rock & pop-
Gigs are listed by date, then by cit . Performances Will be listed, provi ed that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and Pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Rodger Evans (Edinburgh).
Ticket information
The prices given are for tickets _ alone. In many instances there will be an additional booking fee. Some venues charge a booking fee even when tickets are bought on the door.
Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:
Virgin, Argyle Street. 204 5 lSl Credit card bookings from: Ticket Link: 227 55l l.
Virgin Princes Street. 220 3234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 70l0.
Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 4349
I Cradle Of Filth, Napalm Death and Borknagar The (iarage. Sauchrehall Street. 332 1120. 7pm. £8.50 pltrs booking lee. Tickets l‘ronr Missing Records. \Velltttgltili Street. 400 I776 arid Ripping Records. lidinburgh. ('(' booking: 0870 60l 0002. No age restriction on this show. (‘radle ()l‘ Filth have blown their coy er somewhat alter appearing on BBC’2's Liv/Ire Willi ’l‘lrt' lirrt'trrv in which they admitted to a l'an's concerned nrum that they \\ ere irrce kids really and not the child—sacrificing deviI-worshippers eyeryone had previously taken them for. Support l’rom Napalm Death who at least sound like they might be the real deal.
I Yen, Subrosa and Johnson King Tut's \Vah Walt Hut. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8. 30pm. £ 3.50 pltts booking
58 THE LIST 17 Dec l998~7 Jan 1999
Urusei Yatsura play with Bangtwister and Stash at The 13th Note Club, Glasgow,
l'ee. Rock 'n‘ roll hill headlined by an all- girl trio with a penchant tor the ball- breaking image of l’uxlt'r l’trs'xi't'ul Kill.’ Kill.’.
I Fabulous, Powder Monkey and Fontella Nice 'n‘ Sleazy. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. ()pm. lrrdie pop l‘rom Fabulous.
I Scientific Support Dept The l3th Note Cafe. King Street. 553 I638. 9pm.
I The Abba Revival Bourbon Street. George Street. 552 ()I4 1. 7pm. £6 (£27.50 with dinner). Tribute shenanigans.
I Hullabaloo Grand Ole ()pr'y. Paisley Road Toll. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £2.50
t£ l .50 members). Christmas party hoedown.
I Diesel Bone and Dave Cavern Bar. Strathcly'de University Union. John Street. 552 [895. ()pm. Free. Students and guests.
I Billy Rivers McChuills. High Street. 552 2|35. 10pm. Free. Blues guitarist. I Camhanach Kilkennys. .lohn Street. 552 3505. 0pm. Free.
I Supernaturals and Cruyff Potterrow Union. Bristo Square. 650 8090. 8pm. £l0/£8. ()pen to students and guests and anyone who‘s ever been a student in their pul‘l‘ who can bring an old matriculation card to demonstrate such. Find ol‘ term shindig with Glasgow's favourite chart-worrying. wry popsters.
I Bootleg Beatles 't‘he Playhouse. l8--2l Greenside Place. 557 2590. 8pm. £ l 5.50/£ l 3.50.’£ l 2.50 including booking lee. They ' ve been through a l‘ew Ringos in their time but the Bootlegs have been gtggiitg tar longer than their original counterparts.
I The Roods Whistle Btnkies. Niddry Street. 557 51 I4. llpltt. Free.
I Eat Rice itlttl God's Monkey The Bongo Club, l4 New Street. 558 7604. Opm- lam. £5. (‘ultur'ed groovers liat Rice join ltn'c‘c‘s with power chord crunchers God‘s Monkey.
I Shadowbox, Semp lternal Hoon arid Mr Wish Attic. Dyers Close. C‘owgate. 225 8382. 7.30pm. £3.
I Blue Nun NB‘s Bar. Balmoral Hotel. Princes Street. 556 24 I4. 9.30pm. Free. I Colin Steele's Grits ’n' Gravy Jazz. .loitrt. 8 .\l()l'l'l\()lt Street. 22! I288. l0pnt -3am. £4 t£3). .la/z night with plenty of sa\ appeal.
Sun 20 Dec
Napalm Death deliver a melodious prequel to Cradle Of Filth and the festive season at The Garage, Glasgow, Thu 17 Dec
I Jools Holland And His Rhythm 'n' Blues Orchestra and Christie Hennessy Clyde Auditorium. StiC‘t‘. Finrriestorr Quay. 287 7777. £|5 plus booking fee. Guest vocalist for the evening is Ruby Turner who will be adding her soull'trl tones to the good- time vibes ol'Jools and co. lispect a musical journey not dissimilar to the one Mr Holland is currently taking iii his new series Bt'tr/ Rnlllt’ with elements ot'jazz. roots and blues to their sound.
I Shed Seven, The Tarantinos, The Dandys, Astral, Dee-Jay Punk Roc, The Freestylers and Andy Smith Queen Margaret Union. University Gardens. 339 ()784. 8pm--8am. £l8. Students and four guests. Two rooms oi. lion-slop entertainment. the first encompassing mainly indie pop plus The 'l‘ar‘antinos tribute to the music from the great man's lilms. The second room is hosted by Bugged Out and l‘eatures' DJ sets from Dee-Jay Punk Roc. The Freestylers and Portishead's Artdy Smith.
I Lo-Fidelity Allstars and Regular Fries The Arches. Midland Street. 22! 4001. 7.30pm. £7.50 plus booking lee. Check venue to confirm it this gig is still taking place. At the time of going to press. The l.o-Fidelity Allstars planned to go ahead with their tour. despite the shock departure of singer Wrekked Train last week. The reason for his resignation is the traditional 'musical and personal dil'l‘erences'. Regular Fries are their spiritual kin. combining guitars. key-board. beats and general mayhem to create a dirty sound.
I Soundbuggy, Castillo and Old Solar King Tut's Walt Walt Httt. St \‘incent Street. 22| 527‘). 8.30pm. £3.50 plus booking fee. Superlative rtrdie pop iron) the perky Soundbuggy who could give Supergrass a run tor their money.
I Blues Brothers 98 Bourbon Street. George Street. 552 M4 l. 7pm. £6 (£29.50 with dinner). Pork pie hats and soul and R&B covers.
I Kersland Sound System The l3llt Note Cale. King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £2. lilectronic outlit who are marking the release ol‘ a split (‘D with Marcia Blane School For Girls.
I Jackson Cage (it-tutti ()le ()pr'y. Paisley Road Toll. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £2.50 t£ l .50 members). (‘ountryz
I leg and The Oracles (.‘axet-u Bar. Strathclyde University i'niort. .lohn Street. 552 I895. 9pm. Free, Students arrtl guests.
I astrid The Hall Bar. Woodlands Road. 564 I527. 0.30pm. Free. Gentle pop sounds to warm the cocklcs on a cold winters night.
I The Hoolits McC‘huills Way Out
'51,}; _ .241. was.
I Zuba Havana. Hope Street. 248 4466. 8.30pm. Free. Afro-Caribbean grooves from this Glaswegian seven-piece.
I Rev Doc And The Congregation McChuilIs. Hiin Street. 552 2135. 10pm. Free. Trad R&B.
West. Kelvinhauglr Street. 22! 556‘). 9.30pm. Free.
Edinburgh 3 I Whiteout, Police Cat (llltl Patch Kit ; Cas Rock. West Port. 22‘) 434 l. 9pm. £4. Glasgow retro popsters Whiteout are back with a little help from local country rockets Police (.‘at and acoustic vibesters Patch Kit.
I Holly Tomas Common Grounds. 2/3 North Batik Street. 226 l4 l6. 7.30pm. Free. Highly lauded sitiger-songwriter. I Buddha Crush, Post Diluvian and : Houdini Subway. (‘owgate 225 6766. 7.30pm. £3. Thurso‘s Buddha Crush
; come with an endorsement l'r'om Radio
I GOld Cavendish. West 'l‘ollcr'oss. 228
()ne's very own Steve |.amacq. l’ost Diluvian rock. Hard.
3252. 10pm. £6. Free bet'ore l lpnr. t Fighties bonanza with covers limit the Human league. ABC arid the Duranies.
I Hub Central Jan Joint. 8 Morrison
Street. 22l 1288. l0pm—-3am. £4. ('ool lunk meets bt'eakbeat chemistry with vocals from Tony King.
I G-String ttlltl Cairo Attic. Dyers
Close. ("ow-gate.
; sense ol‘ humour go together like. oh. the
225 8382. 7.30pm. £3.
As it to demonstrate how musicians and a Nobel Prize and Zoe Ball.
I Club Latino The Bongo Club. [4 New Street. 558 7604. l0.30pm--3am. £6 (£5). Venezuelan singer (‘arlos Petra will be Salsa-mg hrs and your socks oi .
I MB Players Midnight Blue. (‘alc Gral‘l‘iti. Mansfield Place C‘hurch. Broughton Street. 557 8003.
|0prn 2am. £5. Sas arid droogs and plenty ol' soul.
I Dominic Waxing Lyrical 'l‘ap (l'l.;tut'is‘tori. 80 laurtston Place. 22‘)
404 1. 9pm -lam Free. Art ACF.
(Attltittotttotls (‘entre ol' lidinburgh)
benelit with the inimitable Dotninic.
Much loved by Radio Scotland's Beat Patrol. Plus other live music. poetry and assorted live gubbrns.
I Graeme Mcoonald Susie's Diner. 53 West Nicholson Street. ()67 872‘).
7pm “pm. Free. A suitably l'esttve menu ol sounds.
I Makossa NB's Bar. Balmoral Hotel.
Princes Street. 556 24 I4. “.30prn. Free. Al'rican roots and reggae.
i I Annie Christian Soundhottse 7pm.
£TBC'. lidinburgh glam rockers w ho are \ yrng tor the title ol' hardest working ; batid rrr Scotland this year. t