rock & pop

Non Festival listings

Gigs are listed by date, then by cit . Performances Will be listed, provi ed that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Rock & Pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Jonathan Trew (Edinburg ).

Ticket information

Tickets for most mediumllarge concerts can be bought from the to owmg:

Virgin, Argyle Street. 204 5151

Tower Records Argyle Street. 204 2500.

Credit card bookings from: 'l'icket Link; 227 55l l.


Virgin Princes Street. 220 3.234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street.

220 4349 : THURSDAY 6 Glasgow

I Psychedelic Funk Circus, Cruyff and Permagrin King Tut‘s Walt Wah llut. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £3.50. 'l‘riple bill included tipped lidinburgh lltilst'lllk's' Cruyll' who will be playing l’Ianet l’op during the l‘ringe.

I The Slide Nice 'n‘ Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)()37. ‘) )m.

I Fenster, Minj, T e Amber Room and Yogi Strawberry l-ields. ()swald Street. 22l 30H). ‘)pm. £3.

I Spleen, Capricorn One and Biffy Clyro l‘ury Murrys. .\la\well Street. 22! o5l l. ‘)pm. £3 tadyance). £4 (door). including entry to the post-gig club.

I Peyote, The Circle arid Moniker (‘atern Bar. Strathclyde l'niversity l'nion. John Street. 552 l8‘)5. ‘)pm. l‘ree. Students and guests.

I Live Music The Hall liar. Woodlands Road. 50-1 1527. ‘)pm. l‘i‘ee.

I Live Music Kilkennys. .lohii Street.

552 3505. ‘)pm. l‘ree.


I El Cometa 10 Jan Joint. Morrison Stiect topp. ABC Cinema). 221 1288. lllpm- 3am. £4. .»\lii'o lttllllt)_|;l// liunk liom members ol Salsa Celtica and Jan Syndicate. Bitsy and boo/y.

I Seattle .\'B's Bar. Baliiioral. Princes Street. 557 37-17. ‘) 30pm. l‘l'c‘c‘. l’opular local co\eis band.


I The Goldenhour, Stash and 1-60 King liit‘s \\'ah \\'ah lltll. St Vincent Stieet. 22l 527‘). 8. 30pm. £ 3.50. The (ioldenlioui and lot) play together again to promote their iespectn e beat pop singles 'l and I See You :\gaiii‘ and ‘\\elcome lo lltc lleat ('liilV. l‘otli oitt oii l)etoui lx’ecoids.

I The Vandals .intl Assorted Jellybeans ‘l‘he Cathoiise. l'nion Street. 24s oooo spin :5. .\'o age restriction. l-oui piece Calitoiman odtlballs piomote their latest opus Hit/i /' li'.i./. lit/itltt/t

(it w Rt'c‘ttttleil \\llll lltc‘ llt‘lt‘ til. l'il\1\ ll- lllt‘ \lt't‘\i‘ llt'lt'S .ttt‘ It) l‘c‘ l‘t‘llc‘\t‘tl. ()llt‘ toi all the l .-\ punk tans out theie

I El Hombre Trajeado and The Yummyfur Nice 'n' Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333‘lo32 ‘tpm .-\n enticing double l‘lll ot mdu itlual sounds iron) the underground l'l llombie 'l‘iaieado ciiiieiitly have a split single out w ith 'l‘he l\'.iieli.i. w hile l'he Yummy tui' keep on impimmg like tine wine

I Vegas (hand (He t)pi_\. l’aisley Road loll. ~12" 53"o 30pm £2 50 - £1 50 Illc‘llll‘c‘l\‘ Coiziitiy

I Halo .lllil Broken Heroes l-uiy

Murrys. Maxwell Street. 22! (i511. ‘)pm. £3.50 (advance). £4 (door). including entry to the post-gig club.

I Retrospex McChuills. High Street. 552 2l35. 10pm. l-‘ree.

I The Hellfire Club .‘vtc-(‘liuills Way Out West. Kelvinhaugh Street. 221 556‘). ‘).3()pm. liree. Country-tinged sounds. not to be confused with (ilasgow's renowned fetish club.

I Bad Influence 'l‘lie Malletsheugh. Newton Mearns. 63‘) 2522. ‘).30pm. l‘ree. I Live Music Cavern Bar. Strathclyde l'niversity l'nion. John Street. 552 I895. ‘)pm. l‘ree. Students and guests.


I Brighter atid Inertia The Attic. Cowgate. 225 8382. 7.30pm. £3. local indie liopel'tils.

I Swirler Jan. Joint. .\lt)l'l‘lst)ll Street (opp. ABC Cinema). 221 I288. l()pm-- 5am. £5 (£4). Kevin MacKen/ie's sl\ piece deliver the goods with vocals from Sophie Bancroft.

I Pop Tarts NB's Bar. Balmoral. Princes Street. 557 3747. ‘).30pm. l‘ree. Bi'it pop sounds.

I Holly Tomas Common Grounds. North Bank Street. 226 I416. 7.30pm. Free. Increasingly popular singer songwriter who is raking in theplaudits.



I Peat Loaf Bourbon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 0141. 7pm. £5 t£l‘).50 with dinner). Tribute to the big man who would do anything l‘oi‘ lt)\ e.

I Kingsize, Torino and Beauty School Drop-out King 'l'ui‘s Wah \Vah Hut. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £3.50. Another triple bill ol‘ up-and-coming local talent.

I Diesel Cowboys (ii-anti ()le ()piy. l’aisley Road Toll. 42‘) 5396, 7.30pm. £2.50 t£l.5() members). Country rock. I The Solution and Big House Nice 'n‘ Sleazy. Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)o37. ‘)pm.

I April Floor Cavern Bar. Sirathclyde l'niversity l'nion. John Street. 552 l8‘)5. ‘)pm. l-‘ree. Students and guests.

I Rev Doc And The Congregation McChuills \Vay ()iit West. Kel\ inhaugh Street. 22l 55o‘). ‘).30pm. l'ree. 'liad Rth.

I Vagabonds \Vatys. (‘alldlctlggs SS: 8717, ‘).30pm. liree.

I Nimmo Brothers Kilkennys. John Street. 252 5.50.2. 2 flpit). l'l‘c‘t‘. lilttc‘s.

I The Empty Grass Bag Band Kilkennys. John Street. 552 3505. 9.30pm. l-i'ee.

I Bad Influence Samuel l)o\y 's. Nithsdale Road. 423 0107, 8.30pm


I Open Stage The Hall Bar. \Voodlattds Road. 5o4 1522. 4 8pm l'ree Weekly iam \t‘\\lt)ll.

I Live Music The Hall Hat. \Voodlands Road. 504 152". ‘)pm l'ree


I Jazz Syndicate Ja/I .loinz. Morrison Street iopp .-\BC ('inemav. 22l 12.8.S ltlpni--5am. £5 ‘£4) Dance tlooi law including Bluenote coxers and Blitenote intluenced material

I The Barbers .mtl Policecat (Its Rock. West Port. 22‘) .1341, \pm l~ree .-\ti

Terrorvision rip up Rico’s on Thu 13 Aug

evening or short acoustic sets kicks Oil the third Planet l’op.

I Mara linsign liwart. lawn Market. 225 7440. ‘)pm. l‘ree. .-\L‘t)tls‘t!c‘ sitiger/songwriter in a lolk‘y vein. She comes from Long island NY and has been compared to everyone lt‘ottt Joni Mitchell to H Harvey.

I Makossa NB's Bar. Baltnoral. Princes Street. 557 3747. 9.30pm. l-‘ree. African reggae. l.atin and dance.

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I Fat Betty and Gratis Quo Strawberry Fields. ()swald Street. 22! 7871. 0pm. £3. A double helping of tribute action from these boogie copvcats oli'l‘ltit‘. l.!.’.’y and Status Qiio,

I Panhandlers (tram! ()le ()pry. Paisley- Road Toll. 42‘) 5300 7. 30pm. £2.50

l .50 members ). Country.

I Rock 'n’ roll ’n‘ R 'n' 8 Dance Night Bourbon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 (ll-1 l. ‘)pm, £3. learn iopve. then dance the night away w ill) a partner to the atiihetmc sounds of rock 'n' roll's infancy. provided by a live band.

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rock a pop MUSIC


I Count BPM Jazz Joint. Morrison Street (opp. ABC Cinema). 22! l288. 10pm--3am. £3. Young Scottish Musician ()l‘ The Year Paul l‘larrison collaborates with Berklee School of Music drummer Stewart Brown for a night of live drum 'n‘ bass with contemporary jazz and electronic influences.



I Voodoo Daddy Collective Cavern Bar. Strathclyde University Union. John Street. 552 1895. ‘)pm. Free. Students and guests.


I Appendix Out, Royal Bronco, Goldrush and Golden Rodeo Cas Rock. West Port. 22‘) 4341. ‘)pm. £3. Low. slow melancholy with a barely discernible hint ol'country.

I Altered Beats “)8 Phase 1 Jazz Joint. Morrison Street (opp. ABC Cinema). 22] 1288. lt)pm--3am. £3. Freeform drum 'n' bass with DJ RUt't‘tone and live band.

I Fireball 8 The Attic. Cowgate. 225 8382. 9pm. £1. Lively. local. commercial rock following that ()asis vibe.

I Mara World's End. High Street. ‘).30pm. liree. See Sat 8.

TUESDAY 11 Glasgow I Kootchie Cavern Bar. Strathclyde t'ntversity l'nion. John Street. 552 1895. ‘)pm. Free. Students and guests. I Glasgow Songwriters featuring Joe McManus Black'lriars. Bell Street. 552 5924. ‘).!5pm. Free. l.aidback‘. introspective songwriter. Plus open mic guest spot. Arrive early to book your place; priority will be given to first-time performers.

Continued over page

‘3Aut; 1998 THELIST114