We are once again see/Cine quality ('eiitml flats to (teem/inrmlule

[)I'ri/t’sxrimtu/ Festival participantsjin' /. 2. .3. 4 week lc’lx during August.

lznqunres to and rntornration liorrt' (Knole South/Anne (iotrng lic‘l' HllrzH SthzH. 3|.rnhxlea ( ~ottages. (irllord. luast l.otlrran. lzll-ll 4l’li.


I Luxury, West End flat Short term let ax‘ailable l July to I ()et l‘)‘)h'. 'l'hree bedroorrrs plus lounge and lxIlCllCll and parking. £850 pcm. 'l‘el: 0l4l 334 8726. I Charming and spacious l‘ull'x' l'ur‘nislred. West l€nd llat. ('lose to lil3(‘ and lixr'c's Road. Double bedroorrr. lxllCllL‘ll/ drrritrg. lixmg roonr xxith rrre/Iarrme bed space. bathroom. (ias ('ll. all lllHtl cons, Sotllli lacmg pr'ix'ate garden with parking. ldeal l'or cotrple. L525pcm + bills + ('ouncrl 'l'ax. .»\\ailable l .ltrlx")t\'.'l'c‘|:014l ‘)4(i 7797.

I Dennistoun ll~\\tl l‘c‘tll'titllll llat. All rrrod cons. t|lllt‘l dr'ix‘e oxer'lookmg boxx lrrrg green. l‘urnished and nexx |_x decorated. L350 pcm. Axarlable lllllllt‘tlltllt‘l}'. ’l‘el: Ill3l 4"? 0320.

I Shawlands flat to let \Vould suit txxo sharing. lull} lurrrrshed. (i('ll. alarm. xxaslrmg rrraclrrrre etc. L I20 pxx including

('ouncrl 'l‘ax. 'l‘el 0|4l (r32 I440.


I Very spacious Edinburgh llat axarlable ox er l‘estrxal. 'l'xxo trims l’rmces Street. txxo bathrooirrs. lounge. suitable l'or' rehearsals. Sleeps elexerr ispace lor motel. ldeal l'or theatre corrrpanies. L000 per week. 0l3l 550 5N) l_

I Festival bed and breakfast Hook _xour l'estrxal accoirinrodation noxxl lluge double room xx itlr en suite in attractrxe. (irange. Victorian lttitlse. Vet} close all \enues and crtx centre. l’arkrrrg. garden. L20 pp/prr HI 3| (rtrq ITHS.




I Central ()ne double bedroorrr furnished llat. close to West lirrd. l.ease until end of Sept trerrext-ablei. L350 pcm. L450 deposit. l’hone 0| 3| 228 4232 alter hours.

I Two tidy and responsible graduates tpr'ol‘essionalsl seelx l\x'o-beclt'oorttetl flat in lidinburgh for long-term lease l‘r'om August. South or central pl'c‘lc‘l't'c‘tl. Please call I) I 3| 400 0o4‘) or" email



I Two bedroom flat for rent \'er_x spacious and c‘oml'ortable. large kitchen and lounge. beautil‘trl surroundings. L375 pcm. Ax'ailable imrrredratel} and l'urrrislred. Tel 01877 330783.




I Large rooms available in “ell-appointed. spacious Victorian lrotrse with period details and all mod cons. Suitable for professionals and settri-lit'ol‘essiotials. (‘lose to all amenities MSGRI. SIr'athdyde l'ni and cit} centre. m the \‘x'estercraigs area. .-\x'arlable l’r‘om end of June. Please phone (ll-ll 954 2.534 lot tlL'llllls.

I Glasgow West End large dotrble room in quality llat close to l'rrixersrtx' Park and lixres Road. l’rol'. Ii/s leiriale prel'eired. Spanish speaker xer‘x xx elcorrre. ('all Michael on 0|4| 357 (MN) or mobile 041l tram?

I Female wanted to share

xx itlr lxs'o others arrtl txxo cats in sllllll)‘. Soutlrsrde llat. ()xx'n room. shared lrx'ing room etc. :‘xll nrod eons. ('lose to undergrtrund/buses. L|20 pcnr. (‘all l.isa 0|4l 423 325‘).

I Sunny Southside double roorrr in beatrtilul flat to let in popular area. Young. sociable [il'tllt‘\\l()llill l‘emale seeks similar pr'ol'essional rrrale or lenrale to share. .-\ll nrod Cons. \er'} close to parlx. bar's arid restaurants and ideallx located lot all public transport to crt_x centre and bexond. L l‘)0 pcm v shared bills. lnter‘ested'.’ 'l‘el: 0l4l ()4‘) ‘)lt\’3.

I TWO wonderful xtrtrirg lemale pl'til-essttillttls seek equallx as xxoriderlul rooms 111 West lind llat limit I .-\ug. 'l'el (‘lare and Sarah 0|4l 334 05*).\' I Southside (lean. ltd}. non-

Edinburgh Leith - 2 dbl beds, ll. sanded floors. interior designed ................ ..£500 pcm Trinity - 2 dbl beds. ll, very well appointed. must be viewed ...... ..£600 pcm Stockbridge - beautiful 1 dbl isgl bed, ff, suit prof couple ......... ..£500 pcm Goldenacre - 2 dbl beds. if, very well appointed ........................ ..£5oo pcm Glasgow West End. Maryhill Road - 2 bed modern flat, if, garden ............. ..£5oo pcm

skin; for 3.":2.’ perfect flatmate or flatsrare‘ We are also specialists in flower“ Contact us for more details: 16 Forth Street. Edinburgh, EH1 3LH. Tel: 0131-550 3808 Fax: 0131-550 3807 Visit our interactive web page at


smoker sought to share a comlor‘table. spacious tlat xx rth three ga_x gtl}\. Suit protessronal person/trialure student. L24" pcm rrrcludmg bills. Ring Douglas 07010 7005M; email drbo l (It brgl‘ootcorri

I Spacious room available lll large flat lll ('lrar‘ing (toss. Minutes from the cit_x centre and West lind. LlSll pcm. call Angus (ill 04 l l 4 l 373‘).

' I Small, single room Ill \xea

lind ox er'lookmg .-\slrton lane. Share xx rth one male. L250 pcm -'~ bills rno (‘ouncil 'l'ax r. Axailable rrrnrredratel}. Male or lernale. l’hone 0l4l 3 34 S500 ask lot' And}.

I Very large room available xx itlr lounge. in cerrtrallx heated llat. to share xx rth three others. \'er_x harrdx tor \Vest lind amenities. L340 pcm rrrcltrdrrrg ('fl‘ax. \Vould strrt prof/post

grad. ('all 0|4l 445 3S3l.

I Large room available in spacious. corrrl‘ortable. West lind llat. l‘eltrale xx anted. pr‘el'erabl} post-gr'ad/linal )ear student. to share xx rth one male/ one l'emale. Must be :ron-wrroker and cat lrrendly LISO pcm plus bills. Ill4| 337 3772.

I Single room in attl'aclix'e West lind flat to rent. Share kitchen. bathroorrr. lrx ing room xx itlr one other l‘emale. l’rol'. n/s lemale pr'el‘err‘ed. 'l‘el: 0l4l 4 34 0107.

I West End Large roorrr rrr stx‘lrslr lrorrre. oxx'ti phone. to share xxrtlr independent rrrtrrrr and tlrree-_\ear-old. L40 p/xxcelx plus bills and some babx sitting. .\'/\ l‘l‘t‘l'et‘t'etl. 'l'el lll4l 940

0‘) Hi,

I West End flat ( )ne/txx o double rooms axarlable l'rom lid} to ( )ct. possibl) longer tertrr. (i(‘ll. xx aslrmg trraclrrne. all rrrod cons. L220 pctrr including bills. l’hone ls'ate 0l-ll 334 H034.

I Furnished room lll large. bright llat. All mod cons. close to all West lind amenities. L280 pcm trrrcl (712m excluding bills. (‘ontact 0|41 337(1725 alter 7pm. l’r'ol IlHll-Sllltllxt‘l [‘I'el'c‘l'l'c‘xl.

I Particlchill Room axarlable in really big and l'riendlx l'latshare. L200 pcm plus share ol' lecc). l’rolessrorials onl_x please. (‘all .-\l.tlt xitt Ill-l l 34 l ll23l

I Working person n/s recruited l‘or large room Ill sunnx Southside llat. Rent L 180 pctrr plus bills + deposit. ('ontact Raxnrond 0l4l 423 2405.

I Lovely room available .‘xlons l-rrs onl}. Surt non— srnolong corrrrrruter. l'errrale pr'el‘er'r'ed. Situated near

ls'elx rrrbrrdge. Slrarrrrg xx rth one t'errrale. (3(‘ll. Rent rregotrable. ll|~ll H7 quU.

I Kelvingrove rrglrt nut to park. Room rrr three bedroom llat. sharing xxrtlr one rrrale. one l'errrale. l.r\ mg room. gas (’ll. irircroxxaxe. shared loxx bills Ll‘l2 pcrrr .-\\arlable beginning .lulx ill-ll 334 l74.\‘

I Three rooms to let lll ltrll_x relurbrslred basement llat. 'l‘xxo toilets. slroxxei. kitchen and brand nexx appliances. Vet} central. (’essnoclc. urrdetgrourrd and bus routes. 0l4l 4 l‘) 055p, L40 pxx urrtrl September then L55 pxx rnc \xater rates. ('ouncil 'las

I Sunny, furnished tloiitxlt- lHHlll lxi lt‘l. Stilllll\ltlL' \Vtillixl

grooxx' llatmate. (Tim and bills. ('all 0141 57‘)

suit prol. to share xx rth one other. Lo5 pxx mcl bills + ('/’l'a\ not phone. (‘all (ll-ll 422 1442. I Room available It] large. non-smoking. (iarnethrll tlat. sharing xx rth three others. l'llllllsllc‘tl. (i('ll. all mod cons. L55 pxx' inc bills. Students onl_x. ;\xarlable llllxl-lllllc‘. ('all .\l;tr’rl}rr 0|4l 333 l73o.

I Pleasing, well-decorated tlat m l)ennrstoun. one mile li'oiti c‘tl_\ centre. \ec'lxs one tlatnrate. (‘entral heatrrrg. batlr. shoxx er. ltxing room. LlSll pent. l’lrone (ll-l l 5.50 23 l 2.

I Large room Ill spacltitts llat. Scotstotmlrill. (il4 ‘)li.-\. .\lale postgrad. lilectrrc shoxx er.

xx ashmg irraclrrrre. turrrble drier. l'rtdge tree/er etc. L2 l0 pcm + bills. l’hone ex errrng 0|4l 05‘) 804 l. tltl}? l’eter‘ Hl4l 330 3700. I West End 'l'xxo double rooms in large. surrrr_x. three-bedroom llat. (i(‘ll. xxaslnng machine. L220 pcm pltrs 2540.

I Pleasant room llt Stittllisltle llat. All irrod cons. central heating. next to underground. Llo0 pctrr. no bills. l’hone Isla till Hlsll 427 I735.


ATTRACTIVE SUNNY ROOM axailable in large. shared. pt'ol'essltittttl house ltlst till. the Roxal .\lrle. .-\ll rrrod cons pltrs cottlltitls. L200 pcttt pltis bills.

Tel: 0131 557 2395.

I Help! Room xxanted in clean llat l'r'orrr end of lime to rrrrd September. tor eas_x v-gomg. rnusrc-loxrng rrrale. 25 wars old. t)l2‘)-l 2| 3548'.

I Double room to let lll lop cit_x centre llat. All rrrod cons. central lreatrrrg. Ll‘)5 pcm plus cheap bills. (‘flas included. 'l‘el 0|3l 228 4708.

I Flatmate wanted to share xx itlr c‘ttsx'-gtillig gu} and girl in Stocklu'idge. All rrrod cons. Srrrgle roorrr. Ll.\’0 per‘ month plus bills. Ntrrr-srrrtrkirrg prol'essronal lerrrale prel‘er‘red. 'l‘el 0| 3| 3 32 27(i0 alter" (rpm.

I Two double rooms .t\'.ltl'.ll‘lc‘ in huge. nexx l_x decorated. sunnx tt‘l‘ lloor in l.ertlr xx ith loads ot' character and great x iexxs; Suit .1 pr‘ol‘essronal or rrrature/graduate student Igax triendlx‘l. Slrarrrrg xx rth txxo others. all rrrod cons. txxo bathrooms. great men .s and xer_x coml'ortable. L220 per morth rrrcl ('ouncil ’l‘as. .-\xarlable trom l5 June To meet and x rexx lr'onr l0 .lurre please lc‘tt\ t‘ xlelttlls till lt‘l (ll 3l 5.54 745‘) tit H4 ll) 7.54.503.

I Student flatmate wanted to share spacious. ('omel} liarrlx llat xx rth txxo l‘r‘rendl'x' postgrads. L220 pcm + one month deposit. .-\xarlable from I Jul): l’hone lll3l 332 3200.

I Marchmont room tll shared llat. L loo pcm pltrs bills. Non- strrolser. (‘all 0|3l 447 (i747.

I Double room in t‘r-ientllx- llat ox erloolong l)earr Village. the nuns l‘rom Princes" Street. Would suit career-rrrinded l'emale. To share with two others. .-\x‘ailable 1/7/08 ltllittttlltlltl six months

let i. L l‘)5 pcm plus bills/ deposit/('ouncil 'l'as. 0|3l 225 4 l‘)2.

I Room available to let in large house with garden and pets. Suit lesbian/biseural. Rent l'r'om Ll80 pcm including (‘fl'ax l)SS welcome. (‘all for info 0l3l 552 007l.

I Flatmate wanted Single room in (iillespie ('r'escent. 'l‘ollet‘tiss lti share with three others. L l‘)0 pcm. Washer/dryer. (i('ll. double gla/mg. Available Sept July or lor one year" from “7/98. 0| 3| 22‘) 960‘).

I Friendly. outgoing student l'latmate xx arrted to share with one bloke and one girl rrt c‘orrrl‘orlable. llrt'ee per'son llal on Nexxmgton Road. l.ease can start betxx'een .llll)‘ and October as required. Rent is apr'ox £180 pcm with reduction in summer. l’lrorre (ienrry on ()l 3] (im 4935 lot‘ rrrore details.

I Central flat llig lit).\l‘tmtll

xx'rth double bed in 'l‘ollcross llat.

('entr'al heating and other mod cons. .\ltrst be easy-going and

like cats. Sharing with one other.

L I50 pcm pltrs bills and (‘fl'ax 0|3| 22S 27l3.

The l.l‘)l Flatslrare l4 l-irglr Street Etlmlitrrglr



How To Place a



By phone: Call 0131-5581191 from 10am - 5pm By e-mail: You can reach us at ads@| Please supply a postal address when using e-marl, but do not leave your credit card details.

By fax: Fill in the form on page 95 and fax rt to The List on Oi 3i 557 8500

By post: Fill in the form on page 95 and post it to;

The List Flatshare At the CCA

350 Sauchrehall Street Glasgow 62 3JD

No payment is required as FLATSHARE lineage adverts are a free service to readers.

Deadline for the next issue rs 12 noon on THURSDAY l8 JUNE l998.