omlet In The Mirror Hamlet en el Espeio)

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.‘ 31:.“ ’33. V v; ‘m‘


WEEK 1 - 10TH - TSTHAUGUST, 9.30PM £6.50 (£4.50 concessions)

70 THE “ST 6—13Aug 1998

8pm -10pm

=r 'Eryr ERErrEw

Junior Simpson

JLritifi-Y Srrrrpson mll he averdrnr; the standhys wt' standups eve-enurhere war: rtren are rr‘. heft, how we ain't t'n'i “rte tili'tfl‘}, what It's lzke fight-rt yttrlit‘ really prssed' he reels oh the trred :Htfl tester: tnprt‘s ‘~.'/rth the drsdaur the, deserve Last year, hrs hr'st 'Er. ten-r a rrreatest hrts par izaue at rnaterrai Thus year he rs prornrsrng a ((HHDiCiCIy drfferent show, but rs (‘urreusly (arrey as tr) what he wrll he

taikrnr; about

U narrt 1 Ma”: about thrrrrrs that annoy me and WHO atfet ted rne errrot'rrrtaii‘,’ over the last vear,’ he adrnrts 'Everythrnr; say rs from my heart ' This may not strrke you as a Emuh not, hut dun't urtderestrrnatt.‘ "s'rrrpsmt On rerent forrn he has pr:>‘.'en hrruseif to he a te-nsrderahiy Infted t()H:(‘(ildH and retreshuruly unafraid to he (ententruus

rRory Ford)

353:5; jun/er Srnrpson I’Frrngt'é) The Asse/nr‘flv Rooms (Vent/e 3) 226 2428, / .?0 Aug, 9 45pm, [IO/[9 ([9/[8/


'| (ens-«Tier rnyseif i»; hair-“st Intuit,

says i‘aIf—Smttrsh (innedran Hut h

Benn, 'and my Srettrsh hai‘ rs ext/threw“,

5‘ "tan !;_;*,t den t h rve the dttt'tti

:':~‘ '.."_r’. s '..’1<" :rrt '.'.t‘.'\u,."."


'.:'. 't‘-‘ 'tt :‘ie'v‘r 'm’d L'LHIHJ’H‘I

)ears utilie a student and rrzadt-a itf‘.'.r'i)(>i)rr‘>rrp'.;i1wi!1(2('t rr‘. ".arrpus Curt ssrnarLet hustelrzes. Tu stare (at the t:e.reur)!rr )f darur: the same (rs-\er versrrms every nrrrrr , he heuah to rrnperstrnate the unurnai artists and deveinped hrs a:t tr) rnr tutr'e sume stand-up rnater:a| toe. Srnre reirxatrnu tn Lend-m twu years (r(:(‘-,

tar eruht

res nether} at rt -, {:2 ,. rrxrt

theatre ' dance 0 comedy

awards a 1d has at‘peared un Channu 4's LOHHL talent §it(‘)\'.((i\0 Gas Stars In Therr‘ Eyes has never appealed, hut Benn has taken ta (lnsrnr; hrs aCt v;th a rendrtren of 'Perfett Day', in ‘.‘.i‘.ith he Ir! persurtates all the (Uiiiilbllitxi‘s appeared rn the BBC-(fi')rnrnrssrpned \V'ersron Even The Brpdsity Quartet tperhapp Rhona Shepherut 353555 Mrtr‘h Benn (Fr'rnge) Mrteh Benn, Seut/rsrde (Venue 82,) 66)" 2212, 7 3] Ant}, 9pm, [SM/150)


THEATRE PREVIEW The Impressionist

Bernr; hru rn Japan rs nu Jtrh‘ trrr Man Natsuizr »It's Just the truth Thrs attress, srnuer, dan<er has a tmrtdsprne Irst 0f (redrts to her name, havrnr; worked wrth Japanese theatre rruru Tadashr Suzqu and starred rn Stmen Ber‘krrff's 1994 Tube prnduttrnn of t‘flehrrnarphus/s’

Natsukr's latest show rm Irrrpressronrst, hot from the Festival d’Avrgnon rn Frame, (urnhrnes spur), movement and mrrne In a prete that Is strll unrnrstaLahly Japanese; although rt featurrs sunrrs from Europe, |H(|U(ilttt] the works pf artists surh as BrethtxM/eril, Prat and Nyrnan

't's nut easy ttr exptzn'e theatre rn the Japanes * tradrtrun,‘ explarns pttflilfiiit‘ii(ttfrlti!!!1U)!FAIKIyOUBUI. 'Mar: txratsukr was hra-rraht up rn te'n Japan and ‘.h~*'s more used In the hurt part and Arrrt-rrtart tradrtrrrn J :xanese tradrtrpna: theatre has srrnpiy passed her rreneratmn by But she ran r-xpres‘. herself through these European surms that realiy made an rmpressrnn un her' rStephanre Noblett)

335535 The lrnpressronrst (Frr'nge) Man ft'atsrukr, Cr Intsnentar’ Shrfts at St Brrrfe's {tent/(163’ 3‘46 I‘JOS, 8 75AM; (nut 5') (‘3 50pm, {7:15/ Prev/Mex; 6 ('s‘v / Aug, SO; rn, [i (13)