Win friends - attract lovers

T SHIRTS The List Ltd 14 High Street

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D Long Sleeve £10.99 each

D Standard Cut £7.50 each

D Body Fit

£1 1 .99 each

Long Sleeve (M, L, XL) £10.99

Standard Cut (M, L, XL) £7.50

Body Fit (M, L, XL) £11.99

Ditch that Dolce & Gabbana, bin that Ben de Lisi, part with those Patrick Cox's . . . the ultimate fashion accessory of this and every season is, as they say, 'pret a porter'.

To propel yourself into the fashion elite of Central Scotland with one of these highly desirable List T-Shirts, stick a cheque in the post or fill out the credit card form below (price includes post & packaging) made out to The List Ltd, stating size (M,L,XL) and colour

. . . pure white or devilish black.

The List accepts no responsibility for the untold hordes of lovely young things who might be

attracted to you after buying The List T-shirt.

Edinburgh EH1 1TE

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Method of Payment

C] I enclose a cheque/postal order made payable to The List Ltd

or C] MasterCard Cl Visa Card Number Expiry Date

Total Value

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Go on . . . Spoil yourself, they’ll suit you to a T . . .