style bar special

GLASGOW BARS continued

Ocho I‘ll \\'cxt (’amphcll Strccl. 333 It”). \lon Sttn noon tnidtught. l.'t\urioux couchcx in xumptuoux colonrx and lo\\ lighting gi\ c ()cho ait almoxt dccadcnt air. httt thix ix gcncrall} countcicd h_\ thc chatt) xtudcnt crtmd

\\ hich populatc thix hat' iuxt ot'l' Sauchichall Strcct. 'l‘hci'c'x a hugc xct'ccn in the corner putnping out .\l'l‘\' \ ixualx and xttcltlikc and thcrc'x xomcthing happening moxt nightx a qui/ on \loada}. local handx on \Vcducxda}. I).lx 'l hurxda} to Saturda}. including 1)] Q on Satutda) and an inlanioux xtudcnt night on l‘ncxda} x \\ ith dangcronxh chcap hc\ \_\ tor thoxc on an othcrn ixc tight hudgct. Holt/n hour: .3 tS/tm t’i‘t'n (/(H um/u/l t/ttt I'littt'xt/m. \‘lH/lxtl. 2m. lli/lt't' [/J‘U. film \I‘t/IJI. gin. \tlll\/x\' (ill/t on 'Iitt'u/ut'x \IIH/(‘HI tug/it (Hill lut/l-prtu' tml/tti/x on Stun/m.

October Café l’rmccx Squarc. Buchanan Strch Ill H303. .\lon Sat

1 lam midnight. Sttn noon 5pm.

'l'hc tnain thing in thc xi/cahlc ()ctohct' ('alc‘x laxoui' ix itx location tip in thc godx at l’rinccx Squarc. [)uring thc da_\ _\t\tt Cittl tt\ L't‘lttttk lllL‘ l‘tlxllt‘ ttl lltL‘ L‘L‘ltll‘c \\ ith a cappuccino or [no and h} nigltt it‘x thc natttral remaining hi\ c ol acti\ it} uhcn thc xhoppct'x haw goitc hotttc. ltx high glaxx cciling and plantx gixc it a contincntal \\ inc har lla\our. hilt itx clicntclc ix \ttt‘it‘tl. \L‘t'ging ttmat‘dx _\oungcr cluhhcrx at thc \xcckcnd \\ ho arc cntcrtaincd h} l)_lx l'rom 'l‘hc 'l‘unncl 'l‘hurxda)‘ to Saturda}.

Hap/n hours Mon 'I‘lm (1H rim. I’m/Sui /) WWI. [HEN 1.1.0“. rot/kit. gin. It't/Ill/ll um/ ntiu't‘ £31.71).

The Polo Lounge 8-1 \k'ilxon Strcct. 553 Ill]. .\lon 'I‘hu noon lam. l‘ri Sun noon 3am.

'l’hix claxxy gay har can cn'io} cucndcd opcning hourx hccauxc ol itx cluh thi\\’nxtittt‘\.l1ltl)‘Utl‘ll haw to pat} to gct in il‘ you turn tip altcr l lpm. 'l‘hc xpacioux. ornatc xut'roundingx arc rcmintxccnt oi an c\clnxi\c gcntlcmcn'x

cluh or a luxurioux htmting lodgc \\ ith man) of thc huilding'x original l'caturcx prcxcrwd and incorporatcd into thc dcxign. .'\\ _\ou cntcr paxt thc doot'mcn. the hat" opcnx ottt hcl'orc )ou likc thc toxcr ol‘ a top-claxx hotcl. ()n Sunda} x. thcrc'x Inc _ia// and contcmporar} muxic Iroth (rpm and Inc piano muxic on 'l‘ucxda}x l'roni lllpm midnight. I’mnim: Ito litt/t/n' hum: jinl (/l/ft'l'l’ll/ pmnmnmn H’lllt'll t‘ltunt’t' month/r.

Spy Bar ISR Bath Stt'cct. 221 771 1. Mon Sat llam midnight; Sun

noon midnight.

()nl} opcn a montlt. Sp} Bar hax alrcad) cxtahlixhcd itxcll' ax a contcndcr in an at'ca x\\atttpcd h} xt_\ lc harx. .\ dark. tnodci'n. xuhtcrt'ancan har. it‘x xurprixingl} hig \\ ith thrcc xcparatc arcax to xcttlc _\ourxc|l atid uatch thc night progrcxx. During thc da_\timc. )ou'll lind a mi\ ot' huxincxx pcoplc and xtudcntx chomping into lhc hargain mcnu; comc thc cwning. it'x a )tititig. ttp-l‘or—it. cluhh} ct‘oxxd populating thc placc. l).lx pla_\ a mi\ ol' luturixttc loungccot‘c and dccp hottxc l’rida} and Saturda}.

I/tt/t/H' lmurx.‘ .l/mt 'I‘lttt 5 7pm. gt’tit'ru/ pmmotiom on lm'rx (HUI x/tirt'lx. Sim ltu/l ln‘it't’ (wilfully

Sublime [98 Jun Hath Stt'cct. 332 3338. Mon Sat noon-midnight. Sun

l2.3t)pm midnight.

lixcn lllttltglt il'x ttllttL‘ltL‘d [U ll.L‘\ \lt‘\. lltlx modct'n and colourtul har hax itx on n \ ihc attd cuxtomci‘x. ('oolcr huxim'xx pcoplc ruh xhouldcrx n ith a gig-going rathcr than cluhh} crond at Suhlimc. xcrwd h} xupcr- l'ricndl} xtall' rcad} to hclp ottt \\ hcn thc t'rcc xpic) popcorn gctx a hit too mttch. 'l‘hc} xcrw thc lull rcxtaurant mcnu in thc har. htit hax c thcit' on n rangc too. It thcrc'x a hunch ol' _\ou going out. it'x north noting that thc} 'lI put _\our lmotlt'itc xtxall} on promo it _\ou call ahcad tpai'ticx ol t\\c|\c

llup/n lltlllH.‘ .llon Sim. t'lfill/tintx .lli/lt’r uttt/ [toll/m of ('ormiu until 3pm and all (luv .Umt. ‘Iitt' tk‘ Iii/III

«Slim "titling/II. l'Utl/xtl tttt'u't; gm um/ It't/Hi/(l 13/.


food 0 drink 0 day 0 night


Bar Restaurant

Chisholm Street, Glasgow

t: 0141 552 8587

152 THE LIST 3-7.1 De: ‘998

The TI'OI‘I (i3 'l‘rongatc. 553 8537.

Mon Sat lilam midnight. Sun

lll.3(lttlll l lptn t('hixho|m Stt'cct har hourxi.

’l‘hc 'l‘ron'x tuo catittg/dt‘inkittg arcax ha\ c undcrgonc L'\IL'tt\i\L‘ t'cl'tn'hithcnt in thc Iaxt _\car hut. it' ati_\lhing. thc changc-x \\ ill makc it an c\cn morc popular \xatcring holc \\ ith rcadcrx. ha\ ing hunt a contirmcd lmouritc l'ot' )carx. 'l‘hc rcxtattrant rclainx itx traditional charm httt thc ('hixholm Strcct hat/calc ix mttch imprmcd \\ ith itx

unluxx). minimal dccor. picturc \\ mdou x.

rctro hlindx and. moxt importantl}. 'l'anqucra) giti. 'l‘hcan'c gocrx and culturcd t)pcx l‘rom thcir tncnticx upnardx congrcgatc lot” ci\ ilixcd dixcuxxionx on all thingx crcatn c. llu/t/n' hour: .llmi Sn! 5 Spin. Sim L137) Spill.

The Ubiquitous Chip l2 .-\xhton l.anc. .134 5007. Stilt 'l‘hu llatn llptn. I‘ri/Sat llatn midnight.

.\'ot a xt_\ lc hat". morc ol a (ilaxncgian drinking inxtitution. attachcd to thc rcnonncd poxh t‘cxtaurant trom \xliich it takcx itx namc. lhc ('hip hat" hax a homcl). t'uxtic (‘alcdonian tch to it and hoaxtx a l‘ot‘midahlc xclcction ot' \\ incx. maltx attd hccrx t|ll£lllCtl h} a |o_\a| clicntclc including tncdia pcoplc. llttl\L‘t‘\il} Icctut'crx and xtudcntx looking for a lL'\\ t'rcncttc drinking t.*\pcricncc. 'l‘hc (‘hip ix alua} x atmoxphcric \\ ith chattcr and dchatc t'athcr than \\ itlt hackground muxic and hax no truck \\ itlt thc likcx ot' happ} hotn'x.

Underworld US l'nion Strcct. 32I Solo. Mon Sat llam midnight. Sun

noon midnight.

.-\ huxtling ptih ncxt to onc ol'('cntra| Slatiott'x cttlrancL'x \\ hich attrach a caxual crou d ol )oung cluhhcrx and xtudcntx limhcring tip for a night on thc tilcx. l'ndcrmirld ix a large har \\ itlt a .\lc\ican rcxtaurant attachcd. 'l‘ht'rc‘x a touch ol~ Klimt ahottt thc “all muralx and dcxign lc;tttti‘cx includc thc tthiquitoux \\ roughl iron and a ht'idgc lL‘tttltltg [U lltL' lUllL'l\. l).lx xL‘l lllL' tttmttl cwi'} night l'rom thcir hooth xiluatcd on high.

l’romox: Mon/\Vcd 5pm midnight all drinkx L' I St), othcr promotionx 'l‘uc/l‘hu 5pm midnight. Hi 5 .S’pm.

The Variety Bar 4t)! Sauchichall Stt'cct. 332 444‘). Mon Sat 1 lam midnight. Sun I2.3(lpm midnight.

'l'hc \arict} Bar 1x a no” cxtahhxhcd atid popular haunt tor hip t} pcx \\ ho ma_\ hc don‘t \xant thc l'laxhtncxx ol' a xt) Ic har. 'l‘hc \ai'ict} ix art dcco ntcctx dincr in dcxigtt. \\ ith xcmi-circular hoothx and Smartic-xhapcd lightx. lt alxo hax onc of thc hcxt prc—cluh l).l littc-upx in thc cit}. \\ ith .\'ick l’cacock on Sunda} x. dtth on 'l‘ucxdap. thc lilcmcntx drum & haxx crcu on \Vcdncxda}x and Knucklchcad l).lx on 'l‘hurxda} x. l’nlikc othcr harx \\ ith I).lx. thc muxic hccomcx a part ot thc gcnctal attnoxphct'c rathcr than dro\\ ning out all normal comct‘xalion.

l/tt/i/tt ltntu': Hum NIH)! tl/lt/ till (/(I\ liu’u/m. lttg't't; lit'tlm. t't/mrl. (int/mun Unit). x/ttt't't/ rtmt (Illt/ li’t'ttmix/i ll/ttt’k (HI til/t'r on lid ('1 t'lllllg’.

Yang .3l ()llt‘L‘lt Sll‘t‘t‘l. .243 X-lN-l. lttC/ \Vcd/Sun (ipm lam; 'l’hu Sat (tpltt 3am. ln itx l'ot'mcr incarnation. Yang \xax thc xportx har Yo Yo. htit hax non had a complclc t‘cltl and mum undct'ground cool. 'l‘hc placc ix dark atid mood}. dcckcd otit .\lu|i xt_\ lc \\ ith .lapancxc lL‘ttltx ttll U\ L‘l' lllL‘ placc. .l'llk'} 'rc gttlltg‘ \ct') much tor thc xkatc}. hoodcd top puntcr. \xhtch thc} '\c managcd to attract \\ ith a xcrioux muxic pohc} couttcx} ol [law [)1 arcax “Inch pla) c\cr_\thing lrom drum & haxx to dccp hottxc

l/tt/t/n lint/M: Hit It t/m u/ tt/tt'ttut:

/) ‘I/tnt u/l t/I'IIt/x 1/.35. /’/tu fi/mt .itmt. (l/l t/I'Ill/d 1/35. ('umlttnl [int/um: [mil/m I” .llIl/t't'tmt/tut/Auntitt’r1/.35,

YEIIO :3 \lllt‘ltt‘ll Sll't‘cl. Ill 9535.

Mon Sat Sam midnight. Sun

noon midnight.

.-\x thc ncarcxt drinking xpot to thc 'l’unncl. )ou'll lind a lot ol pcoplc hcadtag along to \cllo hclorc liittiitg lhc clnh at thc \xcckcnd. lhc coloni'tul hat hax httgc picturc \\ indon x on too xidcx and ix .1 chccr} placc tor a quick hitc during thc da} lrom thcit' compctiln c mcnn. l'hc pt'c-cluh \ ihc ix not ax tn‘_\ourvtacc ax xomc othcr harx. \\ ith Satutda} hcmg thc onl} tught uhcn l).lx pla} a hottxc} wt to L‘;|\L‘ )Ull lltlU lllL‘ llltttttl.

lltt/t/n littitr: .llmt tt/l Ittg/tl. (1H t/rmkx ttrt' Inn for mtt'.‘ Illt' A" /-'/'i' 5 9pm. prim of ltlL't'I'lllIt/ mmc x/tirtlx H.311: 'l'lttt \(Ilm’ pro/um 5pm Hut/night.