Post-Christmas bills drive GILL MILLS to look

B t abroad, but her French connection proves to be a lesson in itself.

Theatre Musselburgh

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by William Shakespeare

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Bills, like buses, only ever come :""""':“ “Tiff‘if :

. ' “(WSUJ' T' I. :3: ‘\;(I w In threes, and they re always :-. I»; 1:) 12'“. displaying the wrong number. ‘1‘”2 ‘i ’f’“\"

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(:w‘ 11. ("‘TT'H l”:’(’ 2' n :x- mm m 1'. w (l()‘.'.". in mm :LH‘: "f Gill Mills is on Radio Scotland,

1 . w he!" I: PA"! ,m Suns 7-8pm; co-hosts Beat Room .\*tI-' (‘2 '.'.m’=‘-. _>:' :wvwx- 'w: 1'». on BBC Choice, weekdays, II» (m: wrr‘ ; mm ~, I: 11.30pm; and co-hosts Loafers on Tahié‘, it: 1.11:“, '('<i(l', '0' "v' (wm- BBC Choice, Tue—Fri, 11pm.

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