Scottish International Presents

TSB Scotland’s GMANAY


Five nights of quality live music for Hogmanay

Tuesday 29th December 4:00pm, The Chipolatas Children's Show, £5.50 (£3.50) 7:00pm, Scottish Harp Concert, £8.00 (£6.00)

7:15pm, Duncan Chisholm & Ivan Drever, £7.50 (£5.50) 9:30pm, Jock Tamson’s Bairns, £8.00 (£6.00)

9:30pm, DANCEBASE presents, Dance India, £5.00 (£4.00) 10:00pm, Fred Morrison & Ross Martin, £8.00 (£6.50) 11:00pm, Bruce Morton, £8.00 (£6.50)

Midnight - 3am, The Marwicks Ceilidh Night £7.00 (£5.50)

Thursday 31 st December 4:00pm, The Chipolatas Children '5 Show, £5.50 (£3.50) 9:30pm - 3:30am

An all night party on four floors featuring Boogalusa,

The Chipolata 5, Burach, Salsa Viva Club,

The Wildcats of Kilkenny, Islander

Tickets £25.00

Wednesday 30th December

4:00pm, The Chipolatas Children '5 Show, £5.50 (£3.50) 7:00pm, Step Dancing Concert, £7.00 (£5.00)

7:15pm, Jackie Leven, £7.50 (£5. 50)

9:30pm, Jock Tamson’s Bairns, £8.00 (£6.00)

9:30pm, DANCEBASE presents, Dance India, £5.00 (£4.00) 9:45pm, Keep It Up, £7.00 (£5.00)

11:00pm, Bruce Morton, £8.00 (£6.50)

Midnight - 3am. The Marwicks Ceilidh Night, £7.00 (£5.00)

Friday 1st January

7:00pm, Mickael Marra £7.50 (£5.50)

7:15, The Tam White Big Band, £8.00 7.00)

9:30pm, John Renbourn 8. Archie Fisher, £ 7.50 (£5.50) 9:45pm, Dick Gaughan, £8.00 (£6.00)

Midnight - 3.003m The Marwicks Ceilidh Night, £7.00 (£5.50) Midnight - 3:00am The Wildcats of Kilkenny, 7.00 (£5.50)

Saturday 2nd January

4:00pm, The Chipolatas, £5.50 (£3.50)

9:30pm DANCEBASE presents, Dance India, £5.00 (£4.00)

Free aCoustic sessions in the bar every night Bar open Midnight - 3:00am Tickets available at the Hogmanay Box Office Tel..0131 473 1999