I Went Down (15) 104 mins -
Whrle c’rrme-norr crnema corrtrnues to pummel the brg screenwth tough body blows, there's st;ll room for the bumblrng crook wrth a soft heart TI‘ns Irrsh caper walks the lrne between danger and comedy, spurred on by the rnterplay between rts two leads Peter McDonald plays the recently released, rnnocent-of-hrs-c'rrme Gil, who rather unfortunately falls rn wrth some hoods from Dublrn, :nc Iudrng the src‘feburned, streeIWrse Bunny :Brericlan Gleesom (Buena Vrsta) (AIle
Gattaca (15) 102 mins
In the future, cirscr:'rrr"at:c)rr Isn’t based on COIOur of sk-n bat genetrc make-up, so 'naturally born' Ethan Hawke rnfrltrates the e’;te world of ’desrgner’ people by talc'r‘g on the rclentrty of crrppled Jude Law Wr ter-d'rector Andrew Nrccol rs hot stuff at the moment he wrote the screenplay for The Truman Show and here he washes hrs future-retro crvrhsatron :r‘. coloured frlters that 'nai-ce the sc reer‘, beautrful to Eoo-c at lntr.cate?y 'ayered, \Vltlt bold :deas whrc n arotx' Gattaca to emerge as a tn: 3 r'rdrVrdua' from an Industry 0‘ clones (Columb a irsstar: (AM)
Hard Rain
(15) 97 mins
Re-edrctecf, r‘e-rrarrred, re-jrgged, Hard Rain comes complete w;th a;' sorts of handrcaps It's also bogged dox‘nr by rank dralogue and rntolerab‘e c'che When a rriass've storm Ints Huntrrrgburg, petty crook Ittorgan Freeman and “Its gang attempt a herst, Wrth o'riy arrnoared ca' guard C hr'rstran Slater and dodgy sherr“ Rar‘Uy Quard rn the way Oh, and the eier‘er‘ts Way too preachy rn rts mora to"e (POIyGrarrtl (Ai‘yl)
Mrs Dallowa
(PG) 97 mins y
One day rrr 1923, an I‘yIP's wrfe plans a party and remembers her youth Thzs berr‘g a Vrrgrnra Woolf adaptatron, there rs mrnrrrral plot and dra‘ogue, merely rnterrrzrnable shots of Vanessa Redgrave foolcrrig troubled \'.ti.t(‘ spoutrng profund'tzes .n \.'o‘ceo\./er o' Rupert Graves «as a \.'.ar aeterar‘: dernonstrateng a cor‘rrucopra of u'rcorty ncrng fac ra. t cs Or‘y Natasc ha McEIhone rsoon to be seen m. The Truman S/TOI/V' as young (Watssa Dallovv'ay rs mrldly cI'vertng ‘Artrf-c :a' Eye, also retari {IS 99' PR
(PG) 94 mins
Too greedy 'r)"c)t“ers 'Iee Eva's ar‘d Natr‘a" La"e t a "cm-croz'.“
"‘a"s o", out t“; to se t o“, tr‘ey er‘cc).."te" "es star‘ce ‘ro'r‘ a" unexpectedy "es e'”. ""ab tar”. a mouse S"eer er‘terta er‘s;.r "c; a barre - oac: o‘ be y a..g"s as 0.." "an ess duo a o‘ cate sc "e"‘es to s‘" ‘1 t"e "es cre"t rodent The to"e
a.“ r pac n‘g are spot-o" 'CI( ALI
The Real Blonde
(15) 101 mins
A more success?” cart ‘gu‘e " tr‘e UK tl‘a" at "o"‘e " t"e US, Ior" I)'( o John/r", Suede, Lhrrrrg /n ()f).’.'.'ron "as
r‘ s pest c"ar‘ce yet of' stepp "g c ose" to t"‘e "a "strearr‘ \‘.'t" t"'s "src;"t‘1. cor"ecry i‘clatthet'. Mod "e pays a s‘.";.c;c;”".g ac to" \.'."ose g r er‘cr '(‘at'ter r‘e Keene" massages t"e egos of ‘."e "‘()(l(‘ "g " rastry It's ‘..""y \‘-.'t"‘o..t "av "g a"y oo‘; oas y cor“ c o"e- "ers, or "c pa y because I) C 'o's \.~e\.'.'po "t o" ha'r‘a't ‘o 1) es s y on t"e "ose fox Pat'e 'AI'.I
The Last Seduction 2 (18) 96 mins
How do you forlox'.‘ up a 90s "or" classrc 7 \r'y’i‘.y, you hgre a different and less talented (lil(‘( tor and rrrarn star,
r «was -" r ‘ .Latw%~. ” .t.
Water, water everywhere: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio make a dash for the lifeboats in Titanic (12, 189 mins, *t t t). Surely due to be the biggest sell-through video smash to date, it's released by Twentieth Century Fox on Mon 19 Oct, priced £16.99 fullscreen/ £17.99 widescreenI£24.99 box set).
See page 112 to win a copy.
RETAIL Happy Together (15) 94 mins «v t,
Wong Kar—Wai's films, with the incisive input of cinematographer Christopher Doyle, demand to be seen in the cinema for full depth of colour and masterly use of camera angles and framing. Is the effect totally diminished on the small screen? Clearly not; in fact, when the visual impact is lessened to a degree, the viewer has more opportunity to consider the film thematically. Here the detail dazzles as much as the big picture.
When gay pair Ho and Lai relocate from Hong Kong to Buenos Aires, their on/off relationship falters again. Cocky, confident Ho wants to play around on the scene; the more tormented Lai yearns to return home. They need each other for support more than they will admit and, as the film develops, very different character traits emerge from beneath the surfaces they show the world.
Happy Together is a film that will leave you drunk from soaking in its
reviews VIDEOS
Happy Together: it takes two to tango
style, but it also lands an emotional punch as the men's fragile, self- destructive intimacy takes its course. This is a film about contrasts: personalities, slow motion/speeded-up film, black and white/colour, Hong Kong cool/South American passion. (Alan Morrison)
Happy Together {Art/m ra/ Eye) goes on sale on Mon (.2 Oc t, prrced f 75 9.9
then co"coct a p‘ot druied ‘;,f' of ho’es a"d sistail ,rr=tat." ; charac te's by the barreT-‘oad Ilay ng "ed to Barcelona a‘ter :he niarder of her husband, Bridget C-rr‘egory ’loan Scwerence no lilt(f<l l‘orerxtr'ro. gets retrofit/ed rn and gets a\‘.'ay \.'. tr: a sex-phone scan: bu. and poet ess Post/(Ham :BD'
Grease: 20th Anniversary Edition (PG) 105 mins
'I\.'.'e"-ty years ago, Join" iravolta arid O'Axa Newton. John new the ones that ‘~.‘.e \.'.'a'tted a"d, for t“e trr‘aslzarr‘ed nostagrsts a'rrorrgst us, moth "g has changed Bad boy Danny rs stfll \.'.()()‘T‘(l nan/e yc);r"g Sandy, ‘Str'nrr‘er tourng' st'?I sends up at those exaggerated first date boasts and the sheer serrse o‘ yourtd roc I: 'rr' "oi? ‘tr't st Ertas as
dar‘c Irrg r': the a's‘es '( I(. {9 .99
fuT-sc reerr/f IO 99 xx desc'ee'“ Alt"
Love Etc (15) 105 mins
intI‘1sadaptat:ono‘theja'a" Barres "oze' Taft/12g /t ()xer, t‘.'..'o rr‘e" a'e ove wtf‘ tl‘e sarrre \.'.rc)r':.r'r '( Ira' otte (rarrrsbourg (or'=plrc ated Iy'rore so, as one :s r'rarr‘2ed to her (illtf the other hrs best fr:er‘d A French cornedy of rrtan'rers and mo are more adept at that sub-genre? \‘xhrc it has rts b'eak rnorrients as the t";.th descends Sornethrng of a derrgt‘t rl’atl‘e {lb 99‘ (BI)!
STAR RATINGS Urr'ntssable Very good \"y’orth a shot fielov: average You’ve been warned
Junk Mail (15) 83 mins
Anyone \‘.'r‘,o's ever \.=.'orrdered \‘.'ty that I‘olrday postcard has take.“ so long to arrrve \.'.r . a'ready be
co'rv rrced that postal servrces the world over are peopied entrely by 1'»: Irkes of Roy Arrtur‘dsun levy and vc)ye;:r;st.c, he stops a cfic‘rtr‘rtc; \‘."()."‘:(i't from kr’lr‘g herseft', but er‘cis up accused of the c tree that prorvpted her st::c'de attempt " t"-:- frrst place. A dark and seedy Nortxeg'an cor“edy t“" er 2"‘at, , deé vers all t pro'n'ses
(Tartar: {IS 99' (ART
The Whispering Chorus (PG) 82 mins
(.ecrE B. DOL‘VIILIU rs best know": to' s . sr'ent B pica? ar‘d “ stor‘ca' er) c \zhrc r: couldn't be ‘rntr‘er " sc
from trizs t'()f‘t r'te'odrarr‘a ;" '.rct, '1»
frl'tt work's ‘.Ke a." early norr t)'c)‘.'>f as rt rrt'xes cr"“e, psyc “o og : breakdot‘.“ ar‘d »"escaoab'e crest ‘\ l‘a'd-rrr) c 'e'k coo-cs rws boss's filo-iv bat escapes ."vest'ga‘. o" by ‘ ee a"d c“a"c;ng ".s rcre'tty Ir.'.ea' ' "‘s \‘r. ‘e "‘a'res t"e state (}()‘.(" a"c:, \'\.V"e" ".e s f "a‘ y caug’t a“c: c‘rargec: \'. tr‘ ".s on": "‘ercre', "e , of‘ered t"e c i‘a"ce to redee"? ‘ \- rr‘orajy and save its \.=.."e's 't’l)\....3',t lire 1v. st rtg pot ga’ ops a peg, '.y -~:: the noose t c;Itte' around '.t‘e tart: charac te"s rrec i-c A'so 'e eased are [)(‘f‘yl ‘Ie's (‘arrrren :U, // rr‘ "s, and loan lire Ir'u'o/rran U, I3/
). (Bil { I) 99 each A'.‘
REVIEWERS THIS ISSUE: 8' a" Dona dso", A'ar‘ ftTorr sci", “c-t -'
8 2? ()c'. '998 THE lIST 107