Stars in their eyes

Imagine if the rich and famous found love through The List. Can you identify the celebrities spotted in the followin I Saw You messages? Answers at ottom of the page.

G I saw you Obr Wan and I felt your presence. I'd Irke to discover what a . true Scotsman wears beneath hrs cloak My money's on a massrve lrght sabre. erl you come guretly or must I use the force7 0 I saw you grnger at your weekly surgery Your Job often takes yOu overseas, but now you’ve been brought to book Prove you’re a natural redhead and HI show you my forergn orrfrce O I saw you gorgeous redhead on " " " I: " 1' “5 the screen and naked on the London stage Even wrth my eyes \vrde shut l thmk of you. You can call me Papa when we go for a cru:se 9 I saw you fatboy and | praise yOu, g We've come a long way, baby, but I'm 9:94 i ? ~ } “'. i '-',«- r _ ready to go all the way Tune rn for "I '5' ~ ; " f ’_ 7 ' breakfast sometrme and I’ll show you l f a good trme 0 I saw you vvr'rtrng about sex rn the (rty on Channel 4 How about dropprng the pen and puttmg theory unto prac trse7 0 I saw you Essex glrl leavrng after our brg breakfast You always went Dutch, but I would gladly have pard,

I You especrally for you. How about a Dry

Blac kthorn some trme7

You know the feelrng. Your eyes meet across a crowded room, you sense a spark, who knows maybe you were meant to be together. You've got to make a move, so yOu nrp to the bar for a brt of quurd courage and, when you get back, your dream date has vanrshed. D’ohl

It’s too easy to let chances pass tn matters of the heart. For

9 I saw you preacher man :n a Cardrff bar lwas talkrng about love, you were gettrng drunk l’ll shovv: you mrne If you show me yours

9 I saw you stuprd grrl l thunk you're trashy and I'm flOplllQ you're not

years, L/s't readers have been usmg our I Saw YOU pages to let AUZA & LEMONADE gueer Don't make me paranorcl, call drstant ObJOCIS of desrre know that they've clocked them and now W“ It's even easier. I Saw You post boxes 9 I saw you rte marden when you _. can be found rn varrous notable Glasgow and were Wednesday, but you've gone 3n, . Edrnburgh haunts r srmply pop along, fIII In GOV-"H a Storm SW0 “W‘- 'I W0 “‘01 s your message 0” 0,10 Of the postmrds on Friday, would I have a ghost of a

chance7 Can I Interest you ill my pec ker)

I fry'. V"' T

provrded and strck rt In the box. We'll prck up your cards on alternate Thursdays and they wrll all go Into the followrng rsSue. Plus, thanks

_‘ Ismyri

U I saw you lusty wenc h and l

I9 I to our sponsor Sau/a, the whole thrng rs free. "(WWW VOL” (10mm (flows L“ m“ up your bodice and you can fzsft Maw / Saw You post boxes and cards can be found ll) 1 J lr()tllt( m m coc )rece G/asgow: The Alt/c, Blackfr/ars, Brel, Cafe ( y L

Gando/fr at the CCA, Cu/ De Sac, Glasgow F:/m a, gt, ~.«» ~ Theatre, The Garage, The Tron. In Ed/nburon: Bar "“ "‘ 1‘7‘I’w'5 I Sir/us, blue, EH7, FI/mhouse, Str/ls Gallery, Traverse twig-IR; ' “5%”:5’4‘1‘” and The Venue. I H :s'Jemsu '

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