
The page that guarantees no regrets


Rum And Vodka llot lrixh \\ i‘iter (’onor .\lcl’herxon‘x Ruin ."lH/ liH/AU ix a xardonic look at being in _\our 20x in Ireland and the brilliant tale ol‘ a man at breaking point. l’lux. it doublex ax a hand} guide to Dublin pubx. I'rinee. (Ii/lt'tlli't' lliit'kx/m/t. until .i‘/ .lue. 8pm. After Dinner .\ lie“ pla} b} the co—

\\ t‘itct‘ ol Strut/V li’ti/lnunn. thix xelli-

xt} led ‘rauconx .r\uxtralian comed}' ix an une\pected gem follow ing the dubioux l’ortunex ol' li‘iendx and xtrangei'x getting drunker than a dingo dipped in Drambuie on a l‘rida) night in IUSS. l‘i‘inee. l/uli'nuul liii'ern. until .\’I sing. (tn/UPI”.

Perfect Days Siobhan Redmond turnx in a xharp [wrt'ormance in the romantic comed) uhich l.i/ l.oelthead \\ rote for her and u hich e\ en Donald l)e\\ar made ll alotig It) xcc. 'llliix lttlc' iii a L‘L‘lL‘bt‘il} hairdrexxer \xho xul‘l'erx a mid—lite crixix ix xtreaked \\ ith highlightx and ix being tnade into a lilm. l-i'inee. tram-u; until 5 Sep. liltlr‘x HUT.

Once .r\n emotional. uplil‘ting pertormanee trom axtonixhing Ruxxian ‘anti-clounx‘ l)ere\o. (hire a lair} tale about heartbreaking lox e \ihich relerencex exer}thing t'i‘om butoli to ('haplin ix going doxxn a xtorm. and tlL‘SL‘H L‘tll} \U. I’i'inee. I’lt'tlHl/IH'. Itlllll .i’l .vlue. //. /."/tnt.

Jenny Eclair - Mrs Nosey Parker 't‘hai harridan ol‘ humour. Jenn} liclair. takex a detour into theatre xx ith thix triumphant one—uoman pla} in \xhich xhe takex the part of l.i/ l’arker. xlapper goddexx. l’t‘inee. I’leuutnee. until .\'I sing. 7pm. The Water Juggler South African perl'ot'mer. Andre“ liuekland. liloodx the xtage \\ ith e\citing ph}xiealit} and xharp coined} in llIe lliiterluueler. lmenti\e and ingenion. thix ix good. clean tun. fringe. I’leuwinee. until .i’/ glue.

ll. l5/nn.


Ballistic (iallux (ilaxuegian galx. the Purple Pineapple Shou. wow that it'x oka} to be xingle in an e\ploxi\e pertormance. 'l'hix xe\) cabaret ix xure to be a li'uil}. xeed} treat. Fringe. (' \enue. unti/ .\'/ .vlug'. III/nit.

Gurn to be wild: Phil Cool

unsusr .2/

7’) SH. '998

festival top 20

pre\ ioux _\earx ha‘. e .xeen audiencex getting all] L‘\L‘ltlxi\c look til the likex til. l...'i. ('un/ii/entiul and Pulp l-ietion ix a fair indication ol‘ qualit). I-ilin I'e.\tii'(tl. .-\I)’(‘_ 28.1112, N/HII.


‘I’he Bank Of Scotland Fireworks Concert An annual highlight ot‘ the l‘exti\al. lbix concert \L'L‘S the Scottish ('hamber ()rchextra pertorm \\ ithin the picturexque em irons ol‘ Princex Street (iai‘denx .xui‘rounded b) a l'laxli-taxtic lirexxoi‘kx dixpla) ll‘Uttt the (‘axtle. ('onducted b} Andrea Quinn. the programme includex l’rokoliex‘x ‘Montaguex :\nd ('apuletx' from Romeo .-lnzl .luliet and the Walt/ from

'I‘chaikox .xk} 'x Smut Lake. International Festival. l’i'inem Street (inn/ens, .i’ Sep. ll)..‘,()/)HI.

Brahms Requiem ()ne of Iiurope‘x top orchextrax. 'l'he l‘innixh Radio Symphon} ()rchextra. tnakex itx I"e.xti\al debut \\ ith thix piece. Jukka-l’ekka Sai‘axte conductx Karita Manila and Bryn 'l'ertel. two of the \x'orld’x greatext .xingers. Internutinnul I'estii'itl. (alter llu/l. .i’l slug. «Spin.

It's Jackie You don't have to Burt Bacharach to like thix .xhou' . . . but it helpx. Jackie ('lune prexentx a comedy cabaret revue baxed on xongx from the King ot‘ Suaxe himxelt'. l'rinee. ()l).\(’l'l'(’t‘ Back to the old skool: Cool Heat Urban Beat "l‘i‘lml’l‘i 5 5‘7" 2325M”

Terem Quartet 'l’rained at the Leningrad DAN CE

('onxenator}. thexe \ irtuoxi from St. Cool Heat Urban Beat It )ou liked the l’eterxburg l‘oi'med in 1986 and lime bt‘caktlttnce \lantlwtll' til the \ idco lint” ‘ll'x

grown into incredible pert'oriiierx of like That. then )ou'll probabl) lo\ e ('im/ claxxical. folk and world muxic. I’rtnee. lleut I'r/mn lieut. a da//ling battle (it‘u/liti. until .i’l :‘llL’. times i'urv. betueen hip hop and ia/I tap xt} lex.

leaturing li\ e percuxxion. xcratching and BOOKS

Phil Cool 'l'he (irandmaxter ol' ( iurning returnx to the xtand-up l'ra} alter a tour _\eat‘ lea\ e of abxence \\ ith a xurprixingl} li'exh act. e\pertl} de|i\ered. ()ne poor xoul \\ ho \\ itnexxed ('ool on top form couldn't. erm. contain hei'xell. breathing lile into the old adage that their \iaxiit a axtronomical trouxerx. .v\n old xkool

dt'} xeat in the liouxe. I'i'inee. I’leumnee. until .i‘/ sing.

Ennio Marchetto liquall} e\pert at extracting the urine. thix nut/oid Italian

xenxation. l-i‘inee. ('ultler'x (ii/(letl Iitillunn (ll tlte l’ullmliuni. until 5 Sep. tiniex l'tll'\'.

Gitta Sereny 'I‘he distinguixhed journalixt \\ ho landed in hot uater \\ ith the tabloids earlier [his )ear thanks to lllC publication of ('riex l‘nlteunl. The Story

xatirixex a \\ ide range oi celebritiex ttxing Fl LlVl

onl) hix origami xkillx and a ton of Surprise Film l’rcxcnted in axxoeiation natural charm. In theor} it xoundx dodg}. \\ ith llle list. the xuprixe moi ie ix a but he}. it \xorkx a treat. l-i'inee. guaranteed big drau. The lad that I’lemunee. until .i'l .vlue. o’pnt.

Mark Little Spontaneous Combustion Sh}. retiring t_\pe .\lark l.ittle ix perl'orming part (it hix act in the nude. Bab) carrotx all ox er lidinburgh are

()t'lluijr l>’e// talkx about her book and explainx \xh} it \xax a Slttl'} that had to be told. Him/t I'estii'ul. ‘I‘lte S/n'eee/tent. 2‘)

sine. 9.30/7”).

reported to be feeling a lot better about lliemxel\ex. l’rinee. .-l\xent/2l\' Romnx, until sine 3‘). /(l/HII.

Lynn Ferguson Frank ('omic chameleon l‘t‘l‘gllxttlt xatirixex xtand-up coined} and managex to pluck hilarit) from the _ltt\\x ol' xell-indulgence. An original. incixi\ e delight. l-‘rinee. ('u/(ler's (ii/(leil li'ttl/(mn. until .i/ :lue. 7pm. Scared Weird Little Guys The) ‘re .Xuxtralian. the} 're bonkerx and the} 're abxurdl} talented. Sporting the bext name on the l‘ringe. the} entertain \\ itli cracking muxical coined} routinex. I'i'inue. .S/tieue/tent. until .i'/ glue. ‘l/un. Peter Kay lla\ ing recentl} admirabl} emered tor .lohnn) Vaughan on The [tie lil't’tlA/(HI. laxt _\cat"x Sn )th 'l'liinA )iiu're /*unn\ \\ inner groomx liimxell l'or xuccexx \\ ill] a xlimx about \\ L‘tltliltgx. llc tixctl to [)1 at receptionx. xo he kno\\ x \xhat lie'x

talking about. l-t'inee. l’leuuinee. unti/ .\'/

. .. u. ' . . . “I" ' “In," Scud mtssrle: Mark Little