the har hill that Super l’urry Animals had rung up.’ explains hassist Richard Jones with a w istl‘ul smile. "they‘d done £800. \Ve did L'thlll hut I think L'Ztlt) oi that was on aspirin the next day.'

The Garage, Glasgow, January 1998

Just oyer a year later. Stereophonics haye l'ew headaches. 'l‘hey‘ye played the Radio I stage at lidinhurgh's llogmanay hash. perl’ormed on the King 'l'ut‘s \Vah \‘y'ah llut/Radio I Stage at 'I’ In The Park and released their dehut alhtun llim/ (it'lx .Ilnmml. which

hounces into the charts at ntunher

six. A series ol‘ poignant Vignettes

ahout lil‘e in the small town ol‘

(‘wmaman where they come l‘rom. llim/ reyeals singer Kelly acute ohseryation l‘or people’s l‘oihles. ‘l jtlst try to write ahout w hat I know.‘ he smiles. ‘.\lost ol. the


stories you hear from around our

way are pretty hleak. “Local Boy In The Photograpr is ahout a l'riend of ours who did actually

jump in limit of a train. ()n the

other hand. "Too Many Sandwiches" is a really sarcy story about an engagement party where the groom always ends up shagging someone else who he‘s not meant to he shagging.‘

Cardiff Castle, June1998

l~‘or the lust time in twenty years. the ciyic authorities allowed ('ardill ('astle to he Used as the \enue tor a rock concert. ()yer 10,000 people were jamtned into the grounds and they all seemed

to know eyery single word ol~

eyery song. With the speakers draped in the dragon ol‘ the Welsh t'lag. Kelly united the crowd to

‘(‘wmaman. l‘eel the noi/e‘. ll‘

Wales had just scored a winning try against lingland in the closing

minute of a match at Cardiff

.r\rms Park. then the resulting roar couldn‘t haye heen any louder. Similar scenes. it on a smaller settle. l‘ollmyed l'otll‘ months later when Stet‘eopllonies played the .Nssc‘lttlily Rooms at lidinhurgh. The crowd were jtunping up and down so much that the liloor was threatening to give way. The hand were asked to calm the audience down. ()l' course they cheekin play ed another stormer. much to the consternation ol' the ciyil engineer who had heen called in

powers ol~

'We've become cool by being uncool. You can't cut or colour your hair every time some new fad comes around.’

Richard Jones