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Orro Contemporary Jewellery

I'll let you in on a secret. Glasgow rs home to one of the hippest Jewellers rn Britain Orro. After less than a year of trading, major innovative designer's call them to stock their excluSrve ranges The boutique rs tucked away from the hoar'des in the city centre, and a vrsrt there won’t break your budget either. Expect to see their stock in future issues of The List. Orro, 49 Banks Street, Glasgow,

357 6999.


These rncredrble wrnd-up, solar-powered radios are made primarily by disabled people in Cape Town. Dr‘awrng energy from available lrglrt, they swuch

over to spring energy only when needed. Priced £59.95 from One World Shop, St John’s Church, Princes Street, Edrrrbur'gh, 229 4541.


Billy Dolls Santa Brlly and Santa Carlos are the latest in the Brlly Doll range, the world’s first out and proud gay doll. The world’s favourrte toy boy, this very well- H endowed doll is I. 6 sure to bring a smrle to your face this Christmas. But no jokes about bulging sacks, please. Prrces start from £25. Avarlable from Pls on Broughton Street, Edinburgh, 558 8174.

The List

We know how you faithfully run to your local newsagent every fortnight to purchase the essential Glasgow and Edinburgh arts and entertainment guide. Don’t Just wear your heart on your sleeve: slip into one of these and wear our logo on your chest. T-shirts are available in black and white, prices start from £7.50; contact The List on 0131 558119lorOl4l332 9929.