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Phil Cool: phenomenal

Any doubts that Phil Cool’s material wouldn't be up to scratch after four years off househusbanding are swept aside wrth a set which has one poor woman literally pissing herself laughing.

Armed with pump-action material, Cool offers a unique, unsurpassed brand of physical comedy. He Is Walt Disney’s Quasimodo; he is Jack Nicholson morphing into Bugs Bunny, he is Stallone and Schwarzenegger as Jews Christ; he Isa being-born baby," frighteningly, he is Wallac'c.3. Cool also reveals the Lewmsky-free secret behind PreSIdent Clinton’s permanent half- smile.

Rare to find such an opportunity to really let up a huge belly laugh. He’s phenomenal. (Gabe Stev .art)

a: Phil Cool (Fringe) P/easance (Venue 33) 556 6550, urIt/l 37 Aug, 7 30pm, f8. 50/f7. 50 (£7 50/[6 50)



Open your minr: and close your eyes for this extremely c‘levc-r look at Just how deceptive appearances can he Politics and magic may seem like strange bedfellows Indeed, hut

Andrew Pipe and (.‘arey Marx manage to mesh the two together well.

Pipe has a keen mind which operates at high speed. He rattles through a plethora of thought-provoking political issues which cause as much hilarity as consternation. Marx moves at a slower pace, systematically breaking down belief in all things unexplained by method of ’honest lying’ and practical demonstration.

Often disturbing but always funny, this show has to be seen to he believed. (Kirsty Knaggs)

3% Andrew Pipe And Carey Marx ln Dupe (Fringe) Screaming Blue Murder, Cafe Royal (Venue 47) 556 2549, until 37 Aug, 7, l5pm, f5.

COMEDY REVIEW Chloe Poems is Kinky

Drag artist Chloe Poems (Jenni Potter) takes on characters, recrtes poetry and, annOyingly, can’t stand still. The material shoots for easy targets: for example, a poem about Princess Diana called ’Crash Bang Wallop What A Picture’. The Catholic Church which the performer has desperately been trying to offend in a bid for publicity - is also in the line of fire.

Potter obvrously hasn’t come to terms wrth his own latent Catholiosrn, seems riddled wrth hatred and bitterness and comes across as needy not kinky. As a reSIIlt his routine Is Ir‘ior‘e pitiful than funny The show

drags and the themes are facile and


(Stephanie Noblettl

525:”: Chloe Poems ls Kinky( (Fringe) Pantomimc Prods, Hill Strec t Thc atre (Vt-FIRM? 4 7) 226 6522, until 30 AI ug, 6.30pm, [5. 50 ([4)


Ruth Ellis

Based on a n'xell-knowri true storer/th Ellis is a fascinating glimpse into the mind of the last 3.3.ornan to he

1 hanged in Great Britain

Fiona Or‘rniston Is superb as the high-liVing, llf(?-l()'-.’lll() Ellis, exploring the circumstances that led up to her crime and attempting to ( onie to

theatre . dance . comedy

terms With her fate. Incorporating private letters, transcripts from the trial and an interpretation of Ellis's biographical details, this one-woman show looks at female sexuality in the moralistic: 50s and throws doubt on the Iustice system at that time.

Shocking, sad, and wonderfully entertaining. (Kirsty Knaggs)

Ruth Ellis (Fringe) Foxtrot Oscar Theatre Company, Harry Younger Hall (Venue 73) 07050 767 320, (Hill/29 Aug, 6pm, [4 ([2).


Yet another ver5IOn of Oscar Wilde's Biblical extravaganza makes its way to the Fringe, this time as a musical. An ensemble of very accomplished Jazz musicians greets the audience before the performance, which has a touch of the Marat/Sade and a hint of Berkoff about it.

The piece is entirely sung, but not all

Arthur Smith: a mugger's game


the voices are consistent. Cast as the original lapdancer, Suzy Robinson is strong of voice and foxy of movement. Alex Mentzer’s John the Baptist, though, is at times as flat as a lizard drinking.

There are some moments of monotony in the score, but the energy of this young company helps to carry the piece. (Steve Cramer)

5% Salome (Fringe) Theatre Vivant, Youth International at St Oswald’s, (Venue 728) 229 5562, until 29 Aug, 7.30pm, £4 (£2).

COMEDY PREVIEW Arthur Smith In And On Inverleith Putting Green

Arthur Smith is still uncertain about a couple of aspects of his show. Well, pretty much all of it actually.

'It’s an event more than a theatrical production,’ he says. ’It’s hardcore promenade street theatre with a putting love-story intertwined. There’ll be lots of strange things happening.’

Such as? ’Well, it’s a bit of a fucking shambles at the moment,’ he admits. ’I may be importing a Virgin from the Isle of Man to sacrifice. And Shakti might be appearing, except she’ll be Dancing With The Hibs rather than the Wolves.’

So, is there anything even vaguely resembling a plot? ’There’s a story about a 19th century Scotsman . . .’ he trails off.

And . . . ?'Well, that’s not finished yet, but It Will be.’

Getting a straight answer out of Arthur Smith Is not easy. Not surprising really, considering the poor man was mugged a few hours earlier, by a very clumsy pickpocket. 'If anyone is gorng to mug me in Edinburgh, can they do it a bit more elegantly please?’ he requests.

(Kirsty Knaggs)

m Arthur Smith In And On Inverleith Putting Green (Fringe) Arthur Smith, /nver/eith Park (Venue 754) 226 5738, 26-30 Aug, 6pm, f 7.


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27 Aug—IO Sep 1998 ‘I’IIE LIST 41