Space NK apothecary

Glasgow wrll (‘ertarnly he smrlrno hetter thanks to the quality lrppy and other exc lusrve heauty pl‘()(ltl( ts on sale In Spam NK whk'h opens :ts hrst bran<h outside of London Ill the (orty’s Prrntes' Square shopping centre. Among the small ohrects of desire on sale rs thrs rather fet<hrng Candy Darlrnq narl polrsl‘. from Franco's Nars. 'Stmone Baird)

Spa< e NK apotherary, Pr/nres Square, Bur hanan Street, Glasgo‘.‘/, from Sun 19 Nov. See Sty/eL/st, page 777‘


The New Rocky Horror Show

It’s been 25 years srnre Rr(har(l O'Brien hrst rotkerl London’s Royal Court Theatre with hrs trans-sexual, transvestite Transylvanrar‘. Frank N. Furter, henchman Rlll Raff and all the spoo” spook st hlock that went \Vrth them The show along wrth er Sharrnan's T975 movre - has hetome one of Britain's greatest krts< h (ults Now the stage show :s hark i.'l a revamped versron. The star as Jason Donovan tthat's hm‘ |.’l the (orset), a man whose squeaky-( lean rmaoe - rlentetl onre or twr<e over the past few years - rs (lestrnetl never to gleam agarn :Aetlrew Burnett

The New R()(/\"/ Horror Show Is at the [rd/nhurqh Festival Theatre, f/lon 2-.Sat 7 Nov See theatre fist/nos, page 72.

“TALKING PAGES 0800 600 900

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