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PC Petz: Dogz 3/Catz 3



Body Harvest

(GY'Ofi‘iiri Intei‘act3\.rei £4499

There has been much cheerleading of late for Scotland's increasing stature as a centre of filmmaking, but it’s also worth breaking out the pom—poms for the country's outstanding games design talent. Dundee's DMA, the twisted masterminds behind heist ‘em up Grand Theft Auto, have proved themselves as truly original developers and with Body Harvest they reap the fruits of their own

" youw "t 12' . i ,' inventiveness.

0v." "(1 wt." (at or (:m: :212. mm". Like Grand Theft Auto, this game , lune ‘.“e t "w, m: es‘w o" file" is the brainchild of people who f V, ~ Per/ s ‘0' w)“ mum: twse have watched more late-night um mum -:)"'.<> \()..' PL \.<>.. m” anon: movies than is strictly good for Body Harvest: car-hop like a valet parketon crack a \‘l'iiuii pet o‘ ’.“e ‘e or m" them. But, while that game stemmed

i)("8ll<i8‘()" \‘Hiw Women ":> : rm." from the Scorsese/Tarantino camp, the newie seems and protecting the humans from being devoured. This nox, these ("r-em s< mans .‘.(‘:"(2(‘-' inspired by a mix of 505 alien invasion movies and a requires skilful shooting and the gradual aquisition of (i!'()t."(l your s< m. r‘::, x..- -_ "u, Terminator-style time travel plot. In the year 2016 increasingly powerful weapons and vehicles. mi "9 aw " "(i for (if‘.(v"f'<>" lw, mankind is on the brink of extinction thanks to a Actually, it's in this aspect that the game most

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(are t we, (um: s. (3"(1' (my. '11:) century-long onslaught of people-hungry E.T. types. The resembles GTA you are positively encouraged to car- .auwt Petr one" I :x-v'uazts giant bug creatures attack every 25 years and so you hop like a valet parker on crack. Body Harvest boasts {m n” or; :wwtts to in» “(v-:1 (playing a genetically improved soldier) must journey over 60 vehicles, from vintage rust-buckets to tanks, (;(""(‘-'(‘:‘.x()" Annath v '."w .a'-;- 2 back in time and take them on at each battle 1914, combine harvesters and fire engines.

r“ <>~ Petr <>\.'.r‘<>'s \.'.<:-' (:3. or. '.'."r> 1941, 1966, 1991 and 2016. Overall, this is an ambitious bit of genre-crunching '(><;..l.i' {V sumo 320' m, (ii-"w: mm (5%: Ostensibly a shoot 'em up, this game incorporates and a blessed relief from identikit games. However, it ‘.."w, i)“(;'.<)3 <>\.<"' the Nt-f (i'mif, w” significant elements of the role playing genre. It is still feels a little rough around the edges and the ‘.‘w'i, 1.0.; 2;) Dd}, for '..-.n necessary to interact and converse with characters in controls can be tricky enough to interfere with

(i("". (m r: -;-< m 0" so“. ;"<‘- the game in order to solve puzzles and progress. The gameplay. Body Harvest isn’t quite a classic, but it’s a {mi (w: <- o" a sum”. t“ a " r2" game’s five levels are huge and distinctive, but the end beacon for imagination which should hopefully shame now:an t"'('sl‘:"‘<; (i .wl hm» objective is the same destroying an alien generator a few lazier designers into trying harder. (Peter Ross)

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i"("‘\("‘> ll) :0"; "< "(l i"‘;>'..fl" l) ‘\ <2..'_ S C A R S (am: {‘../Maxi "f2 1‘, ::<:..:7 «- a'” n‘ 3‘; " ‘-'-f‘ -"’ 3‘7 "‘(1'."‘ ("-Lza'. r" ~ '."-a- ":1 i" new“:- , , . (Ubwohlf3999 ] "h ,,P , 3 i: (new (1)1 ‘m any "(7" z)‘, 71> -(> _' (if ., 54.3. \. ,.1 , .g‘ “,3”, SH...)

(Gremnp) £39 09 (1%)" "()°'€*!‘\z‘:i1;("()'"‘()"('\. " f'w (:(W‘m «P f" x ((i". in“ l:' (a'f, 7:)". \m. (in. '- :1: , H r w J m": (>‘ (' <1“. (<>..'~sm (2'11 "‘(wr- " (mm HPUEJSQ' '."u'. '!'<i ii 3*» 0” (1 ’.“me i: (n ‘3." (i‘vu‘ii :71 :- :. : (:w so" v new ::-c' 1: ,‘ x " 1*‘(21‘ \<>.. Lia" ‘.'..s:;<: e (l 35:":1 K)" (at 't-w: :3'“ "mm =.'."<> .10”: (221» (a (i' . "(g was." ‘..."a" " K; 1.1- a :;:,;>;: F’ 5.81m : " pm" -.- : -.'::, Sim-ii) m, i()1."\()"‘(", Foams {:“(1 n'i'mx '3'» <;<:'. (a t" (‘w' ‘M '.n "i' .0, ; -.-.:: . (2.6 l ' : ' xv » - . . z .'.'-(‘:‘.<*‘i).‘:v, 'em" (Kid "3‘. '. (w l<)"<; '.‘=.i" i)<‘:"‘()" i‘. 8 (‘4, =:\'<:~.'.<, ‘s( A 53% l1.a'f"‘(‘i", '."v .:\k&’ :t’ , '.‘zf ..'v '-_«::a:":: :1..--u ::\<:'I.<"'.121’ (2316:“(0 HM. (32% (w m '<:"t"‘% an” '.“0 '90. " ’9. x (a K " ' H: : . w z, : . : ' I'i ‘.att, I'w '.ai‘m- <>‘ ()iztw‘s (3"(1 an "1; (have ("v (;'(‘:"-<i tram f z)" 0‘ 7"-.'- f" "1: . "4:1 \ -;v s '2- it» ' 4-241: ' ~.(‘:' (able ("ev‘wfx nat’w' Ham”. "(1 (2‘. (mi; .’ Ewan". (2%: N"‘tt>ri(:.>s '.Ci'w.) UH r— v'f Ti'di‘,“ : x, w ' ~ ">1, Du? \<T»I' 800" (it-i '."é‘ "<‘="<l 0" f Km? \(m hawk Z':>..“(2 i'iar M w (a \ '.(i-w' '.'~.‘~ \ri'iU/T'”: 5-3 :f- :‘z' .:‘-.~'u.°. .1' i"s ‘Hiuiui ‘3, \"‘;.(‘:f:>"‘.'. f" 30"‘0 ittvm' “i.'."'<'i;x"(:i)<>\.'.<>'-t.:\‘»t:>(i<> " :w '."a' , . ".":2:\ " ‘.inf, ' ":-: 5 (:3 ' '. i '1": w " (r- t<;..< ‘im (i"(l ‘.'<,(<>"..‘:1"‘,.a'vu'v f“ "(is in ‘,<;;.' ‘.i:‘\ .‘f (" <>:>:x)"i="fs 'T'wg ; ‘."v 11.2”«9- '.z-i: _.:? if "'.tv'frw ' :1'.’ w:-.-' ::-.- i) may”. mm" (“to '."a" “mu-"(i l'w s“. “(W‘- a twat (a '."e m“, (aw . t" :w ' .1‘ Cir O‘ muse, ‘.“r a he w; in '.“6 (about '1 '."i‘ ((2.,r‘t'\,, tar-(2'41; hawri O" "‘.als (2"(1' t‘w (.i' \,:>;. "‘9'. q T'. . .2 . i-i' it'ai‘sxs New 8 0": 'ea' 3'“ '.it'w fins" 'rIHU‘UllSl_."‘l)(‘l‘>(2"(1f'i. "0106:6361 ("mow (WM IN» far i < 3 you "Pt-(l to \ Hm'f (micrr‘ (vim-rs (Mfr: '."-.‘- (;'(‘::>' ‘(3 lm‘ “in (a "no PR r"? i) (7» in v mum :t' ":r, flank To Err ' ( [18 i) (i (i't‘di (;K>i)(i( <3 " .I. '.D‘ (i (7.." i\ 3 ()i‘l'i;:i " ‘\, \) ‘3 \i’...? I .8 -'."é"‘ i) "(,3 (my: "sf "‘v'wfx, :i'VZl 1' a .r'.’ f" y: t " i: .- ' a - (*"(W'iiuxi :: amine \'.“.‘:f x "‘n'e, 1‘ :" '.. -' '. " -.- ‘.v in" '~.- '."v . (it)! t‘ua'. <)"(‘ "‘U'v (:0 .a":i We"! x; :x.'. '_:f' z" item-x ' "(aw '.m‘: ‘.i:t<t' " ‘)l)<‘:(i("\ \'.“<"'<> ‘. ::.':" i-z‘ ‘~'. ,{x‘mf‘ x I‘ .2 (16'8" (Manet-'(‘ii ‘. z 2' -. ' 1‘ (i( ii‘) (3 iik . .‘i .(L x' .( (il' I i i . '..QXSL xi“ )“\i)"‘i'i) ‘ybii "i v.1, .1”. :1‘ l)':)"()..":i‘(l I'n'. \.<>.. “W1: Hurt: T1) P k t F- , . Ighter ‘... H "‘(i'iy '(Mk’i) c .i'iht iii'li) ) (i e i l) °' Ouii' LAN '."t in" 2!".i'ui (E'Yi (Y '9”) \m. um)“ l><- (i "<1 ':).."<: '."v Twit - (2.9:“393 ‘.'.r-': 5' " (Nam-'.. \ a .42: t'ua‘. wal- ~. -.<' x: (vivid <1 :7 w " v" "x; (m PR ~ , '. u-caafr- :wg- ms. '.w I cimt’llft‘ll1‘.1‘L\'.i..itii t .1‘." l, B '."C..'. \z‘i'“ ".l ' «‘l‘vfl‘m, \F.._ .. (iii-:1.’ i‘\-.. H xiii'rt") '.‘w of i\'«)'.5"\ iv 5x {7 i‘ .3'.‘ w‘. ' t ;§\i!’i‘»..tii)1' TV as \x. t. .. '.

122 THE LIST ": '. ,.