Les Miserables
After 25,000 performances by 30 companres m 26 countrres and fourteen languages, Cameron Mackrntosh’s smash-hit mUSIcal returns for rts second vrsrt to Edrnburgh thrs fortnrght. Vrctor Hugo’s eprc tale of convrct-turned-hero lean Valjean and hrs nemesrs Inspector Javert wrll transport you back to post-Revolutronary France on the hr-tech charrot of Alarn Boublrl and Claude-Mrchel Schbnberg’s musrcal. If you see only one musrcal thrs year, make rt the brggest and best. (Andrew BLH‘HOI)
Les Miserables rs at the Edinburgh P/ayhouse, Tue 75 Sep-» Sat 72 Dec.
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Cassius Clay
’I AM THE GREATEST’ was a cry oft heard around Cassrus Clay’s pad and rt’s also the name of the album whrch the boxer — who later became l/lrrhammad Alr — recorded for Columbra Records rn 1963. Columbra pulled rt from the record shops after Clay’s publrc support for the Natron Of Islam gave them a severe dose of cold feet. Now Creatron off-shoot Rev-Ola have rerssued rt; so now you can lrsten to Alr srngrng ’I Am The Greatest' followed by 'I Am The Double Greatest’ and then the sucker punch, ’00 You Have To Ask?’. Danced lrke a butterfly, doesn’t srng Irke a bee. (Jonathan Trewr
/Am The Greatest rs released on Mon 27 Sep on Rev-O/a.
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