Tekken 3
PlayStatron has a new ( harnp lekken '3 has Just kI( ked If‘.(‘ ass of every other frghtrng game out there. As realrstrt and bone-(rum hrngly rendered as they (ome, the ten (ombatants (plus nrne se<ret fighters) pummel ea( h other With all the authentrt Impatt of a genuine street brawl. 73 Is no money—mrlkrng rehash of rts a<<larmed prederessors. lhere are new ( harar ters, rn< ludrng srxteen-year-old Lrng Xraoyu lpr< tured), but the real advante rs Improved gameplay. Whrle prevrous Tekken battles took pla(e along a frxed axrs, T3 (harar ters (an dodge left and right, allowrng you to avord attat ks or surprrse an opponent from the srde. [9’s realrsm Is down to superb (hara( ter anrmatron arhreved through extensive use of mo‘uon (apture te( hnology. Real martral artrsts were retorded performrng therr
te( hnrgues and therr data transferred drre<t|y rnto the game. Remember: people krrked ea(h other around, so you (ould play this, (Peter Ross) Tekken 3 for the P/ayStat/on rs out on Wed 9 Sep, pr/t ed [34.99.
Memorabilia '98
It (ould be trme to root around In the attrc and see If any of those old toys have TV or frlm tie-Ins. Pop culture memorabrlra Is brg bUSIDCSS these days, and the huge (o||e( tors' farr coming to Glasgow over the bank holiday weekend wrll have thousands of Items to set fans drooling. Alternatively, Just Come along and enjoy a trrp down memory lane, through the worlds of soence fr(tron, frlm, comics, cult TV, football and pop. Autograph hunters wrll be able to ,- Catch Go/dflnger Bond grrl Shirley Eaton (pmtured here), Hel/ra/ser’s ’Prnhead’ Doug Bradley, Hammer Horror actress lngrrd Prtt and former Dr Who Peter Davrdson. f~/lemorab///a 98 Is at the SECC,
Red Meat
When Matt Groenrng gives a fellow anrmator the thumbs up, you know It’s trme to take notr(e. ’In a (ulture of SI( k, twrsted, perverted art, Red Meat rs up there at the top,’ states the creator of The S/rnpsons. Indeed, lvlax Cannon’s (omr( -strrp (harat ters are at best ma<abre and deranged. At worst a well, let's not thrnk about that. Dead pets, s(hI/ophrenra, dead (hrldren, (ferHIC a|(oho!rsm, dead (lowns, All these drffr<ult toprrs and many more are touched upon
(and thoroughly mor kedl In the most subtle and srnrster of manners. A must for dysft.rn(tronal famrlres, (Brian Donaldson)
Red Meat by Max (annon Is pub/rshed by Boxtree on FM 27 Aug, pm ed [5. 99.
FMTUNES Continued from page 119
117 THE “ST 2/ Km; "IL 8-0:: l()()8