T.G.|. Friday's Fans of Amerrcana won't have to go to all the bother of flyrng over the Atlantrc the next trme they fancy a hunk of burger. T.G.I. Frrday’s have set up shop rn Edrnburgh and are keen to Introduce therr partrcular take on Tex/Mex/Cajun grub to the rumblrng toms of the caprtal.

The frrst T.G.I. Frrday's Opened on New

York’s Frrst Avenue rn 1965 and proved an rnstant hrt. In 1986, Whrtbread

decrded that they wanted a prece of the

actron and rrnportecl the rdea to Brrtarn.

'Hot patootre,’ sarcl we Brrts, or at least rnore reserved words to the same effect. The rest rs hrstory T G | Friday's spread across the land, everyone took to therr trademark potato skrn starters lrke duck's feathers to a downre and we redrscovered the 10y of that other T.G.l. specralrty: cocktarls

Every T.G.I. Frrday's has a cocktarl Irst comprrsrng over 500 different concoctrons from the classrcs to the esoterrc The Tom Crurse character rn the 80s nrqhtmare mov:e Cocktar/ was apparently based on the T.G.l bartender But don't let that put you off 9;: TG / Frlcfl'lv's‘ 25 Cast/e Street, chrrrhurgh, 0731 226 5543

La Banda

Lovers of all thrncgs Spanrsh \VI11 probably be aware of El Bar, the small and rncorrrqrbly :nformal cafe bar on Edrnburgh's Blackfrrars Street Often lardback to the pomt of coma, rt drdn’t always have beer, or any staff and rt wasn’t always open, but rt was one of the most frrendly and endearrngly citrrrky bars rn Edrnburcth

Desprte the fact that squadrons of flylrtct pro haven't been reported over Atrici Reekre, .1 seems that the peoore nehrnd’ El 81: have not rt together to

La Banda, a Basctue restaurant

and bar The latest place to open .n the s'trny, new oeveloprncwrt crown at Lertb Docks, ca Banda rs half wood-trrnbered taverna and half modern glass conservatory

As well as tapas snacks and the usual attractrons of a‘-.ve1|-stocked bar, La Banda has a full menu At the moment, they are dornc; a rather rn‘xrtrnc] deal 30' £30, two people can drne on a seectron of mrxed charcuterre, a red bean stew wrth chorr/o and pork rrbs, ca;r..‘lo'~.s'er pre wrth CanraTes cneese,

1|! ,1 '1! 1),,(v

\/|/( '1

21S rr‘. a

8014:1077 ’r'

r, farr‘i; ‘5’): (1.; r"...sr‘roo'n sauce and! desserts Vie-fl} a so true, in a uiass of

they 'rxanar;e to recreate tt‘e sa'rze atmosphere here tnat they had at Er Bar titer: La Barman-.11. neoneof The more e"tc"ta,rrrr:r; paces to spend an e‘r'errrir; 113: La Banda 84 Commercra/ Quay, Er,’;r1f;:/rc}f10131 467 6761

eating &



The Basement 10a-12a Br‘oucihton Street. 557 0097

Restaurant qualrty food at pub-urub prices, served 'trl 10pm 1n lively, colourful surroundrncis.

The Bookstop Cafe-4 Tevrot Place 225 5298. New bookshop/cafe Promrses book-

browsrng, plus, extensrve coffee menu,

smoothres and delr snacks.

Common Grounds

2/3 North Bank Street 226 1416. Amerrcan-style coffee house on The Mound Food served all day Icrve mUSIC most Ovenrrtcts

Cyberia Internet Cafe,

88 Hanover Street.

220 4403.

Cyberra offers a frrendly,

relaxed atmosphere and 10 rnultrmedra PCs, wrth fast rnternet access.

Dial restaurant/cafe 44/46 George IV Brrdge. 225 7179.

'Wears rts style WIN] a capital Wrth food to match.’ 7 Conrad Wilson, 1-./1odern Scottish Cursrne.


Film-11.0.05;881(111‘ran Road 229 5932 Relaxed,

snacks, salads, spec :ais anrr 1:r:.§n’:rrt cappuc'crnos 10am trir rate Helios Fountain

7 GrasSmarket (Wrth shop) 229 7884.

Mon-Sat 10arn-6pm, Sun 10am-4pm Excellent veqetanan coffee house servrnc; really tasty food



Kaffe Politik

146/148 March'nor‘t Roar: 446 9873

Espresso bar lu c e or Food spec ra;s ail day '\v\’l()111111\(‘11111l

10am 10pm, 7c1ays

Kalinka Russian vodka bar 8‘ rate

65 Henderson Street, L031“.

Tel 467 7053

Special vodkas, homemade food a tradrtronal music Sunday Lunch ‘.‘.’1111 lrve "folk" from Countess Domo/i‘rrova

Ndebele 57 Home Szmpg 227 1.4. A (411" and saw/1.2x h rte i.“ an

mpressrve ranrre o. t tenants

from Southern Af'.c a

Pancho Villas 24(3- (‘am'qate 557 44161~.r1echart-t)ornost'rfier 1.1ayra Nunez says '11 you"e r;o.r‘.r; tn

(Iii. Mexrc'an, then don't be bland '

untrl 5pm, drnner ur‘tl 11p'rr



atmospherrc cafe bar, sensor: oreat vane




24 Deanbaucih Street, Stockbrrdde. 332 4476. Cosrnopolrtan cursrne wrth darly set prrce drnner menus from £12.501bookrng advrsable), Irght lunches, coffees, beers and wrnes

Pigs 4‘. West Nrcolson Street

667 6676

Come alonu and enjoy thrs small brstro wrth a brc; menu, featurrnc; dishes from all corners of the world

enroy wrth your meal Smoke Stack 3 53-55 Brouohton Street 556 6032

Much more than burners and steaks at

thrs stylrsh but frrendly new charqrrll restaurant

Back Alley Restaurant 8 Ruthven Lane 334 7165

‘.‘.’c)r1(1‘.‘.*1(1ec111s11‘re, weekend breakfasts,

Happy Hour, lunch menu, evenrnc; spec rals and Glasgow's best burners'


Remember to brrnc; your own bottle to


51 West Redent Street

331 1980 Net by}, not c1esrr;ner, not sexy, 111st brrllrant Hruh qualrty lndran cursrne at affordable prrces

Brel bar: restaurant 39 Ashton Lane

342 4066

Berrzu‘rn tw-ers «draft Lc=‘."=anc1Hoerzaarden», frne satires, 111stzc food, (W3! music, relaxed atmosphere

Caffe Latte 581/1111111111511001, \ Glasoow 0141 553 2553

Pr/zas, Pastas,Sa|ads, Sandwrches, Spat ks L'ceesed 1111111111111111c1111, seven days Relaxed, frrendly atmosphere


Gallery of Modern Art Cafe Queer St'eet 227 7-123‘1 ArtsRestau'arttr:-ft‘1e‘rear

Thursdt inch“; and Saturdays

from. 6 3317'“-

last orders 1017.111 No srnolarv:



Grassroots 20 Woodlands Road

353 3278.

Scare-free food, orqanrc grocerres, excellent bread, fine cheeses, herbs and sprces, wholesome foods »- yum, yum.

Le Petit Pain

239 Byres Road.

337 1118 (phone/fax) Coffees, quality sandwrcjhes

and pastrres to do

or to stay Outsrde c'aterrnc;

Market Bar 24 Candlerrqcys 564 3005 4 Relaxed atmosphere at thrs stylrsh new bar/krtchen, servrng modern rnternatronal cursine 'trll 8pm.

158a Bath Street. M O 331 2257.

Much acclarrned stylish bar a unrque

blend of modern brasserre cooking rn an Intimate settrng.



104 Bath Street. 0141 332 6678

Top quality cookrnct, two AA rosettes, frxed prrce menus. Theatre menu an amazrnc) £7.95. Glasgow's best.

78 St Vincent, 78 St Vrncent Street, Glasgow (32 SUB. 0141 248 7878. ’Most rnvrtrngly prrced restaurant to have opened rn Glasgow . .' Conrad erson, The Hera/cf.

Stravaigin 28 Gibson Street 334 2665.

Fresh Sc'ottrsh rnqredrents, arrthentrc and orrcirnal recipes, award-wrnnrnc) cookrnq, lrvely and rnformal atmosphere

The 13th Note

K1111] Street 553 1638 Bar/c ale/venue wrth a totally vectan menu of wholesome food wrthrn a relaxed atmosphere

The Ubiquitous—Chip " 12 Ashton . Utah-.1911. Clip


334 5007

One of Glasgow's

frnest restaurants servrnc; modern Sc ottrsh fayre

For details of how to include your restaurant/bistro/café/bar in this directory, call Abi in our advertising department on 0131 558 1191




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