%it€ Introductions

the unique ill/I’vt/tlt‘lfnll service for Business. Professional d} Asptruiimut/ people

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0 You buy CD'S

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0 You relish eating out 0 You live day to day

° You want more

You are alone and would like to meet a partner to experience and share these and other things.

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Indnp ,. “Hrs .. any in

TI“, ex"a’t'f:"‘r2"' f" ""s Wm.“ A...

I Glasgow Bisexual Group West to:

lll:\:]l ‘I

for women "iiei; support sticl.:il\lllj_'. " last \\.~.i:i.‘sd..y o: iiioiztli .;'. (ilascoy‘. (i.:\ .\ l .'s“:.iii ("cute or write l).:\i.i ('2..ij.'. (it il (' 1? Drum \f:e."._(i'1.:s§_'o\y (ii vl-\l


I Edinburgh male 3s. new to area. looking To :iieet new liiends m'i ioi socialising .it the pub. night clubbing. going to see liye music and generally haying litlll lliw \ti l‘ti-Hvi

I Very cool black man, llilti liolitic‘s. Radio 4. films. the aits I am tall. slim and attached. Eioyyey er \\'l.'l‘.\l a woman who :s independent. equally cool. any age and status tor something else. discretion assured and 'c'\[‘t'cl'c'tl Him \ti iii/lb

I Edinburgh guy, 29 tuning. sharing guy with (iS()|l seeking similar girl to: irreutlslup aii.l :omance Interests cinema. muss. lllt‘allt'. \[it‘lL l‘itr‘ks. ll.t‘. lr‘r \l

and drink lio\ \o Kl‘.‘

I Soft-centred nippy sweetie atii'actry'e professional lt‘tiiitlt’ Jl) st‘t‘ks t‘ol‘tlsl Scotsman for indoor and outdoor winter actiy'iiies. Hills. skiing. theatre. cinema. restaurants. etc. Box No 3.15/4. I Two fun-loving professionals CW \\'l.'li.\l lyyo babes for good times and more. l.ike pubs. clubs. restaurants. Astonish yoiiiselt with your own tliillllg' l’llt‘ltl t! iitissil‘lt' litl\ No ,Hh. i

I Edinburgh boy 3‘) :. tall. blonde and sincere. liito the lady things. Dislikes cabbage. people who dial H"! and waking tip alone. WITH :1 cool and genuine honey ill-3:) to send flowers to Smokers w ill not be discriminated against iiuiless l giy e upli l’hoto if possil‘le please Btu No .i-lo',‘ I Glasgow male in. euttleot type. ‘3 Happy. social lite but cant hump lllli‘ anyone special likes / '\.'y sltlll. cinema. galleries. etc \\ |.l'.\l llls't"llllll\lk'tl girl tor tun nights out A; maybe more llos \o {to (i

I 1968 convertible tookt newer. currently undergoing niaioi‘ rebuild and restoration new stiffer chassis tk suspension. tip-rated engine. handling all met the shop? Needs road-tuned and paint Iiob. \\‘l.'l'.\l test drr\ er. free- spirited. unconyential. beautiful. :51\l1-.“.<l\ll \y itli firm grip ik delicate throttle control .\lighi need a lump start. Bos .\'o Hols I Attractive and fun-loving guy ii-li into iiiusic. comedy moy res and theatre \\'l.'l‘.\l a similar woman who can laugh at life and share the aboy e «and motel with me. Box no Noll" I Your last chance before i become a mm? This woman enioys outdoors. music. tray el. reading. Seeks intelligent. fit’ self-aware man. 32 JD. to rustle leay es. make and break old habits \\llll. Hos \o HT'l

I Small, submissive, slim sensual. sesy siren. seeks tall. olilei. poyyeilul. e\pei'ience.l male paitnei' to take control. l’hoio appreciated btit not important l.orig letter to reassure Reply L‘\\L'|lllill. lit“ Nil,:‘1~’:

I Quality, medium, sweet female. perfect accompaniment to rich dishes. best drunk young. iooking for single malt ill years-. to bring inner warmth on water nights \o gulpiiig' Send ial‘t'l liti\ \ti K.l-‘x’i

I Where are you? l‘tlglil. open. \‘.ti!ll;tll Islriii. attractiye ills I. \y lio wants to be glorious. seeks missing soulmate tor the tourney Rich ieyyaitls tor the right man. lio\ \o it‘ll

I Slim, gamin bright. beautilui. woman. no dependants. seeks stimulating. se\y. special man Hos \o V175

I Getting sorted to. lllt‘ new yeai ' Slt‘t't'olyi‘t‘ l-Iisl lootet

tall. slim. dark and atti‘aciiy e male. seeks similar female

':\ :<- litit lllt' l‘t‘lls .ilitl liopetully beyond tl.ump of coal optional». Hos .\'o H" o I Glasgow male single. protessional and clieertul seeks :emale graduate or stutleut. I“ to ‘9 to brighten up the long dark winter as itli y isits to theatre. cinema. l‘.tl\. music and comedy lnztially lam looking :or easy going lllL'll\l\lll;‘ .llltl hope that 1311s .leyelops romantically Hos \o H- T

I Warm, sensitive professional lidiiiburgh female. ‘3. adyeiiiui'ous. easy -goiiig. seeks fun-loyuig man with mind of his ow ii into the arts. tray el. weekends in the country and l.l\L'l_\ cllitls iiy t't' gt l‘tilllt‘ till

\y me. Radio 4 listeners not t‘\clttdetll Ho\ .\'o 347/8.

I The nineties dilemma independent. forty something \yoiiiaii. professional. happy. seeking male soulmate for chemistry. eyes across room. loy e language. music. humour. honesty. hung in the moment. Ytitlil'c‘ Hill lltc‘l’t‘ \(llllL‘\\ ll'c‘l't‘ litlinburgh. Hos .\'o 3.17/0.

I Looking for someone to take me to my first football iiiaich. I'm newly gi‘aiimed and not ready to sit at home cioclietiiig bootees. liiyiiatious on a postcard please Hos .\'o .i~l"/'lll.

I Attractive, independent female. QT t. \\ llll busy professional life. seeks srioggiiig i‘atlllt‘l Iii l‘t‘llL‘H‘ \ll't‘ss .\ltt\l also eiiioy good food. w iiie. liduibui‘gli nights out/iii. sense oi humour essential l’lioto i‘l'c‘asc' lit“ \ti ,‘mqull

I Tall, attractive professional female ifl. \\till mischiey rous romantic and outgoing personality, liiiioys music. pubs. cinema. gigs. tcheesy ’- clubs \\'|,'l‘.\l similar male for fun and special times. l’hoto appreciated '(ilasgoyy 1. Ho\ .\'o .i-lml:

I Rugged Edinburgh man. .15.

5ft our. normal leiigili grey li.iirv’beai'tl. l'l‘lt'!ltll}. humorous

honest personality. lakes l‘rance.

current eyeiits. gym. cinema. history. drinks. lowland yyalks. \\‘lfl‘.\l. woman for permanent. loyuig relationship. Hos No

=.i*z'i I.

o b

I Edinburgh guy 3:. recently out and already bored of scene yet would like to meet honest. easy going. intelligent gay guys for chat. nights out and possible romance Scene queens need not apply' Hos .\'o Rio/So

I Where have all you butch lesbians gone w itli yotu gentle boyish charm l aiii It). cute. .i \yt't' lL'lll that llt't‘tls ltils \‘l loying \\'e|l. they do say that opposites attract. Hos .\'o

WM 1,

I Edinburgh gay guy .i i. would loye to meet guys in tlteu ltis who .ue \ery broad imniletl. espeiieiiced and tle\il‘le about what they do in bed l‘llk‘lhl‘lllp .tlstt [‘ttssil‘lt‘ litl‘. \ii HUS:

I Bi male, fit, forties lll stal‘le relationship seeks other non smoking. atlyeiiiurous bis ioi lllll and friendship Discretion Sct‘lldlltl litt\ \tt


assured “~l(i Sq

I Gay man i". handsome. l‘l.ill|_\. tall. seeks cute guy in -.:ntl oui oft suit for chat ie ol.l stars. new iiio\ies. good books. '\_‘."t' .iii.l \llc'\l hau requirements llt'y‘iiltal‘lt' li(‘\ \ii i-Ui Q"

me: pasta .llitl w rue

I Professional, 30 in turn. good looking. fit. outgoing. nou- smoker. likes gy iii. cinema.

tray el. pubs. Seeks similar gay male for friendship. dinner. maybe breakfast. \y iili a View to l-Z-l. llo\ No 346/65,

I Gay man .‘sll. new to (ilasgow Decent. caring. easy-going. Looking for fun times. real friends and maybe more. You: IS 32.


/professioiial. Write soon and It‘ll the more. Ho\ No 346/67.

I Edinburgh professional

male dbl. intelligent. optimistic.

iiiio moy ies. tray el and socialising 'l‘old (ir'aiit .\liichell looks \\ llli l‘t‘llt‘t' [‘L't'stitttiltly. looking for fit n/s professional niau i3? Jill for l-I-I .-\l..-\\\'l’ Hm No Rib/()8

I Daft Glasgow lad «Wt. tall. fit. riiasculuie. llates all that ‘gay' shite. likes mountain- biking. climbing. liillyyalking. indie music. snogging. board

\y ear. goatees. iickliiig . . looking for friends. for ftiii. for a l.ltltll\ll 'caui'y -oan' and if something else deyelops. great. .-\l.:\ \\llll or without photograph. unless you‘re a psycho. a neurotic or a big

litl\ \ii ‘y-Ih/(i‘)

NEW TO EDINBURGH Young. is professional gay gtty \\'l.'l‘.\l yotiiigci‘. good lookitig guy for friendship and hopetully

much more. :\l..-\\\'l’.

Box NO. 345/57.

I Glasgow gay male 2s (ill 2m. s/a. s,l with rugby player build. .-\ little out ol shape seeks non-camp personal trainer.

ill) WI to help reestablish fitness for

tun'li'iendshrp relationship. Bo\ \o HT’FH

I Edinburgh gay guy i *2 r. blond. (it't. straight acting/looking. mesperieiicetl st‘t‘ks L'\]‘t‘t'lt‘tlc"c‘tl guy. 3 for ftiii met the winter. Ho\ \o 3475]

I Friendly, professional, gay flit}. I 15‘ t. fit. atti'aciiy e. s.’a. seeks special gtiy. for fun. hopefully relationship Interests; music. walking. cinema. good conyeisatiou. tiayel. good beer. linlinl‘tu'gh/t‘entral Scotland. -\l.:\\\‘l’ Ros .\'o HTS:

I Gay female late Iris. feminine. lioietl \\llll being single. \\'|.'l'.\l. similar toi lllt'lltlsllll‘. maybe I to I

(iSt )ll. sporty. intelligent, Dundee. l'il'e or anywhere, l’hoto appreciated but not essential liti\ \ti Ila.“

I Handsome, blue-eyed pioiessional man. i il l. seeks attractiy e. rela\ed and intelligent guy C.‘ to it).

I'm friendly. lll and good- iiaiuied and iiiio music.

cinema and socialising

l’hoto appreciated but not

lit“ \t‘


t'\\‘.‘! i-l"’<.l I Gay female, 305 wt 'I‘\i. similar and older to: socialising and !:iendship liito ilimiig in. out. music. cinema. theatre.

sport. intelligent cony e: sairon.

laughter (io on, let's lteat tip this \yintei' lios \o

ti sx


I Edinburgh gay guy 30. good-looking. fit. s/a. s/l. n/s likes music. T\'-\-ideo's. swimming. cinema. VGSOH seeks similar genuine guy:

28 34. to share interests possibly more. Photo appreciated. write soon. Box No 347/56.

I Reformed Peter Pan (35). bored with never never land. looking to hook up with similar crown-tip male. .\'o ' Boys'. Wendy's or 'l‘inkerbells. thanks. l'ully illustrated response preferred. Bos .\'o 347/57.

I 'Sorted' gay male wanted. Ability to chat oyer coffee and the Sunday papers. .srrig iii the bath and enjoy life‘s little pleasures. .\le 35; You spontaneous. \'isua| response pr'oyokes response. Box No 347/58.

I Six-pack, 26, 6ft brown hair. bltie eyes. straight looking guy. (ilasgow. likes swimming. running and generally keeping fit. cinema. pubs. clean-shayeii hairy. is looking for friendship. hopeful relationship with a guy. (ilasgoyy. lidiiibtirgh. l’aisley area or ihereabouis. lS-RS. So drop me a line. you hay e nothing to lose. .-\l..-\. lio\ Niki-175‘).

I Successful, Edinburgh Professional male. 3-1. non-scene. s/a. tall. dark. genuine. presentable seeks atti'actiy e honest man. 18—30. for friendship and hopefully much more. lirithusrasm for good In ing essential. Discretion assured. .-\l..-\. lit“ No 347/60.

I Glasgow gay female 29. professional. feminine. chatty. (iS()ll. into sport. movies. music and occasional Visits to l’olo Lounge. \\'l.'l‘.\l feminine woman. 35 40. for friendship. open-iiiiiided about romance. Ros No .‘sJ7/(il.

I A soulmate is not inst for (‘Iiristmasl (ienuirie litlinbtirgh gay male. atir‘actiy e. 36. blontle. sporty. seeking intelligent beings imalei. 25 .10. for friendship and who knows, possibly more. l5o\ .\'o 347/03.

I Gay male, 30 lidinburgh. St‘i Illin. ll: _s st. bltie eyes. brown hair. rthiiining on top) - hope that does not ptit you off. lied tip with shallow iiess of scene. seeks honest attractiy e guy. l8—-3(). for

l 3 l l’hoto appreciated. :\ll replies answered. Boy No 347/63. I Gay male, 'lrish' living in lidinbui'gli. 23. (\fi llll. (iood- looking iso I am ioldi. tired oil night scene. looking for Mr Special. 25 .13.good-lookingaiid also looking tor I ll l’hoio appreciated Hos No 347/(y4.

I Intelligent, attractive male. 3-1. l’i'ofessional. graduate. easy- going and .i non-smoker. liiiioys tiayel. the outdoors. quiet pubs. cinema and eating out. Seeks like-nunded female. liduiburgh. liii\ No inf/oi

I Go on take a risk! What

hay e you got to lose.‘ (let in touch .iiid embark on a \oyage of sell discoy eiy \\ iili cool (ilasgoyy. gay guy. ~l-l. tall. slim and young at lieaii let‘s eiiioy all that life has to ottei' l$o\ \o :-l"'(\(\

I Xena seeks Gabrielle liit' romantic \yaiks lll lilysiaii fields and atlyentuies into the unknown Shy. professional lemme. .‘7. (iSUll. likes sport. cinema. theatre. music. (ilasgoyy scene Interesting scroll/photo

.il‘i‘teciated llo\ No 347/07,

rrrrsusr 105