The page that guarantees no regrets
Once Rttxxtan antrclnmt grnup l)ere\n ha\e mni'e tn dn \\ ith hrnken heat‘tx thaii l'c'tl linxc‘x. l'nllnu Iiig‘ ltixl .\k'.’ll'.\ xlittc‘lxtltg‘ /\’i'i/ /n/ii'. lit‘“ xhnu ()nt‘t' ix 'a l'att') tale ahnttt Inn". Iii/lei. /’/ui\uiit (. /.\' ."l .liie Iiinl /\. 35-: II. /.‘-/’III.
The Water Juggler Sntttlt :\lt'lc‘;ttt perlnrmer. .'\litll'c‘\\ lluclxland. tlnndx the xtage \\ ith exciting ph_\xicalit} and xharp L‘ntilc‘tl} Ilt Hie lliilt'l‘ Jim's/(‘1'. .\ hurricane hax lelt the maid dr) and a xpiritualixt plumher ixn't helping matterx. fringe. I’I'utt'ru'. // .1“ .liiu Hint I";
Bluebeard's Castle Inxpn-eti tw_\ the legendar) “rte-killer. .\lerlm lntei'natinnal llungar} 'x t'nremnxt linglixh langttage theatre prexentx thix xpectacular aitd xttmnmg drama. .\Ul nne TM a lirxt date. l'i'iitei'. lat/uni“ (irniiu’ Ilniiu'. T Indus. T/mr.
Kill The Old, Torture Their Young \Vnrld premiere nl the neu pla) t'rnm lint )tttlllg Senttixh dramatixt. l)a\ id llarrmxer. \thnxe Kim M In llt'lh \\;lx a l‘i‘inge hit laxt )eat'. 'l‘hix tragi cnmed} e\plnrex the urhan itmgle thrnugh the n\erlapping ll\ ex nl a numher nt' cliai‘actet'x. l’l'lllg’t'. 'I‘I‘iiit'ru. I: .\ll:’ .‘_ .S‘e/t ’HHI U. N. If). I“. 3-1. .i/r 11mm turt. l’I‘t'i‘ii'ux ‘/ A //.'\1IL'. IIIII(‘\ \tll'\.
A Soldier's Song lil'elexx pet'ltHitter/pitrducer/directnr (in) .\laxterxnn l\\ hn alxn happenx in he Richard Hurtnn‘x nephe\\ i hax adapted t‘nrmer paratrnnlwr Ken l.tikn\\ iak'x hnnk ahnttt hix expei‘iencex during the l‘alldandx crixix. lixpect death. tear and ltumnur nl' the deepcxt hlack. l-i'i'ii'c't. ()lht'l‘it‘l'.'l\\t'I)I/)/\. ‘/ ."l ,lIIL’ run! In. If. 3/); //..\'(Iiim. /)l('\l('\t Slug. //..\’(Iimi. 15-.
Perfect Days .4\ tie“ rnmantic cnmed} h} l.l/ l.ncltltead xtarimg e\eellent Sentx actrexx. Sinhhan Redmnnd. laxt xeen
p|a_\ mg a dnminatrix iii the Beeh xatu'e In The Red. llere Redmnnd pla_\ x a celehrit)
hairdrexxer \\ hn hax a me crixix nn the
me nt her 30th hirthda}. l'i'iiiet‘. 'li'titt'i'u'. /.‘- .‘lllL’ 5 Sept/1n! IT. 3-1. .“/I T. -\'. // t\'- /_‘.liie.
III)I('\ \iH'\. /’i‘i'\ it'ti \
4THE LIST t: '9‘98
Disco Pigs ()ne nl laxt walk hig hitx. thix tun-hander lrnm Ireland'x (’nrcadnrca cnmpan} rettirnx in a higger Maine. The caxt ix next. htit landa \\'alxh'x tale nl the ln\ e hem een l\\n mnncentx nut nn the ln\\ n xhnuld xttll hrmg hntue the hacnn, I'i'iiige, ()I’H'I'l't'l'.'l\\(’Hl/’/\. “slug 5 Si]! run! It). /‘/;lii;'. /.\'t/u "/mi,
Lakeboat Senttixh premiere nl' l)a\ id .\lamet'x redixcn\ cred t‘irxt pla_\. l)excrihed \arinuxl} ax 'teri'il'ic‘. ‘unhelic\ahl} gnnd' and ‘a malnr e\ent'. 11.x likel} )ntt'll cnin} thtx tale nl'eight men l'ltmg tngethcr nn a hnat nn tlte (ireat l.tll\L‘\. l‘i‘iiig't'. ()lht'l‘l(’I‘.l\\('HI/)/\. T
slug .‘- .\‘e/t Inn! If); IIHIi \ t'urt.
Gargantua (it'ltl lt'nn. \\ ltn ga\ e ux the acclaimed attd atmnxpheric [Hum/t ('liu/n/u’r laxt )eat‘. return \\ ith a ne\\ xllL‘ xpcctlic cnmed} \\ Inch celehratex l'nnd. xenxualtt} and indulgence. l-i'iiiee. [lit ('Iit/t'i'lu'llt. Ill .i/ .liie run! ‘l. In. 1“; III/mi. l’it't It'tt \ I) .\filiie. -\'/mi.
Circus Ethiopia .>\n e\tra\agan/a nl dance. muxtc and acrnhaticx trnm a )nttitg .\lrican cnmpan} made tip nt lni'mer xtrcet lndx. Sir Peter l‘xtmn\ likex ‘em. h_\ the ma}. I'i'iiiet‘. (in [H ()l Ilni‘i'ni'x [fig
lit/t. I: .i/ .'l!l‘\' i/ini /\ 33; IIIII¢'\ tun.
Ed Byrne — A Night At The Opera 'l‘lte lrtxlt lunn} man ix a l-ringe perennial. htit lttx ne\\ xltn\\. ahnttt a hlnke heittg lnt‘ced tn e\perience high culture. enttld xee him hreak hig. Warning: lid hax heen knnut‘. tn lalxe nigaxttt nit xtage. I‘I‘IlIg‘t’. (ti/(left (ii/(lt'i/ liti/liM/I. T .“/ .lllg‘ IIIi'l /_. .‘V’i /(I/mi.
Johnny Vegas — Selling Out l’nlgiiaitl.
gut-huxtmg character cntttcd} and a hit nt
festival top 20
Eau dear: Andrew Buckland in The Water Juggler
pnt thrnu mg li'nm .lnlttttt} \egax. \\ltn \\ax rnhhed ulten he tlltllhl \\ iii the l’errier laxt _\ear. Ynu'll er). )ntt‘ll xing aitd mnxt nl all. )ttlldl laugh. l‘l'lll'c'C. (tilt/i I'-\ (ii/(It (/ Hill/Hull. H. /\ :\I llIJS/mi. Rich Hall — The Shame Spiral The man
\\ ith a lace like art umrnned pair nt
.i/ .\112 Min!
p} iamax ix hack \\ ith mnre lacnnic digx at hix nati\e .\mertca ll _\nti \xant )(‘lll l'cxtnal tn gn “till a giggle. it'x Hall nr tinlltiitg, I'i'iiig't'. ()I’H'I'lt i'.l\u'ni/r/\.
T .i/ .liig'. \..\’II/mi,
Scott Capurro - Brain Souffle ( )ne nl c‘ttlilc‘tl} .x litttxl ttc‘c‘llttc‘ llglll'c'x [H'L'xc‘tilx tt ne\\ cnmed} ahnut murder. date rape and hand puppetx. \lll nne in take _\nur gran tn. tmlcxx xlte'x t‘eall} \xeird. .\nd
Clown princes: Russian performers Derevo
lllll'e't. I’d! “MUM (. I {1' \Il\' ".‘i 'f H. /\I ,<.';H‘]U’I I’m 1 :t Rudy Coby \ctenee meetx titagte meetx
cnmic hnnkx meetx xelt mutilatinit \\ llll
;; f) \I'igy ,‘7 Jil‘npj
ehatitxa\\x tit tltix xpectaetilat xltnu tinm the xeli xt_\ led 'cnnlext magician nit (ti/[tilt / '\ (i/i'lltvl ii; I).(I'i‘i’" 'i 'I.’
(1/ Hit Ili/i’ut/iiuu. U lite
liatllt'. lllllg'i. 5- .\( /’, i'lllli \
Boothby Graffoe Jim in xlii\\\ tltat
\\ c‘dc' tint hitter. \\ e tecnmmend tnu gn atid xeel incnliixliiie etttit hatei. llnntlth} (iiatine e\ en tltntigh lie xlaggcd nil li'u ll\.' nit te|l_\ int gi\ mg him a had ie\ ie\\ hack 1]] ‘L‘. llax gnt a lnt hettei I’ll uni/It (.
\ .i/ l!!;’. T—l‘pni /)/(l1(l\\.< " \ti-e'.
xlllet‘ lllt‘ll. lltc‘ lllHle /III.’;'¢.
T 45pm.
Steve Harley .\llttg‘c‘lllc‘l tin“
and xee me. make me min I 1 dc
‘(‘nme tip
.\IKW. Stew llaile_\ nl ('nelxne} lx’c‘l‘c‘lx laitie ix pla_\ mg ludinhuigh \\llll a mi\ nt ne\\ tnnttx attd nld la\ex. (Hm Ill I .\\\t lll/’/\. V 3/ .lllQ. Ill/mi. 1/”, 1‘) I ("[1 \)
Richard Prince the had lad nl .\meiiean art gi\ ex the gltit nt xtatid up a run int itx tunn} mnne} m an exhihitinn htiilt ai‘nund had Inkex \\e'ie tint xtl}llljJ thix xlin\\ ‘x gnnd httt ll ix. \l!//\ (iii/Ii l\. \ .liig' 3/) {Vt/t. lllt Stir liliiiii .\lmi.
.\iiii .llniiiinnii 5pm
Family Credit Seiixalinnal atttxtx lake and Drum ('hapman. hext knnmi lni then paednpluliac dummiex. ate um um nt the creatne \\lll// kidx xltn\\ mg \\Ull\ at the (‘nllectnc'x tamil} themed xltn\\
(it/lit [I\( (rt/Hi I‘\. \ .llig‘ \t/l.
'Iiit' Sit! Ill/Ill .T..‘,”/llll.‘ .\iiii 3 If) .liig'i.
International Club Festival l‘l\c‘ etutu
pla_\ n\ er the le\ elx tni a itieaxl_\ inc
.‘T/llll ’IIHHI
[Hilllltlx 'l‘he lirxt night leatuiex l).lx linm ('ream. hill the .\lmixti} ()i Snund and cnnl lncal c'ltll‘x .tI'L' .ilxn iL'lttt‘xc‘Iilt'tl n\t't
lltt‘ lltlt. lt'lli‘l Rim. .ilfllllfi- (ll’m