Looking for something new?

join us for enjoyable l dinners and social events

I with single people of all ages.

;_oi4"i:§§ 37331

I Let's get together:

titelligent. lininy :nale \yitli

.i:~.:l‘1i1ty \eckx \lllllldl People to ruse: metaliy and 3:.1ye.;l.:11§..'l‘ llo\ \o I- ii I 23-year-old male :1.'\\. 1o (ii..\:'11\‘..:HHklilt'51': :1.'\\. 11:.~11.i\ :ox going danczng'. t:::c:::.1.t':1cat1e. playing gainsx .‘Ie Him \U ;:<:

I Attractive multilingual teinale. ill, loyes t1.1\ell1n;..'. !!ln1\. 1:211\!e.l.1u;'lnng \\‘l,'l'.\l g.~:::11:1.‘;':1y \\1th\11111l.:1 :111.‘!.'\t\andUSUll. l’hoto appzeezateti llo\ \o H1 Ii

I Very cool black man, 11:11» pointex. Radio I. 113111» the .utx.

I .\~ - ll lI|\‘ ,..l 1 .....l...\ .. tl.l‘.\

.': \\I IV .1‘.\1"l‘1.:f‘. \‘.':1o

x :1... 2.. .t.::.:t.\ tool. .111\ t ‘\1\'..1I1!\f1‘? \UHit‘lliill‘.‘

.\ .!.\c.tt1o::.:\\111tt. and

[\i‘t'elx‘tl ll\t\ \1' I1; l" I Attractive and sensual I -. Itotte\! .111d\1:1ee1e. ionsx theatts. n.1yel.e1:1en1.1and eating out .1\ \yeil.1\ enioy 111g fgootleo111pany. \\‘|'l'.\l like :1:::1de.l 111.111 lot lnn llljjllh out .1211 ;‘o\\1l\le 111111.111ee. .-\l .‘\ and sell g‘o1t1.ut appteetated lio\ \o :vi-irll I Friendly, mature male S.‘ litter-ssh tounnyxzde. .ut. 1"1:.‘\.en1.‘1n.:.1ead1:1;.‘

\\o-..... \on1tt11nt \ .1k. to .IILKI a (il.l\j.,‘ti\‘. l.i:::“::::'l: l‘l1|\ \111l1 I On a path? I Ig‘cn t .:::::.'.

.‘.\‘1t\\.1‘.‘.... (I...\‘ 1‘1‘.

0H \ I\.\ 1. \ \

to 1 \'1\; x x .5 :o':..:::'1t Invitix «12:: .:::.i 2:: \znl

t11.i.iIt-\'lio\ .\o Hi It;

I Extrovert Edinburgh female \eek\t.1ll 11:.1ie to !.~.:1;.'l: .:' Elle and “toad-e11 :11::\:e.:3 \pplzeanom Z.‘.\1|‘.LIi‘t'\ll2.1!l\l\‘.ltlillt'it‘litw \‘1; 1;: :5

I Edinburgh woman, 46

l 1~\.'.!\t :11 .11:.!

31o: !/1|t1\

m' o $112.] 1112: i \ “IX 1!. ll e 11‘ ' l torts: \ "" w ..::\E \pontancny

llm. \o N":

I Edinburgh guy, 29('.11'111g. sharing guy yy'itl1(i.\‘()ll \eeking \llllllill' girl tor triendxhip and roinauee. Interests: entema. llltlxlt‘. lllt‘all't‘. \l‘ttl'l. I‘mth

tray el. lood and drink. lIo\ .\'o 3.15/2.

I Do you, like me, wonder 11 a hit of hanky spanky might he lun'.’ liasy -goi11g hut adyenturom man. 30x seeks similar \yoinan l'orali'ixxo11ol inn and games. Hm \o 3.15/3. I Soft-centred nippy sweetie altt‘aetiy‘e prolexxtonal It‘llltllt' ‘Ill \L‘L'lx\ I'Ul‘lhl Seotxtnan l'or111dooraud outdoor \yinter ;1eti\it1e\. lllll\. \lxllllf._‘. theane. eniema. rextanrantx. ete lIo\ \o ‘15-: I This professional l-tlzul‘tns'h male i_“-\\..1tei1txi noting IV last \yeekend. I! you .1lmd1d and you .11e leniale, \‘.l‘._\ don't \ytni1w11111t'tllizzg' 111oiee\e1tn1gne\t\yeekc11d’ l’l1oto appreciated Ho\ \o 1.1555.

I Thirties guy protewional. tall. dark. lit. unattaehed. no

L‘I‘L‘lltlz‘llh l,t\\ t‘\ c'ittlllll } \lxlt'.

e111e1na.pt1l\~.\po1t.ti1p\. Seeks tun lady. any \ta'u\.11.1t1o11al1ty. age. l1d1nl\111';.'.l1'(ilasgoyy oi .ttl}\\llt‘lt‘. litt‘y \U WW

I Edinburgh professional male 31. :: \. :z1tell:ge::t.

atly enttnom. all'eetionate. It‘;!\\‘llttl‘l.\ yHNkl it‘t‘lxlllff \‘L‘k\ .:!ti.1et1\e- ‘1 t'einalc \y 1th a 311111.! and. \t\ le o! he: o\yn to \lldlt' \llt‘\\} -oi not - nighh out. good tood. :11endxlnp and 1111\eellaneonx 1oi11anee. hopel‘nlly long-te1111 l’hoto optional. .'\|.,-\_ lIo\ .\'o HS" I Hey girls! 'l'all. da1k. l1.1nd\otne tieally I prolewional guy ii }I\ l.o\e\ \ea. inountainx. nayel and log :i1e\ \ny \11111l.11';.'nl\ot1t there ' l‘t‘! t1zei1dxl11pas1d111.1ylx-I1ol1l1ng handx l’lioto .1pp1ee1ated. llo\ \H 1:5 '.\'

I Prickly but funny t .5;::Ev.;:;-E: '.-:::.:':e. ::.'.::iy M l’:.::.-\\: \::.:l

litiix‘fi. w.:1:1:::1::;.'.. outlwux and 1:1.I1:E;.'n:§.' 1:: \.:1: ".Z\ 1. zen _\'1e.' teeth and \inilnzg ewennal ll1‘\ \o ‘15 ‘I

I 44-year-old Glasgow 111.11.: single. .‘lt ~11n l1ke\ daneing. I1:':l \\.:lk1:1g. t;.:\el.e::1e:11.1. k.-.~;\:11. :11;_'l1:\o11t.\eek\ te:‘.1.:le. early 41's.: :11endxh1pand111111.111“: ll1\\ \o ‘x‘fi‘Hi

I Attractive, slim, discreet

i: \: y\.o:11.:::. 5!: ha.

cutzttex \‘1'tllt'\ o; {‘.:l‘1‘1:‘;‘lll‘.:'

“1 ..‘ oll \. c1|\1.1o:‘ol.'..:.: t...:.:

.t‘f \t‘lllt .I’.t .11 ..ll1 lll,\‘\ 1 " 1‘ 1111' '1 .l i'.1\

l l.1\!1\\‘.ot:l I he :1: .

l‘itt\ \H Ni;

Edinburgh EH1 1TE




Remember to write the Box Number clearly in the TOP LEFT HAND CORNER.

At the CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow Gt 3JD

I Good looking, intelligent 11111x1ealthirty-soinetl1n1g (ilaxgoyy plnle \eek\ her male e11111\ale11t. l’hoto appreciated lt(I\ NU HS/ll,

I Cute runt 1511 Mm. i11tel|1gent. \t‘ll\lll\ e. [‘L‘llllllt‘\\ y1‘111alelyy11lal1te1'ary .lllll‘lllUlh seeks \yontatl ol paxx1on and enltnle. tor long \y111tereye11111g\ ,v\ll lette1\anxyyered, (ilmgoyy preleired. Ho\ \113-151’] i.

I Young looking man, 37 musleal. deep and datt. honier \1 1th lo\ e ot' \yandenng \e.1\l1o1'e\ and lullx. good eraie 1n puhx and eatex. Illlll\ .11 all lh‘tlh llax good pals hut \\'|.'l‘.\l \peeIal \yoinan 211 V \\ 11h good heart and sense 1m \o m 1.1

I Decent bloke, 241ml \yantx

to r1133: the :zgh'. :‘nl. lune .:

1‘. 3I§I\c .Ilt'l

l.1!1;‘l‘..l1o;\‘!nlly t.1li111loye \'\\.::‘ my lettei and photo to: \11'.:!-\ wt! _\U'.t E! l‘t\\\ll‘lt"' (ii.t\:‘tt\\ .lit‘tl l'lt\\ \H i-ls I Attractive, slim, intelligent znale l1ke\ e111e111a. eating out. 11.11. el. :1111x1e Seeks .1tt1‘.1et1\e teinale 3(1 W lot l'11endslnp and lnn latlinl‘urgh lio\ .\'o Milo I Gentle soul seeks Lina eonipalnon. atnaetiye. pzot'exsional\yo111.111.-II.1.1II. \l:11;.\k1lled111.1lldoniext1e ‘1221tl.‘\.\t‘e‘l\\ e;:11!1\_'. e11::11‘.::::on.:l‘3e mi: o: :ntclhgent eonyetxatmn. laughter and ::111t1:.:l unioynient o! lrfe l%o\ _\'o 115'!"

I Elegant Edinburgh \H‘Tttati 1i \11ee.*\\lt1l.\oe:.1l\2e\y11l:.: l1kz11g to: elaxxieal |Illl\lc seekx .1 eleyet. tnnny.kn1d and-gottlttlt‘nt 211.1111-Itl 4‘. tot ehatx and

flit'22.l\llll‘ llo\ .\'o H5 I.\

I Sincere male .111 yeatx yoni1g.\\|f|‘.\l ten1a|ek1nd1ed \pnn to \lldlC 111te1extx n1 .1 \.:11.-ty ot'eulttnal. enlznaiy and :oznantie l‘lll\t!!l\ l’l:o:o .1t‘;‘t.‘e1.1ted l:.l::1l\111;'!1 llox \'o §.;\' In

I Fun

loving, chatty pmm

\czzx. .ztly. .‘.\. ‘.\l‘.o Izkn

\ .;:"‘\. '.::.-.1:1.~. pezxona?

‘Yi|.‘...., :;.:\\.1~' l '1‘1Zook121v

1\\ ()l-“' 'l'tl \

oz‘. :1. \.::::::' :::.::: In: '11::

.. Edi.” I{‘\\ \H {;< ‘H

I Posrttve-thinking, sociable

322:1}:1 .-::e1j'et:e:n.1ie 3‘11: also

'111! 'lhx'ent eott\c1\.1::o::-

x cm Ic::1.1le.:~..‘ed _ \ \yztn

1:1;\1121e1111al1t1exto: equal.

e.:1:::;.' :elattottxlni‘ llo\ .\'o :5 _‘l I Demanding l‘d111l‘1ngl1 male

rat.- ilk1.1.1tl1.tdotnntantnattne :ooknn' to: .:!:111-l1*-\1:1j.,'. \11l‘::;:\\:\ e tetnaie \yl1o \\.111t\ to .'\§‘31\1e11(l1t':thl‘ceholltlt‘t:t.: :1:::!::.1lIy \anxlyinj:1elanonxhip l’llt‘ll‘ g‘it‘JM' li1\\ \H ii; i: I Attractive thirtysomething :.~1::.;1.- Zooknzgg

.o: ~. .n:.:::etl:1:!\\o::.t'"1'h :::.:.t

.‘...o..:o\\lootleonaxen \ ml.

11.x t'\\.;:y llo\ \o 11‘ 31 I Late 20$, tall, \ycll had: and

A" ' .:.\e\ 1".ll‘x

l’lltllik I‘ly‘tht‘ 3‘12: II“:

it'\'..1tll.::‘.l\, :1:~.'.1'.\ an on! n. :th the

:1:'i:tp.'1\1 z: \‘ekzzxgx11112l.:z\ \ \l _~.'::\ to: tun. l11endwl1n‘ and yyl:.:'..~‘.e: slopx l’lwto .lI‘i‘It'clalt'tl ll1‘\ \U <i Gay post-grad, 30, < In" -'oo.5 fooknig. 111. Hillt'ittflz'. 331W; «1:16.32. Izkex yyotinnx' out. t :7..":..;. T:.:\. l. g‘n‘w \\l l'\l ~'1:\_ - 'f\a11::::'x':ey \;::'. .:teo..:::..:‘.!. i.t\‘ yez. Incite Zyzw to: t::.-::.l\l::;‘1:;.-\l\'onc to

.~:~..- .\! \\\'l’11a\ \‘1. :z: ~<

I Gay professional male .‘~ I. 11o11-\111oke1'. non-went: usual |.1\ty 111te1e\t\ expeetally inuxie. ill'illé' HI lltt‘ l‘aehelor lll'L'. \t'L'INS attraeny e.e;1r111g prolesxional guy 1111de1 3(1t'oi‘posx1hle long ter111rel.1t1on\hip. llo\ .\'o ill/5‘).

I Gay Glasgow professional male I Hi eaine out a eonple of years ago and non hored yy 1th the \eene \y here 111x111eerity and \ltalloyyneyx inle. |.ook1ng tor a guy \yl111k1111y\\ the henelit ol‘a long term return as opposed to 111xtant aeeesx. no penalty

\y 1tl1d1'.1\y.1|\. ( '.1r111g. intelhgent.

\t‘tl\lll\ e and \111ee1‘e \y 1th ( )K look\ Id1d I mention honesty”. tall and slim Interextx111elude einenla.tl1e.1t1e.t1;1\e|. Illll\l\‘ and keeping :11 Box .\'o {turn I Edinburgh gay guy to years old. 4H (1111. dark ltan. 111ed111111huiltl. gleen eyex. \yaeky \enxe ot l111111ont. linloyx \yalking. \\y1111111111;'. pulw. Ill}.'lll\ 1:1 Seeks guy l'11e11d\l11p.poxxihle I 3 l N/S. llo\ \o l-I-I/(yl

I Edinburgh bi-female looking tor t'iiends and one1x. Similar open-nunded and adventurous \yo111en\\11te11o\y li1\\ \U i-I-I'hh

I Gay, sandy-red squirrel ~111.1le- {(1. \eekx \Illlll;t|. l‘11gl1t ed. I‘nxhy t;1:ledloi'e\t mature to! 1:111veineznadiookx. EEI‘JHL' and ‘.‘.:11;*- and .111t1:11111.1l o11tdoo1g‘1:1\111t\ \ntx may he ttlIL‘lt'tl' lltw NU i‘lTISlI

I Feminine, slim, non-scene piotevwnai gay initials. ills. \Vl 'l'.\l \11111!.11 female to: tun. 311endxl11p and 111.1yl1e :11oie llll;‘it‘\l\ inelude dining out. :11:1~1e. \g‘oitx. :no\1e\. good t'ttll\t‘l\.tlttttl and theatre lIo\ \o tissi

I Mr Nice Guy looking 1111 l'nn' llyou'ie shy yet ente. 111:1le1 5. non \eene. tlixeteet. eo:1t.:e:ti:1\ \enx1t1yegray I‘litl;'\\!t\ lookntg lot one to o::.‘\y::l1\ozzzeonc\peeial \"I:.11;'l:t.:ef:::j"‘le.:\."lIo\ \o

I Young attractive 3‘: It‘tttdlt‘

x.» 2'.-.\ o! .‘1 :.1:.:::11:c ICEHJIt'.

any Io: 112:2.1111itnentlxlnp \l::\:'.1ke

‘131du‘\\:11:.'l12\n: l’ltoto

"l‘t‘yl ii‘t‘ti. "l\l‘1l\‘.lllk'

appzeetated llo\ \o <45“

I Glasgow gay professional :11;1le-_“’- 5t: 111:1 \toeky l\111ld. ()Kl1~1\k\.:11~1: \n1oke1.\l1.ng_'l1t aeting looking. (iS(lll.e.un1;.'. :el1.1l‘lc.11‘dhonest Interextx :nelntle1:111\:e.t1ne1n.1.t:.1\el. :12gl11wnnnt \‘ekx \ttntlat g'tty. Ill i".‘\\1:l;(i.\()ll, “.1111; personahty to1 811:1. 2:1e11dxl11p .-.11dl‘.op.‘!'11lly :nozc v\11y .uea l’l:1\!1\2.:ie.l Il11\.,\1\

:1< <: I 23~year-o|dt-.1\y going guy I ook:::~.' 3111 .1“;'.::1t:!::l I‘m to

\1. :tl: \l1:\t he

\z‘end \uftlt' {11:13

5 5.11111.

I Attractive, non-scene straight-acting guy (2‘)) seeks similar down to earth. masculine guy (met 30) for no-strings relationship. l’l.oto amn'eeiated. Iidinhurgh/ (ilmgnyy or heyond. Discretion tl.\\lll't‘tl. Ho\ \o


NEW TO EDINBURGH Young. ‘8. prolessional gay guy \\'I IN younger. good looking guy for friendship and hopefully

much more. .»\l.:\\\'l’.

Box No. 345/57.

I Glasgow male gay professional ~10 years old. Blue eye\.(it't.111ed111111huild. |111e1est\' theatre. dining out. lllflllh 1n \yith right guy. I‘m e;11111g.\e11.\'iti\e. looking for someone younger 1o\l1are lite \\tll], Ho\ \o {15/58.

I Feminine professional gay l'einale. 30x. Wide y'ariet} HI 1111e1extx seeks tennnine teniale \yl1oe111oy\ the liner things in |1le tor l'rieudxlnp. [‘U.\\ll\lt' 1oi1iauee. Hm .\'o Eli/5‘).

I Glasgow gay male 3(1. 511 .\'i11.111ed111111h111ld.attraenye. hairy. I'm kind. good fun and happy hut I \yant to tall 111 loy'e. Help me do llll\ so that \y e ean ~l1a1'ed11111erx. litllltl;l}‘\;tlltl me Please send .1 photograph lIo\ \H g-I5/(1ll

I Gay female alleetionate. tun loying.1on1anne.loyextrayel. \port. 11111x1e. lllj_'lll\ out and 111. \eeks genuine. \tahle. easy going tenunnie \yoniau 25 .‘\.\' to share t'uu times Hm .\'o ,i-IS/(il. I Attractive transsexual .\t to l: thnnex. \lnn. good liguie. 4n .\111 tall, \\'l,'l‘.\l genuine male. .\Iu\t he easy-going \y ith open 111111d.(}S()lI and Hot 11111111ed' l'ttl tun. l'1'1e11dxl11pand t‘tt\\ll‘lt‘ lt‘l.lIlth\lIl[‘ I£o\ No i-lsi'h.‘

I Glasgow gay male 35.111111- x111oke1. 1'o1nt111t1e. eomulerate .1111lt'.1\yg_'11111;.' l'.tl]oy\ enteina. :he.1t1e.\y.1lk111g_' .1ndtl1e outdooix. Seekx \11111lar 35 ‘5 for l11e11dsl11ple.1d111g to i I ll1\\ \o US$71:

I Attractive, intelligent gay le1n;1le.eaily ill\.\yitl1.1(i.\'()ll. \\'|’l‘.\l\11nil;u gay l'eniale ‘to daneetl1enigl1t .may". I’hoto .1pp1‘ee1atedhut not exxential. llo\ \o HF/(i-I.

I Glasgow situation vacant intelligent. .1tt1‘aet1ye late .illx. <tt.\111.\l1111.luirloy111g piotexnonal into laughing. tood. :1111\1e.1nd111111e\eek\ eoi11pat1hlegny for l _‘»l Knoyy xyhat _\ott\\.1nt ' You \illll. ill- -\I -\\\‘l’ Ho\ \o Hit);


If you would like to find out more then write or call us in strictest confidence. ELITE INTRODUCTIONS. 9 BRIGHTON CRESCENT WEST. EDINBURGH EH I6 ILU. TEL: "III 620 7777 OR ltldl 2.16 7777

.' 11 ' it? THELIST105